Neo: -looks at it with confusion... but really likes the top hat-
-Totodile's reaction?-
Star: "Please fully work, please fully work..."
-you know those old cartoons where people literally hover because of the scent coming off from the pies?-
-that's what's happening-
-just does a dark chuckle to hide the fact he's actually legit terrified of the prospect of the former getting involved-
I see....then I suppose you'll be learning along with Monika.
-notices the Ball-
-both the mermaid and the guard robot are unable to break free-
-gotta do something, Spirit of Wind, at least before the Tamer shows up :V-
-his struggles are getting weaker as the potion is working like smelling salts and seeming to snap him back to his senses, reversing the triggered Mega Evolution-
(Sorry for the late reply everyone; going through a lack of motivation for damn near everything in life.)
Artoria: "Then we'll get some of the pie, got it"

-also hungry on her own-
White-haired woman: -Sigh- "Are we fully in the clear about this?"
Mash: "Well... It might be fun?"
Monika: "But still means a lot of responsibility"
Frankenstein: "It's something for the future... Maybe!"
-And as they do, she's starting to focus in a similar way that Mermaimon did before... Wanting to use all the power she had, concentrating to attain it-
Medea: "Lucario... Can you hear me?"
(It's fine, it has happened to me many times)
Vulpix: "(Isn't wanting to make friends normal?)"
...That's actually a big relief. Heh, Frisk would be happy to see a place like Gensokyo. 
Steven: "Breakdown? What's wrong...?"

-The Luxray nods, confirming what Atalanta said is correct-
-Oriko wonders what a Pokemon is?-
Sweet: "We used to sell food."
Cap'n: "But that was to support our rebellion!"
K_K: "We've still got some food in stock, but we've given more it to the Seam at the general store!"
-"Seam" is pronounced "Shawm" as a reminder-
Hayate: “Yes, but everyone reacts differently to it”
Ran: “Well, there is still a lot of conlifct and tensions… But the combat system we use ensures no meaningless death on the least”
Breakdown: “They’re here!” -highlights shine over them now-
Oriko: “I heard that word a few times now…”
Atalanta: “But are still unfamiliar, it seems”
Jack: "The shom? What is a shom?"
-but the idea of bonding with her sisters eventually won over her questioning?-
-forgot dragons and Iskandar-
Perhaps he can be trusted with the Divine One's safety...
Shez: "That's the spirit!"
Alear: "The Ring of the Princess Exalt, if I recall?"
Byleth: -after getting Shez to set up the dummy (might as well have her do something if she's there)- "No holding back. In a real battle scenario, your foe would not either."
-Helps that they were too insistent to refuse- :V
Kids should be enjoying their time...
-Safety for if anything happens to them?-
Jalter: "Cheers~!" -sips some more-
Sitonai: "Yep! The one with the homunculus who looks a lot like her!"
-Suzune nodded, already little her blade on fire-
Mabel: "I actually kind of did..."

Dipper:- Sighs- "Long story short, three years ago, nobody in Gravity Falls really believed in all the supernatural stuff that was in the town, so when some government agents showed up to investigate it, I tried to prove it to them using Great Uncle Ford's journal ,and when that didn't work, I panicked and just recited the first spell I could find, and that spell just so
happened to turn out to be one that raises up a bunch of zombies!"
Susie: "Uh, hibernation?"
Ralsei: "I-I promise we won't let you down!"

-But would either Jenny or Shez be able to retrieve the cartridge in time?!-
Star: "Can't we just ask Enkidu to find her? Maybe the Rulers already considered that..."
-One student outright curses, rather fearlessly telling Minou "
You're a witch with a capital B!"-
Have you any further inquiries?
-Only the Pines, Soos, Melody, Wendy, McGucket and Pacifica will upon returning...-
Tetra: "...What...happened to him?"
TLink: "Even the few Ganondorfs that we've fought before have never entered a form like
Hekapoo: "...You wanna dish out a real punishment? Try having crummy employees drink a full glass of orange juice after brushing their teeth. It tastes absolutely awful."
-She may have overheard their conversation earlier- :V
Alear: "...................."
Veyle: "Big Sister...?"

Nel: "She's never been the fondest about the undead..."
Ingrid: "Yukari likes the sleep. A lot. She calls it hibernation because it sounds cooler."
-what KoP asked?-
Kanna: "They might have already. It'll be nice to have my sister's Servant along in general too."
They'll give their position away far too easily... but the sheer size of it can still give them an advantage.
Link: "He used to look even more human..." -showing a picture of the fight's first phase-
Zelda: "But then he stole one of the Zonai's secret stones, which allow it user to dramatically enhance their power. However, I should point out that it does not give new powers but merely amplify one's innate powers. Merely using its power was enough to turn him into a Demon King."
Sothis: "It's only thanks to having a Master who knows what a fractured mind is that she's able to maintain her original self..."
Pandora: "That's pure evil, Hekapoo..."
Martha: "Oh..."
How many undead people do we have around? -this was before the megucas-
Yukari: "What can I say? I like resting well"

-somewhere, Tiki felt kinship-
Lindy: "In the meanwhile, go on! These evildoers won't cause any harm as long as I can take a look over them"
-For a moment, yeah-
Kuroto: "HUH?!" -however, neither of them would be able to destroy the cartridge
as he'll recover it in a bit-
Emu: "Alright, that should take care of that. As of you" -he pulls out a cartidge of his own, which when pressed said cartridge yells "
MIGHTY BROTHERS XX!" before putting it in his GamerDriver, leading to this!-
ORE GA OMAE DE! (I am you!)
OMAE GA ORE DE! (You are me!)
-As a result, there are now two of him-
Illya: "I wouldn't be surprised if they come with him"
Tart: "I'd love to fight alongside Jeanne again as well!"
Minou: "May I kill this one?"
Wait, why am I asking? I usually just would
Kanna: "No, not yet at least"
Sasa: "Heheh~ Maybe they can serve us doing chores when not in battle like the gnomes!"
Alina: "I still want to vent my frustrations on something..."
Kagari: "You may when we get to Gravesfield. And speaking of, we shall return and then go there"
Airi: "None right now..."
???: "A smart choice of words~" -Airi would turn to see whoever just spoke, turning to see one of the two children Alina brought for their plans, having recovered her full coloration and walking around with a childish smile while holding a parasol-
One of those kids! They must have brainwashed her to be more active...
Touka: "Pleasure to meet you, Airi Anri! I am Touka Satomi. I had heard from Alina of what happened"
Airi: "Uh, what do you mean what happened?"
Touka: "Indeed, that the awakening of Embryo Eve was interrupted once by that brat of Iroha Tamaki and her friends, causing a surge that blew up our Earth and forced us into a new universe and few survived"
That's not at all what happened... What the heck is an Embyo Eve? Whetever, I guess I'll play along... "Yeah. It sucks"
Touka: "Indeed, however, the proof of the multiverse's existence proves that the Wings of the Magius's goals can still go on: The liberation of all magical girls from our curse. To never become those pesky Witches"
Airi: "Uh-huh... With, uh, all the sacrifices that come with them, right?"
Touka: "Of course. After all, magical girls are already all undead, so why care for lesser beings?"
-The weirdest part is that Airi can't tell wether this child says this because of her brainwash... Or if she already has this mentality-
-But what if... Maybe that's what they want?-
Iroha: "So it's kinda like summoning a Doppel... Ah, now I'm rambling, sorry!"
Ophanimon: "That sounds horrible for you both. I'm sorry"
Kiara: "No, you're not bad intentioned"
-That even made both Medusa and Ereshkigal tremble for a second-