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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Indeed, they really will need to help these girls come out of their shells-
-In fact, can Moon tell that they were tasked to come here to meet Lily, Star and Marco given their age?-
Kazumi: "Ah, my name is Kazumi and I'm new here! I'm a magical girl and it's nice to meet you!"
-They all did affirmative nods as they were deployed-
-Feels nice and refreshing-

Amy: "Heheh, you're welcome for that! No I wonder about the sequels"
Chrono: ❗
Moon: (I'm starting to believe these poor four were asked to visit here to make some friends their age after all of the trauma they've been through rather than simply attend a sudden diplomatic meeting...)

Peridot: "A magical girl? Oh, there's tons of those here! If you're a newmember of Chaldea or the Time Space Adminstration Bureau, you'll fit right in!"


-Many of the local civilians look fairly normal, but several also appear to be of high class-

Marco: "I gotta say, aside from battle stances and code of honor, sword training is definitely different from all other combat classes I've taken..."

Dipper: "Well, there's two more movies after this one..."

Mabel: "Are they better? Worse? Equally good as the first movie? The quality of sequel movies tends to vary."


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-That's quite a shame...-
-The electricity of the attack striking Mesogog but he tries to still stand up-
-Monika would feel highly insulted... Buuuut at the same time, she would understand the reason-
-Also, oh boy when he meets BB-
Boudica: "It's alright, you can do it now" :)
-And so he goes off, so now they gotta see...-

Martha: "Ack, w-what was that?!" -then they heard an evil laughter-
Kimberly: "...And there he is..."

Rogue Tamer: "...Uh, you interrupted us be-"
Zephyrmon: "If you want your heads to remain attached to your shoulders, shut up" -likewise-
-Medea is at least trying to look at anything in the library to see if she can get... Anything to free him-
Medea: "Not in this one..."
...I'm sorry. No one deserves to be separated from their family... -Fists clenched, knowing Dark Samus was likely at fault of that as well-

(I doubt all of the Pokemon that got captured were paying attention to everyone, they were worried about where they were or their families...)

(Not to mention recovering from Phazon...) -Shudders-

-Everyone who wasn't ducking or taking cover took battle stances upon hearing the evil laugh and Kimberly's confirmation of who the source of it is...-

-Queen Moon and Star might be arriving soon...-
-the Snivy gets to their meeting point?-

Alear: -sword drawn- "Then we must be ready."

Nerl: "One moment of hesitation is all it takes to lose your life."

-fortunately Dark Samus had nothing to do with that; the Totodile went out on his own after leaving the hatch-

-rushing in for another direct assault-

-hoo boy, BB would freak him the **** out, which is ironic given what he'd become-

[So my memories are fuzzy. When this "Phazon" thing happened, did I actually fight any of you guys?]
-asking both Pokémon and other Chaldea members nearby like Alphys and Boudica-

-did she?-

-flexing menacingly-

-it's clear these "programs" have some beef with each other, almost like actual women-

-but yeah, Mirei won't be pleased to know they are ****ing up the mission to fight with each other yet again-

-maybe they can help....-
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
...I'm sorry. No one deserves to be separated from their family... -Fists clenched, knowing Dark Samus was likely at fault of that as well-

(I doubt all of the Pokemon that got captured were paying attention to everyone, they were worried about where they were or their families...)

(Not to mention recovering from Phazon...) -Shudders-
-the Snivy gets to their meeting point?-
-fortunately Dark Samus had nothing to do with that; the Totodile went out on his own after leaving the hatch-

-rushing in for another direct assault-

-hoo boy, BB would freak him the **** out, which is ironic given what he'd become-

[So my memories are fuzzy. When this "Phazon" thing happened, did I actually fight any of you guys?]
-asking both Pokémon and other Chaldea members nearby like Alphys and Boudica-

-did she?-
-Though of course, only he knows that-
-Along Taiga, who managed to land a stab!-
-So naturally, they'd see her walking by the same hallway now- :V
Boudica: "You probably did... But you weren't yourself, none of the Pokémon here were"
-She did so succesfully-
-Everyone who wasn't ducking or taking cover took battle stances upon hearing the evil laugh and Kimberly's confirmation of who the source of it is...-

-Sans is currently watching TV, lazing on the couch while Greg lazes on a chair-

-Queen Moon and Star might be arriving soon...-
Alear: -sword drawn- "Then we must be ready."

