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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Nora: I know, right?!
-nodding cherry blossom-
Robin Hood: "How? Weren't you teenagers not long ago? You barely entered adulthood!"
Kintoki: "I'm glad you're having fun then" -Pats while smiling-
"She does...but barely. Apart from Broly already weakening her badly enough, this desperate hold leaves her wide-open for Broly to demolish her."
-It also leaves the others with enough time to get into Frisk's reality marble-

-How it looks like?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Ren: "So?"
Elise: -smiling too-
Robin Hood: "Teenagers are rampant with hormones, how is it that you weren't glued after knowing each other so long and always being together?"
Kintoki: "Say you two, do you know what an amusement park is?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-he grabs the swords from the bladed ends and flashes a sadistic smirk-
-he grabs her by the head and slowly starts to crush it, to prolong her suffering-
-It also leaves the others with enough time to get into Frisk's reality marble-
"Out of spite, she wants to say "I'll kill you and everyone you ever cared about.."."

"...But she's too injured and weak to even speak."

"In utter desperation, she weakly out to Frisk's soul to enter it, barely holding out just one of her arms in her struggle to do so..."

"Said soul's reality marble....initially looks empty. Like a big black void. Then, the void turns into the Snowdin Town from the Underground. Then, Watefall. Then, Hotland. Then, the mountain cliff from which the monsters viewed the sunset upon first being freed. And finally, the modern town itself that they saw in the distance."

"The transitions repeat themselves in that order. There's no initial signs of life or danger...."
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"Out of spite, she wants to say "I'll kill you and everyone you ever cared about.."."

"...But she's too injured and weak to even speak."

"In utter desperation, she tries to reach out to Frisk's soul to enter in..."

"Said soul....initially looks empty. Like a big black void. Then, the void turns into the Snowdin Town from the Underground. Then, Watefall. Then, Hotland. Then, the mountain cliff from which the monsters viewed the sunset upon first being freed. And finally, the modern town itself that they saw in the distance."

"The transitions repeat themselves in that order. There's no initial signs of life or danger...."
Mash: "This soul...It's not harmful like the others"

Altera: "No. It's rather welcoming"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Robin Hood: "Teenagers are rampant with hormones, how is it that you weren't glued after knowing each other so long and always being together?"
Kintoki: "Say you two, do you know what an amusement park is?"
Ren: "Probably because we see each other as siblings?"
Elise: "Um..."

Sakura: "Is it a park where we have fun?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Mash: "This soul...It's not harmful like the others"

Altera: "No. It's rather welcoming"
That's what you think. In the boy's world, I may be suffering. But my will now commands this little remaining fraction of Frisk's mind. And if you're here, then I can finally get rid of you without interruption.

Come out and show yourself you cowardly brat!

hey....Chara? just gonna be the bigger guy here and give you a heads-up. a warning: i got a bone to pick with you. for everything you and your friend did to me...to my home.... to my friends...to my brother. it's time to face the consequences, kid....for real this time. no second chances after this one. no more saving. no more game overs. no more resets. no more screwing with time like it's your favorite toy. this is gonna end now. forever. "eyes going black."

You really don't have a single clue about the truth? Maybe I'll explain it to you just before I kill you and take whatever souls your friends have that aren't worthless. That way, you'll die knowing just how pathetic, twisted, and
made-up the circumstances behind your newfound lives truly are. You'll leave this world, angry, pained and miserable. Nothing will redeem it. There's no noble sacrifices to be had here. I'll make sure of that. You can't save your friends, and you can't save yourselves.

"Every hazard that appeared in previous Soul's reality marbles start to phase into reality around them. They also see Frisk's SOUL rising up in the distance. A vision of a more demonic, shadowy Chara is clutching it."

"By now, the real form of Chara is so limp that she isn't even moving, or doing anything, period. She won't dying until that Soul's gone, but is utterly useless out there now. Broly, with a moment of help from Gokaigers, did that much of a number on her."
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Robin Hood: "It's weird, hormones are usually rampant..."
Kintoki: "I was thinking, you guys deserve to go to one after this is over"
Deadpool: -warps in- "Come on, dude. That'd be like saying someone they should do their freaking sister! That's wrong on so many levels!"
-they happy-

You will find your FIGHT button no longer works~
Huh? -tries-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
"By now, the real form of Chara is so limp that she isn't even moving, or doing anything, period. She won't dying until that Soul's gone, but is utterly useless out there now. Broly, with a moment of help from Gokaigers, did that much of a number on her."
-from her lair...-

Isis: Not quite dead, but useless enough to qualify as such. Let's go get her. Now!
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
"The former flower isn't looking too great either."

Isis: Her friend is not looking too great now... But he's soulless and therefore, worth nothing to me. I'll take what I can get, however... "Hades. Go fetch that kid for me." -snaps her fingers, making a portal appear-

Hades: "About time you decided to do something, lady."

Isis: -just shot a glare at him-

Hades: "Be back soon!"

-wrong gender lol-
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Isis: Her friend is not looking too great now... But he's soulless and therefore, useless. "Hades. Go fetch that kid for me." -snaps her fingers, making a portal appear-

Hades: "About time you decided to do something, lady."

