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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-her smile was worth it, the dress was not :V-
Phosphy: "...."
Ingrid: "Oh, how wonderful~" :3
-Maybe he should talk to Steven about it at some point. He wore a dress shamelessly once to help Sadie when she got too nervous to sing at a music festival- :V

-It didn't do much damage since it's just the standard effects of a Pokemon accidentally injuring itself in confusion, + it being an Electric-type move hitting an Electric-type Pokemon, but it still dealt a small amount of damage and cost Sparky a turn-

Sparky: "(Oof! Wh-What hit me?)" :dizzy:

(Confuse Ray did.) :p

-Eclipsra walks to a nearby bench with a table, and pours Ingrid a cup of tea, also adding slightly more to her own cup-
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-this time with the parrot-
-but they never got so drunk as to be destructive, thankfully- :p
Kamui: "I can definitely see the appeal as well." :)
Byleth: "What you're doing is no better than killing her, and she deserves so much better than that. She deserves to know what a good life is like.

She deserves to know what it's like to live without the burdens of the world over her shoulders, to live without worrying about seeing people she cares about die over and over and over, to actually look at a place she calls home without..." -rubbing her eyes- "...without feeling like merely being there hurts her."

Sothis: I can tell what you're doing, Byleth. You don't need to bring up your past if it hurts you...

Byleth: My past...? -hadn't realized she was projecting a bit- "I... I don't know her... but I feel driven to learn about her, and to find a way for her to be happy. She must have been so lonely after she... after I... after we pushed her to..." ...What have we done?

-Devil Homura also picked up on Byleth's words feeling more personal like Sothis did?-
-the others thought similarly?-
-That's quite adorable~
-Of course, this means they'll have to rush things a little-
-Nope... Just almost- :p
-Plus Emblem Corrin can't deny Kamui is lucky to have gained a new family, along old members of both old ones?-
-Indeed... And couldn't deny her intrigue-
Devil Homura: "Hmph..." -flought right towards both- "...If you really are the way you describe, then how about you prove it?
And I don't mean to the myself you're witnessing now. I refer to the me inside that dark orb"
-Before either green haired girl could say anything, the devil snapped her fingers, and suddenly, both were enveloped by total darkness-
-The others so did, especially Iroha, who knows well the feeling to have turned into a Witch over and over and over...-
Star: "..." -Hugs Iroha-


-...I may have forgotten that- :lol:

Peridot: "Believe me, the old methods were much more detrimental to planets..."

Shining Armor: "You're from another planet?!"

Cadance: "Made...entirely out of metal?" 🤨

-Only that she's a mysterious magic-user who shows up every now and then- :V

Dipper: "Her dad used to order her around using a bell and her mom once tore out the last few pages of The Ugly Duckling when she was a kid to convince her that you can't afford to lose beauty pageants..."
Iroha: "...Um... Huh?"
Kazumi: "Oh, they were?"
Tankor: "Wasn't the latter obvious?"
Thunderblast: "Then again some call our race the 'robots in disguise'" :p
-Yeah- :p -But back to Marco!-
Amy: "Oh, that's what they call psychological abuse, right?"
-He hasn't been show or describe what the five look like-


-What Digi said-

-Of course- :laugh:

Marco: "Don't ask..."

-And that old coot seems unwilling to talk to them...Likely a further sign that he's aware that they're up to no good-
-but people might still connect the dots-
Purah: "...You're staring..."

-I thought it was solely for the pen pals, my bad lmao-
Harley: That must really suck...
-they really wonder how his memories weren't affected though-
-Perhaps, moreso the newly recruited magical girls-
-Ahue, but yeah, they still had them prepared for them-
da Vinci: "Sorry, I just couldn't notice you're quite the splendid combination of beauty and brains. Such as myself~"
-Indeed, it will be a fairly epic gaming match!-

Ereshkigal: "It's really better if not" -once played it in a stream, hated it-

Kiara: It must probably be rough on their families and friends...
-Pretty much, it's why they plan to force him-
Alina: "Well, I guess there's no point in hiding to an extent now"- summoned a few cubes-
Kanna: "Wait, it'd be mpre benefitial to get to the wall with the least amount of security"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Iroha: "...Um... Huh?"
Kazumi: "Oh, they were?"
Tankor: "Wasn't the latter obvious?"
Thunderblast: "Then again some call our race the 'robots in disguise'" :p
-Yeah- :p -But back to Marco!-
Amy: "Oh, that's what they call psychological abuse, right?"
Star: "I know what it's like to lose people important to you..." :urg:

Peridot: "Long story short, one of the foundations for a massive rebellion among our people was Earth nearly being gutted and losing all of it's organic life and natural resources if one of our leaders wasn't stopped."