Nerl: "One moment of hesitation is all it takes to lose your life."
-do they find Sans being lazy?" :p
-flexing menacingly-

-it's clear these "programs" have some beef with each other, almost like actual women-

-but yeah, Mirei won't be pleased to know they are ****ing up the mission to fight with each other yet again-

-maybe they can help....-
Zedd: "Welcome my visitors, for you're about to meet your end"
Kimberly: "Can you stop the theatrics and just come out?!"
Trini: This is Zedd, he's basking on it..."
Martha: "Sans! Are you there?"
Jeanne: "We need your assistance!"

-Nope at all, Zephyrmon shooting various of her wings at Calmaramon... And just happening to hit the DinoBeeemon-
-It's likely, along young Medea Lily and Circe-
Medea: There has to be a way... Think Medea, you're one of the most praised mages in history, I must be able to do something...
Moon: (I'm starting to believe these poor four were asked to visit here to make some friends their age after all of the trauma they've been through rather than simply attend a sudden diplomatic meeting...)

Peridot: "A magical girl? Oh, there's tons of those here! If you're a newmember of Chaldea or the Time Space Adminstration Bureau, you'll fit right in!"


-Many of the local civilians look fairly normal, but several also appear to be of high class-

Marco: "I gotta say, aside from battle stances and code of honor, sword training is definitely different from all other combat classes I've taken..."

Dipper: "Well, there's two more movies after this one..."

Mabel: "Are they better? Worse? Equally good as the first movie? The quality of sequel movies tends to vary."
-That makes sensw, it's highly doubtful that they suddenly gained a high position of power to warrant her to meet them in person like this-
Kazumi: "Heheh~ I know, I also came along other magical girls!"
-Given that there are ruling princesses, it isn't much of a surprise that an overall hierarchy exists-
Artoria: "It's the same with all kinds of weapons. You can't use a lance the same way you do a sword, and even then come different types of them"
Amy: "I think someone here can tell us" :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-That makes sensw, it's highly doubtful that they suddenly gained a high position of power to warrant her to meet them in person like this-
Kazumi: "Heheh~ I know, I also came along other magical girls!"
-Given that there are ruling princesses, it isn't much of a surprise that an overall hierarchy exists-
Artoria: "It's the same with all kinds of weapons. You can't use a lance the same way you do a sword, and even then come different types of them"
Amy: "I think someone here can tell us" :p
Moon: (if this were more of a diplomatic meeting or them being sent to aid Mewni, Chaldea likely would've also sent one of the Rulers or Casters as a representative...)

Peridot: "You have?!" :surprised:

-Four currently ruling princesses, in fact-

-...If not for Pink Diamond's shattering, that reminds Aquamarine of the Diamond Authority as well...-

Marco: "It's funny that you mention that, I'm actually planning on learning how to use lances and staves as well. Not surprised that they're still vastly different weapons. The same goes for stuff like morning stars or bows and arrows."

Mabel: "And his name's probably "Chrono"." :p

-fortunately Dark Samus had nothing to do with that; the Totodile went out on his own after leaving the hatch-

[So my memories are fuzzy. When this "Phazon" thing happened, did I actually fight any of you guys?]
-asking both Pokémon and other Chaldea members nearby like Alphys and Boudica-
-Though of course, only he knows that-

Boudica: "You probably did... But you weren't yourself, none of the Pokémon here were"
It...sounds like she's a caring mother, at least. I'm sure she raised a strong Totodile if you made it to a place like here! -Trying to cheer the Totodile up and give him some positive encouragement-

(None of the Pokemon she captured got sent to attack us. Honestly, since she didn't seem to be capable of opening portals, I'm...not even entirely sure how she got any of the Pokemon back to her home "planet" in the first place...)

