The Spook Factor
Squirtle: "(Wait, why not? Are there not really any dangerous things there?)"Nanoha: "Why not? Ah, just, um... You'd need to not use your moves..."
Kazumi: "But still, that can't be good for the people cooking..."
Dropkick: "We have no time to answer that"
Shatter: "Apologies for his response, we're just in a hurry"
-And they can still talk!-
Oriko: Huh, it's a little strange...
-Probably not right now-
Jack: "You look to be fun!"
That's why the kitchen staff went on strike a while back. They refuse to serve more than four complete meals in a day to any one person, now.

-Would the kitchen staff have worked out a deal with the Rulers by now?-
Ronaldo: "You can even still talk in your car forms?!"
-She's been quite reserved and professional overall since first arriving here...-
-Either way, it looks like they're able to speak to Oriko without interrupting a conversation now-
Sweet: "That's 'cause we're DJs!"
Cap'n: "And former rebels!"
K_K: "And the only reason why we're FORMER rebels is because the tyrant we were fighting turned good!"
Steven: "I get why...Viridi seems to hate humans more than almost anyone else here hates anything...Even if she could change her mind in just a few months or years, I don't know if she'll ever believe that there are still tons of good humans out there..."Byleth: "Not really..."
Weiss: "Shall we keep watching."
Hinoka: "Yeah, I get it too. I actually don't use Raijinto all that much. It's mostly there so I can shoot lightning from the Yumi." -which is BADASS?-
(Could we maybe order some popcorn first?)
-Isn't saying it, but she's also internally hoping that having some yummy popcorn to munch on will distract her from anything actually scary in the episode- :V
That's the weapon you were using to shoot lightning bolts from?
Emblem Tiki: "It was amazing!"
-Moon remembered the short time Jeanne was on vacation in Mewni? :V-
Alear: "Yeah, it's a lot of people, huh..."
Sothis: "As long as we keep up the pressure, Jenny, it won't be a game of horror but one of action." -cracks her knuckles- "Let us pummel this fool!"
Alear: "Does this kind of interference happen often?"
Byleth: "All the time..."
-Suzune is very not social...-
-the Lich can be outsmarted...-
Zelda: "Well, if Link is willing to help out, it shall be done within the day."
-would Kama keep up the lie of being a different person than her Beast self?-
Pandora: "But for a moment, you thought something else, didn't you~?"
Mabel: "Hey, it sure did for the battle with Decepticons! I'm sure it'll come in handy again in the future!"Martha: "It was of great help, hopefully it can serve us in the future as well"
Jeanne: "Indeed, it's why I wish to help for the occassion too"
Lindy: "I'm glad to have been hospitable enough, maybe you could return the favor some day!"
Grimlock: "Me Grimlock want challenge..."
-Kuroto with an agonized screech then summoned various identical clones of this zombie form-
Swoop: "Well me Swoop say stop zombie horde!"
Grimlock: "Fine..."
Emu: "Don't worry, we'll be clearing this with no continues!" -he pulls out a pink hammer!-
-Suzune just sighed in exasperation-
Tart: "Minou's wish ensured that no magical girl would be able to defeat her mother, I was only able to because the spirit of my friend Riz protected me at the time"
Minou: "Well look at that... The commoners believe that they have a right in saying what I should do"
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-It is seems to be the way, and those two doing it so many times... It irks him without question-
Iroha: "...Is every child here used to constant danger?"
Ophanimon: "See you~"
Kama: "I suppose I could become a Beast, but I never had" -absolutely-
Ereshkigal: "...N-Not in the slightest!" -red-
-Moon does, but doesn't mention that both because she thinks it'd be impolite and also because this time, she's worried about having enough food for everyone here in general and about all of the gluttons in particular- :V
Moon: "We'll need time to prepare it, but in the meantime, we should probably still get everyone fed and, if necessary, healed up of their injruies."
Ralsei: "You and the rest of the TSAB are welcome in the Dark World and Castle Town any time, Admiral!"
You're right! Alright, girls, who's up to teach another supervillain a lesson?
XJ-5: "Your'e preaching to the choir! Let's do this, XJs!"
-All of the XJs assumed battle stances, and all of them have either confident or angry expressions-
Dipper: "So the wish wasn't properly granted...Knowing the Incubators, it only makes sense that they'd include some sort of technicality with almost every wish, even putting the whole "Witch" thing aside..."
Mabel: "Well, not everyone here is a Magical Girl. Heck, most of Chaldea's members aren't! If Isabeau';s really back form the dead, she's in for a rude awakening!"
-The deputy among the group even asks them who they are, but still demands that they let the students go-
-The Lich himself has even admitted to that teenager that the teen has defeated him in many dimensions, but also that he always returns. In other words, while The Lich is difficult to kill, even if he were to somehow survive Chaldea and TSAB throwing absolutely everything they have at him...It's highly probable that that teenager and his dog, or at least alternate versions of them, will eventually outsmart him and figure out a way to either simply stop him again, or even all but completely undo whatever damage he's caused in his campaign of death and extinction-
-Of course, this also means that many other people could potentially outsmart him as well, and with the resources these interdimensional organizations have, could possibly do it quicker...But the Lich is also far more wary of them, and in a way, it's actually easier for him to deal with a large army than it is a lone warrior and his dog. They can and have shown up to throw a wrench in his plans as an unexpected obstalce more than once, know his magic powers and how he operates better than virutally anyone else, and while he's yet to admit it, he's grown to detest them more than even his old-arch nemesis Billy for it-
TLink: "That sure sounds like Link, and I don't mean myself in this case."

-Heavy sigh- A-All of them except for possibly Erika, and even that's only because she's one of the few who doesn't know how to fight at all...
Hekapoo: "Hey." -Casually said to Eresh-