Cadance: "This is unprecedented...I don't think there's a single recorded instance in Equestria's history that life from another planet has ever been here."

Shining: "Life being on other planets is a possibility we've long considered, but...have never actually seen before."

-Shining Armor used to read a lot of comic books, including sci-fi ones IIRC, so he might geek out about the Cybertronians if he's convinced the Decepticons can be trusted- :V

-Do they have any other advice for the teen in a hoodie?-

Dipper: "That's it exactly..."

-but people might still connect the dots-
Purah: "...You're staring..."

-I thought it was solely for the pen pals, my bad lmao-
Harley: That must really suck...
-they really wonder how his memories weren't affected though-
-Perhaps, moreso the newly recruited magical girls-
-Ahue, but yeah, they still had them prepared for them-
da Vinci: "Sorry, I just couldn't notice you're quite the splendid combination of beauty and brains. Such as myself~"
-Indeed, it will be a fairly epic gaming match!-

Ereshkigal: "It's really better if not" -once played it in a stream, hated it-

Kiara: It must probably be rough on their families and friends...
-Pretty much, it's why they plan to force him-
Alina: "Well, I guess there's no point in hiding to an extent now"- summoned a few cubes-
Kanna: "Wait, it'd be mpre benefitial to get to the wall with the least amount of security"
-I think I actually left that part of my reply unfinished, but I forgot whatever else I was going to type...-

-The biggest telltale for the Pines, however, will be the unmistakable geography of Gravity Falls' forest-

-Zelda glad that she still has a room/house to stay at?-

-Lapis and Peridot will gladly cheer Osaka on-

Marco: "The novel's better anyway."

-If they do manage to somehow breach it without drawing suspicion or unnecessary attention, McGucket will already be prepared to flee the mansion and go into hiding-

-Also, yeah, are they still questioning how out of all people, this crazy old coot's memories weren't affected by their brainwashing spells?-


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Artoria: "I think there's still some potential to unlock on him as well, I am up to aid him in that"
Taiga: "Ha, that guy couldn't measure to us!"
BB: "A turn-based RPG with visual novel elements, actually~"
Boudica: Hmm, I wonder if he's alright...
Kaito: "It was a nice attempt. I'm just experienced in other thieves trying to rob me" :p
-And good thing Neo did, wearing that thing for some more seconds could have killed her-

-Fishbunjin would be strong enough to do so, while Zedd is about to take energy from his generator into himself-
-Also Lily did and tried healing... Before being struck by a fireball-

Zephyrmon: "I'm not down yet! Hurricane Gale!" -various feathers come out as arrows-
Rogue Tamer: "...Dude, what is happening?"
Trader Tamer: "I really can't tell anymore..."
Medea: "Hmmm, I haven't thought that... As you said, it's risky, after all who knows if we also would be able to escape? ...However, we also are in a lack of options..."
Oh, that's kind of ya! This Totodile still seems pretty young, so tough as he is, chances are pretty high that he's got a lot to learn...

-The young Pokemon in this group are glad to be making a new friend, but none are aware that Burrito has been largely neglected and rejected by humans and Pokemon alike prior to being found by Chaldea. They don't know how much even being treated with what should be common kindness means to the Bidoof yet...-

-Heshima's always been one ready to lend an ear, so it's possible that Whiskers vented to him about Virdi's irrational hatred of humans off-screen at some point-

Star: "LILY!"

Marco: "NO!"

