The Spook Factor
???: "Yo, we're the owners alright! The name's Sweet!" -That was said by the short speaker Darkner that appears to have a cycloptic-like eye-Hayate: "Hmmm, I think those are the owners"
Nanoha: "...The music in the store is catchy"
-Fate bowed in respect upon being sighted-
Aya: “…Are you really giving me a shield to defend myself?”
Breakdown: “Have you ever met the Dinobots?”
Oriko: "That's correct" -bows- "My name is Oriko Mikuni, I'm a magical girl"
-And speaking of said mommy, Semiramis… Was eating a whole chocolate cake on her own-
???: "I go by Cap'n!" -That was said by the cassette player-like Darkner of fairly average height wearing sunglass-
???: "And my name's K_K!" -That, of course, was said by the tall green CD player-like Darkner-
What's the point of a battle if it's not a fair one?

Steven: "Well, yeah? They love to fight, but I don't think that means they want the war to last for eons..."
Kirby: "Oh, like Nanoha and her friends! Or Illya and Miyu!"
-The Frogadier Bros.' jaws dropped in shock and concern-
Steven: "They've probably tried to convince her before, too...If they haven't succeeded in changing her thoughts about humans, and even her own Pokemon hasn't...who could?"-Steven... doubts those people will work because he can assume they've tried?-
-a little, yes-
Camilla: "If I hadn't, I would have taken advantage of you asking to strike while your guard's down~"
-Connie was initially surprirsed to hear that, but then got a thoughtful expression, trying to think of who else could help with this task-
-After returning to their house and thanking Chuck for looking after it while they were gone, Hopediah calls a family meeting-
-As it turns out, their concept plan to cover up the fact that he and Polly forgot the wishlist and that none of them got any of them anything they requested that they thought up and agreed on is to summon a monster to eat the presents, using the fake story that it showed up by chance and somehow getting it eat to a bunch of empty gift boxes they wrapped. Thankfully, Anne at least says "But what monster? Nothing too dangerous. We don't want anyone to actually get hurt.", insisting that they don't summon anything that could actually put the townspeople in danger-
...HA! Fair enough!

Sothis: "There's also another gift for you four. We didn't bother wrapping it but we knew it should come after giving you these tomes. Wait just a minute!"
-it's then that Sothis opens the large sack that accompanies her and jumps inside in-
Sothis: "Now where is it... Ah, there it is! Byleth, my vessel, could you come give me a hand."
-Byleth nodded and, despite finding the situation strange, did so without question-
-about a minute later, the duo comes out with a shelf to store their books, both those they just got and any other they may own-
Kanna: "The more I hear of them, the more I want to crush them... They make Illya's contract with Ruby sound so tame in comparison."
-Illya couldn't deny that?-
Kamui: "I'll come with you then. I'm not leaving my best friend behind. I.. I feel ready to be on the field again too."
-Leanne would sneeze... but Kamui and Jeanne really grew close lately :V-
Epimenides: Surely there are places not large enough to put a target on you yet large enough to give your mother a proper army...
-with that said, Zelda does remember getting to see some of her drafts and giving feedback, since they shared a room in the old base... she wonders if Okki will still do that if the two are alone-
-if she doesn't, then Zelda will start to suspect that the drawing is one of herself :V-
Queen Medusa: I wish I was like her; uninvited...
Viridi: "It's either that or she breaks the door... Might as well prevent property damage." -unlocks the door but made it pretty damn clear with the expression on her face that she does NOT like that-
Ingrid: "Thank you so much~ I brought snacks~!" -which were carried by some clones of hers-
Viridi: "At least she brought some goods... Are any of them organic?"
Ingrid: "Most of them, yes. I figured the Goddess of Nature would enjoy that."
Viridi: ...What is she plotting?
-Ingrid's plotting nothing this time; she just saw this as an opportunity to relax-
Pandora: "Well duh, but you still didn't answer my first question, Eresh-cutie~ What kind of work would I do?"
XJ-5: "They're still entire shelves, and that's just part of their whole style and aesthetic!"Natsuki: "Huh... What are these books about now?"
Yuri: "They look pretty rustic..."
Oriko: "As you know, despite how vast an universe is, energy is still finite. These aliens, the Incubators, however, found a method to actually create more energy and thus counter entropy with their magic, by harvesting the emotions of others... And what is more emotional than a young girl?"
Suzune: "You're our age, so you should know well the problems we face. From struggling with self-acceptance, to suddenly hormones taking over your mind and body, to having to deal with a sexist society that hates and criticizes all you do, and so on. So they decided to prey on girls age 10 to 19"
Kazumi: "All with the promise of a wish they can grant... Of course, they don't tell the majority of girls they deal what awaits them, that if they despair or use too much magic, they will become those undead Witches, and that they need to kill more Witches to remain human"
Iroha: "Approaching us when we're vulnerable... I... My wish was to cure my sister of her chronic illness. I didn't know that then they would target her to become a magical girl too... Sentencing us to one day become Witches or die fighting for the universe's sake..."
Tart: "I.. I was told by mine that he was once even compared to an incubus..."
Illya: "Magical girls are meant to bring hope, not... That..."
-They do bestie things offscreen- :V
Jeanne: "I'm really glad to hear that, I'm sure we'll be able to get through this"
Alina: "Ché palle, seems we really need to evaluate this, then..."
Kanna: -Instantly looks at the two suggestion- "I can see both points. Currently three girls our age disappeared in Los Angeles, while there's a town in Connecticut called Gravesfield that already has a pretty bad local rumor of a strange woman looking for garbage, so they could blame disappearances on the rumor"
Kagari: "You are welcome for the suggestion of the latter~"
Sasa: "Huh, doesn't sounds too bad for us if you ask me..."
Minou: "Hmmmm, they're certainly options..."
-Okki sighed in relief-
-What they didn't know is that seeing Iroha was inspiring the Assassin to draw a magical girl design-
Rin: -Sigh- "I guess it's too late from backing up from this now..."
Sakura: "Oooh, can I have a taste of them, please?"
Ophanimon: "Also hello~"
Ereshkigal: "For starters... Ah, I know, you should over some of the souls!"
XJ-8: "Our calcucations have confirmed that they have more than enough room to store your collective amount of books."
// Had them say this since I assume the shelf wasn't gift-wrapped and if it was, that it'd have been opened by the Dokis by now.

Pacifica: "..." -Was going to comment on the things Oriko and Suzune said, but thing Iroha's story shocked her outright silent-
-Yeah, Leanne and the rest of Team Resonance are still in the background- :V
-That's actually cool, but I wouldn't be surprisedi f she's done sketches of her friends or other new arrivals at some point as well- :V
Hekapoo: "Sup, Ingrid?"