It goes without saying that I won't be online much here today, but I thought it would be fitting to post this on Halloween itself.
EnemyDex Entry:
GL Labs #1
Class: Foreigner
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 153cm/0kg. She's a ghost, after all.
Alignment: Chaotic Mad
Origin: 1950s, United States
Debut: Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
Likes: Her parents, scaring people, horror literature, horror movies, Halloween,
Dislikes: Being called or seen as cute
Line: "Hello, I am Spooky! And this is my home. Can you, humble player, make it through a thousand rooms? Can you find, what lies at the end? Or is there even an end? Cuz I don't really know. Anyway, just.. just go."
Comment: Has killed more than a few of her own GL Labs Assistants with a knife (and sometimes a dagger or minigun) for questioning her, and a few indirectly by sending them to retrieve escaped Specimens.
Ghost of the Jump Scare Mansion. Once an ordinary girl born in the 50s, Spooky was introduced to horror books at a young age by her parents, and grew up developing a love of the genre and a hobby of trying to scare others, using light pranks and costumes, but to her annoyance, always failed. After consistently failing to scare her friends and teachers many times, at a time when the traumatic effects of war were hardly understood, Spooky eventually tried to scare her father, a veteran of World War 2, by setting off firecrackers in the house. Tragically, this triggered his PTSD, causing him to grab a rifle and shoot Spooky in a panic, only realizing too late his mistake, as his daughter died of blood loss from the wound only mere seconds later.
Desperate to try and save his beloved daughter and apologize to her, Spooky's father founded GL Labs, a scientific research company dedicated to studying the paranormal. His only successful effort to summon Spooky back from the dead, however, utilized an ancient, demonic ritual, and he even willingly sacrificed himself as a fuel source for machinery that aided it. The demonic ritual had the side effect of corrupting Spooky's mind, making her forget much of her past life and warping her mischievous but caring nature into a single-minded drive to scare others at any cost and a sheer hatred of being considered cute.
As her father's death left GL Labs without a leader, Spooky, now a cursed and violent ghost, took control of the company by force and turned the building into a facility that would collect, create and house supernatural creatures that served only two purposes: scare any visitors, and kill them to amass an army of trapped ghosts for her to command, in an effort to fulfill her new and only wish: finally making people scared of her.
Strength: B
Endurance: -
Agility: A+
Mana: A
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills:
Existence Outside the Domain: Rank EX. One's status as a life form beyond this world or having been possessed by one.
Personal Skills:
Dependent Action: Rank B. The inability to remain in existence without any magic source.
Ghost Commander: Rank A. The ability to control and command lost spirits as an army.
Mask of Deception: Rank A+. The ability to hide one's true nature.
Powerless Shell: Rank A+. The ability to not be perceived as a threat.
Sadistic Constitution: Rank C. Pleasure gained from the pain of others. Increases strength but decreases endurance.
Noble Phantasm:
The Jump Scare Mansion: House of 1000 Doors: Rank EX. Anti-World type.
The very building Spooky haunts, a massive mansion buitl by her father and GL Labs that her Soul is linked to as a vessel for her to manifest as a ghost. The mansion is effectively a massive, nearly endless maze housing numerous deadly and hostile monsters, ghosts, demons and mutants, all designated as "Specimens" under her command, and aside from key rooms such as check points, elevators and laboratories, the mansion itself is mechanical and it's rooms and layout are constantly rearranging themselves at random. Because it serves as her army of "Specimens'" home and containment unit, it's unclear whether they or the mansion itself qualify as her Spooky's primary Noble Phantasm.
Death Knife: Featured in: Mall of the Spook. Rank B, Anti-Unit type.
Spooky's main weapon of choice, a standard knife or dagger that she most commonly uses to kill minions who question her methods too much. On rare occasions, she'll use to kill a foe directly if they're causing her Specimen army too much trouble, or just for a laugh. Being a ghost, Spooky has had much time to master it and is capable of dealing severe damage aind injuries with it, but she's rarely bored enough to want to bother. Spooky immediately stopped using it after her curse was finally broken out of horror and regret, though she would still use it again no anyone who threatened her friends or those who saved her.