-Both of them were weakened, but no less horrified-

That does it! I'm taking this punk down NOW! -Jumps after Zedd, leaping from platform to platform and maneuvering around any fireballs and lightning bolts on the way-

Star: "Hmm...Maybe Illya or Miyu oculd help?"
-and now she's pouting because being outsmarted upsets her-

Emblem Chrom: "I'm ready to engage if you need it, Star."

-would Zedd do anything about Alear?-


-any further enemies?-

....so how did you take learning you were created for a game?

-he was having an internal struggle over his Trainer-
-he doesn't want to be ungrateful for what she'd done for him, but at the same time, her increasingly less justified and more unhinged thoughts towards humans from all worlds is making him question on if he should defect-

-to then, this is just a regular occurrence of making a friend-
-to her it's damn near everything, second only to being accepted by Alphys as her Pokémon-

-completely irritated, she uses Grass Knot to make Kaito trip as she crossed her leafy arms and stuck her nose up defiantly with her eyes closed-

-wavedashing towards Zedd-

-trying to block with her tentacles-

-they clear aren't taking the mission seriously enough, focusing on each other-
-Does Mirei do anything about it or just let them?-

-any help they can get!-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Maybe he should talk to Steven about it at some point. He wore a dress shamelessly once to help Sadie when she got too nervous to sing at a music festival- :V

-It didn't do much damage since it's just the standard effects of a Pokemon accidentally injuring itself in confusion, + it being an Electric-type move hitting an Electric-type Pokemon, but it still dealt a small amount of damage and cost Sparky a turn-

Sparky: "(Oof! Wh-What hit me?)" :dizzy:

(Confuse Ray did.) :p

-Eclipsra walks to a nearby bench with a table, and pours Ingrid a cup of tea, also adding slightly more to her own cup-
-LMAO- :joyful:
Phosphy: "Yeah, she got you good there."
Ingrid: "Oh my, what wonderful service." :) -sips-

-That's quite adorable~
-Of course, this means they'll have to rush things a little-
-Nope... Just almost- :p
-Plus Emblem Corrin can't deny Kamui is lucky to have gained a new family, along old members of both old ones?-
-Indeed... And couldn't deny her intrigue-
Devil Homura: "Hmph..." -flought right towards both- "...If you really are the way you describe, then how about you prove it?
And I don't mean to the myself you're witnessing now. I refer to the me inside that dark orb"
-Before either green haired girl could say anything, the devil snapped her fingers, and suddenly, both were enveloped by total darkness-
-The others so did, especially Iroha, who knows well the feeling to have turned into a Witch over and over and over...-
Palutena: "We should get back home now."
-but not quite- :p
Emblem Corrin: "Besides, after all the despair you must have been through, you've found a new family and many members of the old one returned as well. You're quite fortunate in that aspect." :)

Kamui: "I... suppose I am."
-shortly after being enveloped in darkness-

Byleth: "...the way I described?"

Sothis: -appears in front of Byleth- "She saw right through you, Byleth. And now look at where we are."

Byleth: "I... don't know where we are. But it reminds me of Zahras..."

Sothis: "Likewise."
-life was... good, for once-

-Perhaps, moreso the newly recruited magical girls-
-Ahue, but yeah, they still had them prepared for them-
da Vinci: "Sorry, I just couldn't notice you're quite the splendid combination of beauty and brains. Such as myself~"
-Indeed, it will be a fairly epic gaming match!-

Ereshkigal: "It's really better if not" -once played it in a stream, hated it-

Kiara: It must probably be rough on their families and friends...
-Pretty much, it's why they plan to force him-
Alina: "Well, I guess there's no point in hiding to an extent now"- summoned a few cubes-
Kanna: "Wait, it'd be mpre benefitial to get to the wall with the least amount of security"
-I think I actually left that part of my reply unfinished, but I forgot whatever else I was going to type...-

-The biggest telltale for the Pines, however, will be the unmistakable geography of Gravity Falls' forest-

-Zelda glad that she still has a room/house to stay at?-

-Lapis and Peridot will gladly cheer Osaka on-

Marco: "The novel's better anyway."