S-Some of the robotic members of Chaldea and s-some of the scientists who were remotely piloting mechs d-did have to fight some of the Pokemon she had infected, b-but most of them were simply rendered unconscious by the time of her defeat and had to be rescued...Th-there were a number of Phazon-controlled Pokemon who as far as we could tell, d-didn't attack or spot us at all, and I-I m admittedly not certain if any Bidoofs or yourself were among them... (I hope she wasn't, this poor Bidoof's been through enough already...) :urg:

Alear: -sword drawn- "Then we must be ready."

Nerl: "One moment of hesitation is all it takes to lose your life."
-do they find Sans being lazy?" :p
-flexing menacingly-

-it's clear these "programs" have some beef with each other, almost like actual women-

-but yeah, Mirei won't be pleased to know they are ****ing up the mission to fight with each other yet again-

-maybe they can help....-
Zedd: "Welcome my visitors, for you're about to meet your end"
Kimberly: "Can you stop the theatrics and just come out?!"
Trini: This is Zedd, he's basking on it..."
Martha: "Sans! Are you there?"
Jeanne: "We need your assistance!"

-Nope at all, Zephyrmon shooting various of her wings at Calmaramon... And just happening to hit the DinoBeeemon-
-It's likely, along young Medea Lily and Circe-
Medea: There has to be a way... Think Medea, you're one of the most praised mages in history, I must be able to do something...
Dipper: "Sounds like someone's glad they're finally back in power with Drakkon gone..."

Whatever the hell you're planning, we're not about to let you get away with it! Hell, we won't even let you start your evil plan in the first place! It's time that you and this entire screwed up excuse of an empire falls for good!

-Telekinetically opens the door, not even bothering to get up from the couch-

door's open.


-The Queen of Mewni and her daughter arrive a few minutes later, likely being greeted by some of the Rulers-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kama: They're so lucky to have you...
Aoko: "Huh, they're kind of... Grumpy"
-Indeed, it's nice that the TSAB provides them with competent drones when they wanna blow some steam-
Yukari: "Alternatively, maybe she tried to go back in time, who knows?"
Kazumi: "The pleasure is mine" :)
Oriko: "I'm grateful over your mercy on us"
Palutena: I'm the one who feels lucky to have them, honestly. They really brighten every day. :)
Arval: "Sorry about that. I was just taking a good look at you. You seem... strong yet very casual."

Shez: -enjoying her lasagna- Could've used just a little bit more sauce but it's still pretty solid.
-even leaving them some of the tech for Lilith's castle?-


Kamui: "Oh, Alear. Emblem Corrin. Sieg. What brings you here?" :)
Ingrid: "...Yukari, you're a genius! Only one problem... we still need to know her universe of origin."
Byleth: "I just want to bring the best of you girls out." :)

-The styles vary for most of the jackets as well, with each one being mostly unique-

-So definitely not Corrin, Heshima, or even the Water-type Moana and Mr. Fish given their high levels- :V

I learned a lot about a lot of this stuff from human anime that Alphys introduced to me back when monsters were still living in the Underground. :p
Weiss: But which one to bring...?
-but then who....?-
Ruby: "How did it even get to your Underground?"

Morrigan: "Well good for you, humans are fun" :p
Martha: "Given the... Wildly different timelines and periods that we know so far of Hyrule's history, it wouldn't be surprising that it happened so long ago that any records of his actions had been altered and forgotten over the passage of time"
-And by now, it seems they finished cooking and baking everything that needed to be done-
-Oh indeed to both-
Kanna: "...You can't be serious"
Sasa: "What's wrong? Also, FRANZ! That's not how you do a massage! Put in more effort, will ya?!" -yeah, by now they also got to brainwash the lilputtians as labor force, though unlike the gnomes that means they think they've always served them-
Kanna: "The very same field that we thought could work in our favor? Tsk, it's doing the contrary..."
It totally did. :grin: Believe it or not, a human kid was even one of the people who saved us!

