The Spook Factor
-Either way, the four Pokémon are dancing to it-Hayate: "Yeah, like that!" -then song- "Ooooh, that's good!"
Fate: "Not literally, but it's a song about... Passion I suppose?"
Nanoha: "I haven't paid much attention to the lyrics..."
Neat to know
-Indeed, which feels odd to her given that people in Gensokyo are generally very nimble, not to mention Kazumi's beams-
Breakdown: "No, not really... Nor did I on Velocitron" -they wonder what is Velocitron?-
Oriko: "I see, hopefully I can provide them with enough assistance"
Jack: "But it really sounds close enough..."
-But there interdimensional travelers have some unique tricks up their sleeves...-
Steven: "Velocitron? What place is that?"
Kirby: "Aw, I'm sure you can!"
Even without a Pokeball?
Steven: "'s actually about one of your own friends..."Sothis: "I suppose she has a point. However, I doubt you came here just to present me your friend so I shall ask; what is your purpose?"
Weiss: Oh no...
Hinoka: "Yeah, for better of for worse."
Camilla: "Oh you~"
(I feel bad fir both Sprig and Ivy...)
-The sounds of thunder can then be heard as Sprig looks back and states "Oh, thank frog! Finally!" As a dark orchestra song plays to a choir chanting "Chilca-lisk, Chicka-lisk, watch out fir the Chicka-lisk..." the Chicka-lisk hovers down, where it's revealed to be none other than the same giant chicken monster from the shows opening theme, with the additions of scars, bat wings and various weapons embedded in it's back-

-Cackled at that-
Roman: "Oh, you do? What is it, Fran?"
Sothis: "Someone's quick to figure things out. I like that."
Weiss: "I would be worried if I were him..."
Hinoka: "Yeah, totally!"
Alear: "That is... if your world can still be salvaged..."
Nel: "..."
Byleth: "I hope she's doing well..."
Kanna: "We should focus on stopping them first..."
Epimenides: I suppose the Lich's monsters can be of use...
Zelda: "So we've been to all the major settlements, but Hyrule has plenty of other sights if you're interested..."
Ingrid: "Oh, I would like to know the recipe as well."
Queen Medusa: "Shut up..."
Pandora: "Oh, so you want things to be all business-like, hm? And here I thought you liked the praise."![]()
Maybe she's just planning a really big surprise party?Monika: "She said that the hospital she works at would allow her to get off earlier today, so I'm a little worried..."
Iroha: "...Maybe we should..."
Suzune: "It could drive them away from Gravity Fallsthough, that would be good"
Tart: "And hopefully, they aren't helped by anyone..."
-Kiara who was arguing with Andersen about the validity of the many adaptations of his works-
That's fine by me, you do as you see fit.
Minou: "It depends on wether or not they can transport us to those locations..."
Alina: "We won't know unless we try, so let's not lose nostro tempo"
Minou: "Indeed, excuse us Mother"
-Isabeau nodded as they went off, expecting to create new magical girls...But before they were fully off-
Isabeau: You four...
-Kanna, Sasa, Kagari and Alina were surprised at Isabeau sending a telepathic message at them-
Isabeau: I don't know what you four did to make Minou be this open to you. However, I wish that you all keep at it.
Kanna: ...Sure thing, Queen.
Minou: "Did something happen?"
Sasa: "N-Nothing, let's go on!"
Kagari: "Yeah, there must be some of those creatures here, so let's" -and thus the five of them leave the roomto find any Demogorgon-
Tamamo: "How many romantic spots are there?"
Artemis: "Oh, you would need to contact Demeter for that!"
Gorgon: "I understand you..."
Ereshkigal: "Yes! I-I mean, uh... Yes, professional!"
-Indeed, she tries to hide her amusement smirk as Liz is served some tea and sips-
Zelestia: "You've never done that as far as I've known you..."
-Jalter's eyes were shiny-
Sitonai: "that's right, also, nice horse!"
Fujino: "Any flaws?" -not any notable ones-
Hayate: "Yeah, like that!" -then song- "Ooooh, that's good!"
Fate: "Not literally, but it's a song about... Passion I suppose?"
Nanoha: "I haven't paid much attention to the lyrics..."
Neat to know
-Indeed, which feels odd to her given that people in Gensokyo are generally very nimble, not to mention Kazumi's beams-
Breakdown: "No, not really... Nor did I on Velocitron" -they wonder what is Velocitron?-
Oriko: "I see, hopefully I can provide them with enough assistance"
Jack: "But it really sounds close enough..."

Dipoer: "We also have to work on clearing your names after that..."
-She's glad Minou made friends...-
Are there any other outposts or recently discovered locations ideal for scientific research?
Or any theaters?
Hekapoo: "Demeter?"
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