More monsters wouldn't be an issue or too complex at least, imo.
Besides, this likely won't be the last Chaldea sees of The Lich, so there's still later arcs for other specific characters to show up. :V
True :V Admittedly one of the ideas had heavy spoilers for Engage and another for Three Houses, but oh well.
Pichu: "(So they use machines like this to build really tall buildings?)"
Girafarig: "(That's awesome!)"

Vulpix: "(I wonder if that tall building they're making in this picture makes food...)"
Ugh, this feels like a dumb prank...Well, we defeated that Tengu who was stirring up trouble for people with her hack journalism. Who do we report this to? Is Ran in charge right now?
-Lars immediately ran and hide in the storage room of the Big Donut, and while Sadie was worried about his well-being and his reaction, she nonetheless realized that hiding was probably the best option in this case, so she followed suit-
-Meanwhile, Ronaldo was trying to record the ship from the lighthouse, and other residents and tourists also go to observe the ship and figure out what's going on-
Kirby: "But still, you should at least get to enjoy
some of your own food..."

Or "Sound Test" as it's recently be renamed! Run by the DJ warrior trio Sweet Cap'n Cakes! None of them are actually food based-Darkners, by the way!
Fate: "I guess fr some employees there's a small kitchen..."
Chen: "She's doing groceries, but I'll tell her~!" :3
-They do see a lot of smoke from the crashing... However, thuds of metal are also heard...-
Oriko: "...I guess a small and thin slice..."
Semiramis: "It might be worth looking at what the deal is"
-how Miyu respond to that?-
Alear: "Well... we're both strengthened by the bonds we have for those who fight for us, aren't we? And Servants and Emblems are very similar fundamentally as well, right?" -she'd be closer to Mash due to achieving Emblemhood while alive but still...-
Alear: "How has Sigurd been for you?"
Byleth: "But you kept trying, every time. What I value most isn't results but the drive to move forward. And you have so much of that."
Miyu: "What do you mean?"
Oriko: "I don't think someone your age should do this much"
Iskandar: "Ah, so you are the one that brought those specters that can provide others a boost, I can appreciate the way they work like that"
-Indeed, Jalter having such a great time~-
Kiritsugu: "...He's been there"
Sitonai: "He seems like a very great father!"
Homura: "...Thank you" -she didn't know how much she actually needed that-
-Those words mark so much in her, as no one would ever recognise how much effort she put into saving them given how disastrous things went the first few loops she was open about her powers-
Moon: "Are you three alright?"
Yeah, and now you'll most likely be spending the rest of your life rotting in a cell.
There's got to be some way to redirect those solar flares!
"We would require an extremely strong magnetic field to deflect the solar flares, and we lack the resources to create an articicial one without also altering the orbit of this planet and other nearby astronomical objects."
Pacifica: "What? I didn't have a fork or a knife on hand."

-Not even bothered by it-
-Dipper still couldn't help but smile at the sight knowing that she's cutting loose and being more like a normal teenager-
-But what do those physical similarities mean...? Are they just doppelgangers? Or are they something like alternate counterparts? Is one of them secretly a clone of the other without at least one or both of them realizing it...?-
-That same student asks if Alina has any drawing or sculptures she made on hand, the majority of the students not realizing that the nearby park was actually the sight of outright paranormal activity-
-About Isabeau's
one redeeming quality is that her motherly love and care for her children is genuine...-
-Based on that and the fact that he wants to access other dimensions, it seems like his current goal, or at least his current plan to achieve, is to gather as many deadly and dangerous monsters as possible to amass an army to wipe out all life...-
Star: "Alright, you can tell the rest of us all about it later."
-Wait, the rest of them? Didn't Lily say that there would be more "people" in the plural sense visiting Hyrule instead of just one person like Star...?-
Hekapoo: "Still think blaming one of the organizations as if most of the enemies we can classify as multiversial-level threats they've faced targeted
them first is awfully irrational for a supposedly computer-like entity..."
Alear: "I'm perfectly fine... I should probably clean my blade at some point though." -it's still stained by Rita's blood-
-Sothis and Kuruto are basically having a reflect war when...-
Byleth! Are you trying to use my power without my permission?
Byleth: -no longer in Santa form so she can be less restrained in trying to Divine Pulse-
I'm trying to make sure we're all alive!
Zelda: "...Who else came along with you, Star?"
Ingrid: "Perhaps there is a hint of humanity behind his actions after all. Intriguing."
-oh, she and her Master are probably laughing internally lmao-
Trini: "I say everyone here needs a bath"
White Ranger: "Hmph, better that than being sent into suicide..." -clearly has no regrets over his actions as he gets escorted by TSAB mages-
Swoop: "The best we could do... Is to evaquate..." -unless Byleth manages to Divine Pulse-
-As Kuroto grabbed Sothis to throw her the floor then punch her, all while zombie copies of him tried to get close to bite her-
Oh, he really is in love.
Iroha: "Fair enough..." -eating hers-
-Oriko is eating one somehow gracefully-
Suzune: "So, you know the truth of what's going on. What will you do?"
Luca: "Hmmmm, now that you mention it... They do look really alike"
Airi: "Weirdly enough, I don't see any of them acknowledging that. But it means I better keep that weird woman's reputation from being ruined as a result"
Ayase: -Swaps places- "What a great thought! As great as how your Soul Gem shines...~"
Airi: "Tsk, don't think I'm letting you have it, at least not until the Pleiades is gone..."
Alina: "Alina makes all kinds of art, be it sculpture, painting, and so much other stuff~ In fact, you may see some of my pieces in soon~"
-Indeed, Isabeau has no problem with that given she herself is undead and so are her daughters, nor she has problems on the idea of reigning a realm of undead given she would still rule-
-So she ponders how true is it that they might get disposed of...-
Lapin: "Mother~! I'm so glad we're all together again~!" :D
Isabeau: "I'm so glad as well, my dear. But do you know where is Corbeau?"
Lapin: "Oh, she said she would go out flirt with girls around this town"
-Yeah, who else?-
Ophanimon: "In the end, I suppose he still has a surviving instinct like many do, one scared of things beyond what he comprehends"
-Indeed, both having a metaphorical high five as Eresh's hands is reaching towards Pandora-