-By now, she's aware that Asriel was the one who truly freed them by using the powers he obtained at the time to dispel the barrier, but talking about what happened to him, as well as the fact that he targeted Basel and Chaldea more than once is an even more complicated and tragic tale...-


W-We even encountered the same one at another point in time, s-specifically in the youngest Link's timeline...

-But wouldn't that contradict this Ganondorf being sealed away during the reign of Hyrule's founders and first king and queen?-

-Meaning all of the food for Chaldea's celebration is ready!-

-This is a disgrace to Big Henry- >:V
Alear: "Really? A mere child?"
Zelda: "But... I was there when he was sealed, at the era of the kingdom's founding... and I was also there when the seal broke... Unless he broke out and just... willingly sealed himself back... But even that sounds impossible given how he was sealed..."

Urbosa: "Or maybe they're different people." 🤔
Shez: "Nice work, everyone! People are gonna love it!" :grin:
-Big Henry is rolling in his grave right now-

-bless his soul- -_-7

-did she?-
-She did so succesfully-
Roman: -waiting there- "I take it you succeeded?"

-flexing menacingly-
Zedd: "Welcome my visitors, for you're about to meet your end"
Kimberly: "Can you stop the theatrics and just come out?!"
Trini: This is Zedd, he's basking on it..."
Martha: "Sans! Are you there?"
Jeanne: "We need your assistance!"
Dipper: "Sounds like someone's glad they're finally back in power with Drakkon gone..."

Whatever the hell you're planning, we're not about to let you get away with it! Hell, we won't even let you start your evil plan in the first place! It's time that you and this entire screwed up excuse of an empire falls for good!

-Telekinetically opens the door, not even bothering to get up from the couch-

door's open.
Alear: -pointing her sword at him, speaking at him with a serious tone while glaring at where his voice came out- "You get one chance to surrender."
Palutena: "I shouldn't even be surprised... yet I am. Regardless, we do need your help with something."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
It totally did. :grin: Believe it or not, a human kid was even one of the people who saved us!

-By now, she's aware that Asriel was the one who truly freed them by using the powers he obtained at the time to dispel the barrier, but talking about what happened to him, as well as the fact that he targeted Basel and Chaldea more than once is an even more complicated and tragic tale...-


W-We even encountered the same one at another point in time, s-specifically in the youngest Link's timeline...

-But wouldn't that contradict this Ganondorf being sealed away during the reign of Hyrule's founders and first king and queen?-

-Meaning all of the food for Chaldea's celebration is ready!-

-This is a disgrace to Big Henry- >:V
Alear: "Really? A mere child?"
Zelda: "But... I was there when he was sealed, at the era of the kingdom's founding... and I was also there when the seal broke... Unless he broke out and just... willingly sealed himself back... But even that sounds impossible given how he was sealed..."

Urbosa: "Or maybe they're different people." 🤔
Shez: "Nice work, everyone! People are gonna love it!" :grin:
-Big Henry is rolling in his grave right now-

-bless his soul- -_-7
-Yeah, it is-
Morrigan: "Huh, I didn't expect that... That sounds even more amusing" :p
Jeanne: "The history of Hyrule probably goes much deeper than any of us realizes..."
Martha: "Already we knowit has somedifferent timelines..."
-Only the Golden Goddesses would know its true scope-
Shirou: "Let's hope it's enough for a few in particular..."
Kagari: "That sounds bad... Oh, and mine are doing a better job by the way" :p
Sasa: "Tsk"
Kanna: "Hmph, there has to be a way around this... I just have to figure it out..."
Alina: -Painting now- "Just don't forget finishing the homework, oh prodigious Kanna" :p
Minou: "Hm, if it becomes impossible, we might need to take other measures..."
Moon: (if this were more of a diplomatic meeting or them being sent to aid Mewni, Chaldea likely would've also sent one of the Rulers or Casters as a representative...)

Peridot: "You have?!" :surprised:

-Four currently ruling princesses, in fact-

-...If not for Pink Diamond's shattering, that reminds Aquamarine of the Diamond Authority as well...-

Marco: "It's funny that you mention that, I'm actually planning on learning how to use lances and staves as well. Not surprised that they're still vastly different weapons. The same goes for stuff like morning stars or bows and arrows."