-If they do manage to somehow breach it without drawing suspicion or unnecessary attention, McGucket will already be prepared to flee the mansion and go into hiding-

-Also, yeah, are they still questioning how out of all people, this crazy old coot's memories weren't affected by their brainwashing spells?-
-Casters' reaction to that?-
Zelda: "That reminds me, I should show you three my home."

Link: "Yeah... your home."

Zelda: "We both agreed that I was sharing ownership of your Hateno home. With all the traveling you did, someone had to keep the legendary hero's living quarters safe... and clean." :p

Link: "Hey! I cleaned up in there plenty."

Wolf: -snickered; Link hasn't changed one bit despite everything- "You know, Link, you still haven't told your point of view on what happened to Hyrule."

Link: "There isn't much to say, honestly. It's similar to last time; I traveled all over Hyrule, saw the big settlements were in big trouble, helped them, got someone else's power as a reward of working alongside them and so on..."

Wolf: "I have a feeling the people your summons were given by would be offended at how you're underselling all you've gone through."

-the Purah Pad had angry beeps because Link completely skipped over Mineru-

Link: "Well, I'm not much of a talker..." :lol:
Harley: ... -sighs- Does that mean we found a new client? I was kinda hoping this party would be one where we didn't think of work...
-I know I'm questionning it :p-
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Oh, that's kind of ya! This Totodile still seems pretty young, so tough as he is, chances are pretty high that he's got a lot to learn...

-The young Pokemon in this group are glad to be making a new friend, but none are aware that Burrito has been largely neglected and rejected by humans and Pokemon alike prior to being found by Chaldea. They don't know how much even being treated with what should be common kindness means to the Bidoof yet...-

-Heshima's always been one ready to lend an ear, so it's possible that Whiskers vented to him about Virdi's irrational hatred of humans off-screen at some point-
-and now she's pouting because being outsmarted upsets her-

-any further enemies?-

....so how did you take learning you were created for a game?

-he was having an internal struggle over his Trainer-
-he doesn't want to be ungrateful for what she'd done for him, but at the same time, her increasingly less justified and more unhinged thoughts towards humans from all worlds is making him question on if he should defect-

-to then, this is just a regular occurrence of making a friend-
-to her it's damn near everything, second only to being accepted by Alphys as her Pokémon-

-completely irritated, she uses Grass Knot to make Kaito trip as she crossed her leafy arms and stuck her nose up defiantly with her eyes closed-
Artoria: "Perhaps, but hey may be more adept than at first glance"
-For now it appears they've cleared this area out of all enemies that Rita once made-
BB: "BB-chan had to make sure Senpai would become BB-chan's only~" -red eyes-
-Good for Burrito, though an understandable concern for Whiskers-
Kaito: "It was an easy security measure, just make it so they see the King's belt amongst the first few things around, they try it, and realize their mistake. Not a bad attemot tho-" -then tripped by what Snivy did-
Star: "LILY!"

Marco: "NO!"

-Both of them were weakened, but no less horrified-

That does it! I'm taking this punk down NOW! -Jumps after Zedd, leaping from platform to platform and maneuvering around any fireballs and lightning bolts on the way-

i'll keep an eye on him in case he decides to attack everyone again, but i'll let you folks do the talking.


Star: "Hmm...Maybe Illya or Miyu oculd help?"
Emblem Chrom: "I'm ready to engage if you need it, Star."

-would Zedd do anything about Alear?-
Palu: "Thank you." :p -looks at the scythe-
-wavedashing towards Zedd-

-trying to block with her tentacles-

-they clear aren't taking the mission seriously enough, focusing on each other-
-Does Mirei do anything about it or just let them?-

-any help they can get!-
Lily: "U-Ugh..."
-He had already shot plenty of lightning and fireballs before harvesting the generator's energy towards himself, so Alear, Undyne and Fishbunjin are on his way-
Kama: "Soooooo, how you're doing about this?"

Mirei: The two are not focused and that's clear... Yet they're actually performing the mission... -honestly, she's quite amused-
Medea: "If the interior of the wand is a world of its own... I didn't consider that possibility"
Star: "I know what it's like to lose people important to you..." :urg:

Peridot: "Long story short, one of the foundations for a massive rebellion among our people was Earth nearly being gutted and losing all of it's organic life and natural resources if one of our leaders wasn't stopped."