Isis: -just shot a glare at him-

Hades: "Be back soon!"

-wrong gender lol-
"Got it lol."

"He's gonna have to deal with an angreh Broly and some galactic pirates upon arrival...."

"If the young monster and fallen child don't survive, The Lich won't be happy. Not only because this will further screw up Isis' plans, but because The Lich had already concocted a back-up plan of his own, just in case hers fails; and Flowey and Chara would very important to it."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
That's what you think. In the boy's world, I may be suffering. But my will now commands this little remaining fraction of Frisk's mind. And if you're here, then I can finally get rid of you without interruption.

Come out and show yourself you cowardly brat!

hey....Chara? just gonna be the bigger guy here and give you a heads-up. a warning: i got a bone to pick with you. for everything you and your friend did to me...to my home.... to my friends...to my brother. it's time to face the consequences, kid....for real this time. no second chances after this one. no more saving. no more game overs. no more resets. no more screwing with time like it's your favorite toy. this is gonna end now. forever. "eyes going black."

You really don't have a single clue about the truth? Maybe I'll explain it to you just before I kill you and take whatever souls your friends have that aren't worthless. That way, you'll die knowing just how pathetic, twisted, and
made-up the circumstances behind your newfound lives truly are. You'll leave this world, angry, pained and miserable. Nothing will redeem it. There's no noble sacrifices to be had here. I'll make sure of that. You can't save your friends, and you can't save yourselves.

"Every hazard that appeared in previous Soul's reality marbles start to phase into reality around them. They also see Frisk's SOUL rising up in the distance. A vision of a more demonic, shadowy Chara is clutching it."

"By now, the real form of Chara is so limp that she isn't even moving, or doing anything, period. She won't dying until that Soul's gone, but is utterly useless out there now. Broly, with a moment of help from Gokaigers, did that much of a number on her."
-Mash decides it's time to pull out her Noble Phantasm-

-Which she mentally slaps herself for not using before- :V

Mash: “True Name, unveiling——I shall rise to the Siege Perilous. The place that cures all wounds and dissolves all hatred, our home, sits here!――

Manifest, Lord Camelot!”

Deadpool: -warps in- "Come on, dude. That'd be like saying someone they should do their freaking sister! That's wrong on so many levels!"
-they happy-
Robin Hood: "Okay, you're kinda right. Only a creepy otaku would want that"
Erika: "We so will!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
"Got it lol."

"He's gonna have to deal with an angreh Broly and some galactic pirates upon arrival...."

"If the young monster and fallen child don't survive, The Lich won't be happy. Not only because this will further screw up Isis' plans, but because The Lich had already concocted a back-up plan of his own, just in case hers fails; and Flowey and Chara would very important to it."
-Isis herself also had a backup plan of her own, something that's been set up ever since Ingrid found out that doctor snooping around the base-

-but for now, Hades walks through the portal-

Deleted member

-Isis herself also had a backup plan of her own, something that's been set up ever since Ingrid found out that doctor snooping around the base-

-but for now, Hades walks through the portal-
-sees him-
You got some nerve showing your ugly face around here....


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Isis herself also had a backup plan of her own, something that's been set up ever since Ingrid found out that doctor snooping around the base-

-but for now, Hades walks through the portal-
"Snooping as usual, she saw? :p"

"In all seriousness, that's interesting to know. As for Hades, well....again, angreh Broly and lots of galactic pirates."

-Mash decides it's time to pull out her Noble Phantasm-

-Which she mentally slaps herself for not using before- :V

Mash: “True Name, unveiling——I shall rise to the Siege Perilous. The place that cures all wounds and dissolves all hatred, our home, sits here!――

Manifest, Lord Camelot!”

Smart move, Mash. Look alive, everyone! Incoming!

"Bullets and fireballs all hit the castle. As do giant fists."

You'll have to come out of there eventually. And when you do...

"They see hallucinations of each and all of themselves floating in front of the castle, dying in absolutely horrific manners that only the likes of Flowey and Chara would envision."

"Distantly, a vision of a different child is cast from the Soul....a Soul the monsters of the Underground recognize."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Robin Hood: "Okay, you're kinda right. Only a creepy otaku would want that"
Erika: "We so will!"
Deadpool: "Thank you!"

Ren: "No, thank you, ninja dude."

-sees him-
You got some nerve showing your ugly face around here....
Hades: "I'd rather not listen to beauty comments from an ape, thank you very much. I'm just a soccer mom picking up a child from their practice session, that's all." :p

Oh my! You don't even know what I mean!
Then this really will be a new experience for you....I almost feel sorry for you.....almost~.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
It did...Darnit

Mash: "We need to move, the castle will boost our collective defenses so long it still stands!"
It's fine, haha. Not sure how it wound up that way but it's fixed with this reply now.


"Undyne runs at high speeds while carrying her Pokemon."

"Sans is moving around without even being seen much. Greg does something very similar."

"Papyrus is performing flashy acrobatic moves to get through quickly and hopefully safely."

"Alphys is there, too. She jumps in a small hovercraft built for herself."

"Bullets are immediately fired at anyone who leaves the castle. A barrier of spinning knives also appears before them as they run."
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