Mabel: "And his name's probably "Chrono"." :p
-That's true the closest to it is Tart, and well, she isn't talking about alliances or politics at the moment-
Kazumi: "Yeah, though we're all really different and didn't know each other before"
-Yeah, and just like it'd be better to not upset the Diamonds, the better not upset the princesses of this land-
-They must be careful if they see this Princess Cadance passing by, who knows the full extent of her magic?-
-...And maybe for that matter not upset her husband-
Arthur: "Oh, may I ask the reason for that?"
-Chrono simply scoffed in response-
Palutena: I'm the one who feels lucky to have them, honestly. They really brighten every day. :)
Arval: "Sorry about that. I was just taking a good look at you. You seem... strong yet very casual."

Shez: -enjoying her lasagna- Could've used just a little bit more sauce but it's still pretty solid.
-even leaving them some of the tech for Lilith's castle?-


Kamui: "Oh, Alear. Emblem Corrin. Sieg. What brings you here?" :)
Ingrid: "...Yukari, you're a genius! Only one problem... we still need to know her universe of origin."
Byleth: "I just want to bring the best of you girls out." :)
Kama: ...I suppose they feel the same way back. They always praise you in every way...
Aoko: -Sigh- "That reminds me of something a certain airhead would say..."
-Oh absolutely, they are mutually collaborating and all-
Sieg: "You in particular"
Yukari: "Aw thanks~ Hmmm, why not trace it back via the energy of the girls you saved?"
Suzune: "The best of us out?"
Iroha: "I... Wonder how that can be done..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kama: ...I suppose they feel the same way back. They always praise you in every way...
Aoko: -Sigh- "That reminds me of something a certain airhead would say..."
-Oh absolutely, they are mutually collaborating and all-
Sieg: "You in particular"
Yukari: "Aw thanks~ Hmmm, why not trace it back via the energy of the girls you saved?"
Suzune: "The best of us out?"
Iroha: "I... Wonder how that can be done..."
Palu: As do you. :p
Arval: "This sheer amount of power... it reminds me of my creator. But you seem far nicer than he was."
-good for they!-
Kamui: "Hm? Me? What's so special about me?" :lol:
Ingrid: "I might try that, now that you say it."
Byleth: "I try not to make things too complicated. We're going to have some lessons to polish up your skills and various opportunities for a heart-to-heart talk outside of those."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-That's true the closest to it is Tart, and well, she isn't talking about alliances or politics at the moment-
Kazumi: "Yeah, though we're all really different and didn't know each other before"
-Yeah, and just like it'd be better to not upset the Diamonds, the better not upset the princesses of this land-
-They must be careful if they see this Princess Cadance passing by, who knows the full extent of her magic?-
-...And maybe for that matter not upset her husband-
Arthur: "Oh, may I ask the reason for that?"
-Chrono simply scoffed in response-
Moon: (Perhaps Tart and Jeanne realized they needed to make some friends their age...)

Peridot: "That just sounds like us Crystal Gems." :p

-If they're the rulers of this particular kingdom, they must be powerful...-

Marco: "It's actually for a few reasons...Or, maybe several..."

-Mabel still fully anticipates that he'll answer after a few seconds- :p

Weiss: But which one to bring...?
-but then who....?-
Ruby: "How did it even get to your Underground?"
-It depends on the style she's looking for...Or if she wants to customize it further-

-Hmm...Maybe Greg or Winter? Both are certainly more skilled and experienced than Sparky, but much like him, neither are fully evolved-

Humans dumped trash down rivers that led into the Underground all the time, and eventually Alphys found some TVs and computer tech and figured out how to reverse-engineer some of it to get some working internet and streaming services. :p

Alear: "Really? A mere child?"
Zelda: "But... I was there when he was sealed, at the era of the kingdom's founding... and I was also there when the seal broke... Unless he broke out and just... willingly sealed himself back... But even that sounds impossible given how he was sealed..."