Cadance: "This is unprecedented...I don't think there's a single recorded instance in Equestria's history that life from another planet has ever been here."

Shining: "Life being on other planets is a possibility we've long considered, but...have never actually seen before."

-Shining Armor used to read a lot of comic books, including sci-fi ones IIRC, so he might geek out about the Cybertronians if he's convinced the Decepticons can be trusted- :V

-Do they have any other advice for the teen in a hoodie?-

Dipper: "That's it exactly..."
Iroha: "...I-I see, thank you..." -Moon definitely did-
Kazumi: "Oh... I understand why that happened then..." -she really had no better way to convey it-
Thubderblast: "Then we 5 are the first" :p

Tankor: "That means no easy way back home though..."

Some random guard when they'd hear their faction's name later:

-Probably wondering who would be a good staves teacher-
Amy: "Geez, poor girl..."
Palutena: "We should get back home now."
-but not quite- :p
Emblem Corrin: "Besides, after all the despair you must have been through, you've found a new family and many members of the old one returned as well. You're quite fortunate in that aspect." :)

Kamui: "I... suppose I am."
-shortly after being enveloped in darkness-

Byleth: "...the way I described?"

Sothis: -appears in front of Byleth- "She saw right through you, Byleth. And now look at where we are."

Byleth: "I... don't know where we are. But it reminds me of Zahras..."

Sothis: "Likewise."
-life was... good, for once-
Kama: "Right, let's get going..."
-Shez would wake up on top of the fridge next morning-
Sieg: "Life is strange, I know that well myself..."
-It was then, however, that stage lights shined on two fronts-

-One was over Byleth and Sothis, the other, they could see the girl they came to rescue... It was Homura herself, the glasses wearing teen was sitting on fetal position, while what looked to be some sort of large paper doll people loomed over her, laughing at her and mocking her-


-Not only that, but her Soul Gem was becoming pitch black as well-
-Indeed, only shame that their friends couldn't make it, but other than that...-
-I think I actually left that part of my reply unfinished, but I forgot whatever else I was going to type...-

-The biggest telltale for the Pines, however, will be the unmistakable geography of Gravity Falls' forest-

-Zelda glad that she still has a room/house to stay at?-

-Lapis and Peridot will gladly cheer Osaka on-

Marco: "The novel's better anyway."

-If they do manage to somehow breach it without drawing suspicion or unnecessary attention, McGucket will already be prepared to flee the mansion and go into hiding-

-Also, yeah, are they still questioning how out of all people, this crazy old coot's memories weren't affected by their brainwashing spells?-
-Casters' reaction to that?-
Zelda: "That reminds me, I should show you three my home."

Link: "Yeah... your home."

Zelda: "We both agreed that I was sharing ownership of your Hateno home. With all the traveling you did, someone had to keep the legendary hero's living quarters safe... and clean." :p

Link: "Hey! I cleaned up in there plenty."

Wolf: -snickered; Link hasn't changed one bit despite everything- "You know, Link, you still haven't told your point of view on what happened to Hyrule."

Link: "There isn't much to say, honestly. It's similar to last time; I traveled all over Hyrule, saw the big settlements were in big trouble, helped them, got someone else's power as a reward of working alongside them and so on..."

Wolf: "I have a feeling the people your summons were given by would be offended at how you're underselling all you've gone through."

-the Purah Pad had angry beeps because Link completely skipped over Mineru-

Link: "Well, I'm not much of a talker..." :lol:
Harley: ... -sighs- Does that mean we found a new client? I was kinda hoping this party would be one where we didn't think of work...
-I know I'm questionning it :p-
Medea: "Gravity Falls? That town filled with the supernatural you have spoken a lot of?"
Irisviel: "It seems the soul in there agrees though" :p
Tamamo: "...We can always share rooom, you know~?" -tail waggling-
-Also Purah didn't answer to da Vinci-
-Good thing that Emu has free time right now and doesn't needs to return to the hospital he works at-

Kiara: I wouldn't be entirely sure of that, they will return to their world after all. Still, I hope the best for them.
-By now they've decided to destroy a wall at least-
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