Attribute: Earth
Traits: Humanoid, Undead, Immune to Pigify
Notes: Had she survived, she likely would have gone on to become a horror author or movie directer, herself, as her grades didn't suffer for her hobby and she was particularly knowledgeable about classic horror authors and their books. Despite the effects of her curse, Spooky was not completely without empathy, as she still loved her parents and missed them deeply. The one person she grew to care about was Sakura Matou, who she bonded with over their shared interest in Edgar Allen Poe's works, and whose suffering in her own past was the only thing that genuinely horrified her while under the effects of her curse. After the mansion was destroyed, Spooky's curse was broken, restoring her mind to normal and freeing her spirit, and she has since reunited with her parents in Heaven.
Oriko: "...Back then, since it consumed my magic, it was more risky when it happened as I could have turned into a Witch. Thankfully, that's no longer the case"
Kazumi: "I don't play many games, but it sounds fun that way~!"
Pretender Monsters: -Have them installed- :V
-...Well, Kazumi is one after all-
Star: "Because Ingrid made it so that your Soul Gems don't work that way anymore, right?"
Steven: "It's nice to meet you guys!"
-Mash noticed that something about Ralsei in particular was oddly familiar?-
-Will she ask these two if that's the case for them as well?-
Ralsei: "It's perfectly fine! And aw, you don't need to bow, I might be the Prince here but I'm still just everyone else!"
Ruby: "At least she's realizing what will happen if she slacks off, Penny."
Weiss: "This is probably just for comedic effect."
Daisuke: "Don't look for the time. Make that time yourself."
Ingrid: "My friend is right. If you simply wait for some day off to magically appear, nothing will change."
Penny: "That is true, so I believe a moral lesson about growing up has been learned!"
Susie: -Grumbles in grumpy-
(...Yeah, that usually seems to be the case whenever something doesn't make sense in this show.)
-Back to the scavenger hunt group, Sprig reminds Anne that there's only one clue left, only for Anne to despondently respond "Yeah, and Marcy'll probably solve it before we get there..." Sprig, still clearly worried for her, tries to reassure her that she's still smart, pointing out "Oh, come on. So she's good at puzzles. That doesn't mean she's smart and you're dumb." Anne is seemingly reassured for a minute...And then they see the bridge in question-
Moon: "But what if my schedule is simply too busy? There's so many important and urgent matters to tend to..."
-Link and Wolf going for the woods-
Purah: "Scientists? Then perhaps you'd get along with my aunt Purah."
Zelda: "They already met her. Things went well."

Text ya later, sweetie~
???: "Because from what I observed, it's
your abilities specifically that I seek. Your ability to create incredibly strong humanoid beings could not only give me a good military force to contest the abomination I'm up against, but perhaps even a proper body for myself.
Another thing that helps is that you seem to be the most rational out of the five. The masked one's methods remind me far too much of someone I had a displeasure to work with in life and the other three are not exactly sane enough for me to trust them when it comes to giving my world a bright future.
You've probably noticed it yourself. Why else would you split off to ponder in front of a lake?"
-Iroha and Suzune go inspect the city along the kids, while Bumblebee drives around-
-Kazumi goes to inspect the lake, while Oriko goes to inspect the Mystery Shack-
-Tart would go to the arcade-
da Vinci: "She's quite the looker as well~"
Vice: "See ya soon~!" -and thus, all of the 41 Kamen Riders that had arrived were gone back to their world-
-Indeed, this is all just overall benefitial to him-
Kanna: "...They have their quirks, I'll admit, but I don't have much interest in taking out some false god"
-The Crystal Gems go to the main center of town-
-The Piens go with Tart to the Mystery Shack-
-I'm not sure where Star and Marco should go...-
-How does Paya respond to hearing da Vinci's comment about Purah?- :V
-Alphys waves goodbye at them as they leave,
-Will this former human ghost try to convince Kanna that the effort will benefit her goals as well?-