Urbosa: "Or maybe they're different people." 🤔
Shez: "Nice work, everyone! People are gonna love it!" :grin:
-Big Henry is rolling in his grave right now-

-bless his soul- -_-7
-Yeah, it is-
Morrigan: "Huh, I didn't expect that... That sounds even more amusing" :p
Jeanne: "The history of Hyrule probably goes much deeper than any of us realizes..."
Martha: "Already we knowit has somedifferent timelines..."
-Only the Golden Goddesses would know its true scope-
Shirou: "Let's hope it's enough for a few in particular..."
Kagari: "That sounds bad... Oh, and mine are doing a better job by the way" :p
Sasa: "Tsk"
Kanna: "Hmph, there has to be a way around this... I just have to figure it out..."
Alina: -Painting now- "Just don't forget finishing the homework, oh prodigious Kanna" :p
Minou: "Hm, if it becomes impossible, we might need to take other measures..."
Trust me, where we come from, humans used to be pretty damn strong. And that kid in particular had DETERMINATION unlike anyone else we've ever known.

Hmm...W-Well, we've always s-sorta suspected that at least some of them were entirely different incarnations of him, or other warlocks of the same name...

-Do the Gerudo of this timeline still know of the fact that only one male of their people was ever born every 100 years?-


-This very location seems to be keeping them from carrying out their plan...But how?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Palu: As do you. :p
Arval: "This sheer amount of power... it reminds me of my creator. But you seem far nicer than he was."
-good for they!-
Kamui: "Hm? Me? What's so special about me?" :lol:
Ingrid: "I might try that, now that you say it."
Byleth: "I try not to make things too complicated. We're going to have some lessons to polish up your skills and various opportunities for a heart-to-heart talk outside of those."
Kama: -Blush again- M-Maybe...
Aoko: "...Ah, that thought slipped oof my mind..." -though she didn't sound sorry about it-
Sieg: "We were looking for you, I meant"
Yukari: "You can thank me any time~"
Suzune: "Lessons?"
Iroha: "You're trying to be some kind of teacher?"
Kazumi: "I'd be glad to show what I can do!"
Oriko: "I suppose we had to do so regardless"
Moon: (Perhaps Tart and Jeanne realized they needed to make some friends their age...)

Peridot: "That just sounds like us Crystal Gems." :p

-If they're the rulers of this particular kingdom, they must be powerful...-

Marco: "It's actually for a few reasons...Or, maybe several..."

-Mabel still fully anticipates that he'll answer after a few seconds- :p
-Maybe... It sounds like something Jeanne would arrange for sure, and well, Tart is her-
Kazumi: "You have your own group too?" :O
-Indeed, though also likely busy in their castle and maintaining relationships with other kingdoms-
Arthur: "Several? You must be thinking through a lot then"
Chrono: "...Well, what can I say?"
Amy: "We wonder" :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Maybe... It sounds like something Jeanne would arrange for sure, and well, Tart is her-
Kazumi: "You have your own group too?" :O
-Indeed, though also likely busy in their castle and maintaining relationships with other kingdoms-
Arthur: "Several? You must be thinking through a lot then"
Chrono: "...Well, what can I say?"
Amy: "We wonder" :p
Moon: (The fact that they're the same person from different timelines only further points to this being an idea they had to get these four to socialize. I don't blame them. Truthfully, they probably need this...)


Peridot: "Heck yeah I do! I'm a member of hte Crystal Gems, a society of rebels that stands against Gem Homeworld's corruption and cruelty, and a remnant of a massive army of Gems that fought in the Rebellion for their freedom as well as that of the Earth itself! I'm technically their newest member." :p

-Not to mention they apparently have a teenager daughter, though she wasn't noted as being among the reigning princesses as she's still learning to be a ruler-

-She herself is still grateful to Mewni's princess as well as her friends for helping free her from St. Olga's, which she was sent to by one of Equestria's surviving enemies as part of a scheme to try and take it over-

Marco: "I guess I really am..." -And Marco's only just now realizing it- :V

Mabel: "How good are the sequels? Duh!" :p

-Chrono wonders why Dipper doesn't just explain it?-
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