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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Artoria: "Then it's a good thing I ordered one for you too" -which Tamamo Cat just served-
-Neat then- :p
-How is Liollmon doing?-
Yuri: "Well, it's not... A situation I ever imagined to be in, but I'm not complaining"
-I think we could skip ahead to the end of the day-
Frankenstein: "Ah... Alright..." -taking it well, actually, that's a good sign-

-It didn't finish Serpenterra, that's sure-
-But it won't allow it to fly anymore, and Rita knows it-
-The Dinobots would take the chance to stomp on it-
Fate: But what is it for?
Gorgon: "But where? How... Why?!" -she can't form questions properly, quite worried and confused-
-Illya was trying to save civilians from familiars, while Abby also attacked with a large gothic key as a blunt object-

Tiki: "...Well, seems it's just her. For now" :p

-Totodile surprised, but floored?-

-Burrito's definitely had a long and eventful day after seeing how some of Chaldea's members actually fight, so she puts the Bidoof to bed for now-

-However, the following day, she'll introduce her to several of Chaldea's other younger Pokemon-

It's gotta be. Heck, Godzilla seems stronger than ever at this point! Big guy must have been regaining more energy and training in all the time since we've last seen him!

Dipper: "But none of it's still enough...Godzilla took out Serpentera's ability to fly. We've just got to shut down the Megazord itself! Keep attacking, everyone!"

Mabel: "No one hold back!"

-Seems they have a new mystery on their hands...-

-I'm not sure whether or not Tirsiak could be shredded to pieces so quickly even by a Digimon given that she's a supernatural entity, but the knight's attacks are definitely leaving her with several severe visible cuts and slashes, meaning she'll be taken out of the fight soon-

-Whiteface is unable to do anything but try to teleport away, but at this point, he's sustained too much damage from Abigail to launch any attacks-

-Tetra and Toon Link were trying to help Illya and Kanna defeat the remaining Sparkless-

-Vanessa roars in anger before unleashing a wave of shadows at everyone in sight, freezing any unfortunate passerbys in a matter of seconds, barring Tiki and Peppino themselves, the latter due to his outright invincibility + ability to melt ice on contact, and the former due to her divinie nature granting her some resistance to the magic freezing effect-

Neo: -keeps that in mind-

-Nel, Alear and Veyle shot beams from the mouth, hands and hands respectively-
Ingrid: "Though I must admit, Isis taking direct action is entirely out of character. The level of threat he possesses must have been drastically greater than the entirely of Chaldea combined for her to not even waste time on dealing with him... And that's saying something considering the many, many strong people within its ranks.

Perhaps he was even able to stop her single-handedly? That would be a good reason for her to not ignore this Digimon..."
Kanna: "Watch out, Illya-chan!" -shot a dragon beam of water at a Sparkless-
-not floored, but excited while curious why she is so courteous-

-depends; these are merely in the shape of past enemies, not taking on similar strengths and defenses, right?-

-so where's the first stop for the reunited club?-

-but yeah, sleeping hard-

-my initial idea for this was someone reaching to pet her and she slaps the hand with her vines, but now it's been established without having to cause any pain :V-
-she sips her tea again, being the figure of elegance-

-it will take a moment to charge up another pulse, so others have free reign-

Considering the thing literally rewound time on itself anytime we tried to destroy it, I'm not that surprised.

-yes, it can basically Divine Pulse to cheat death freely, something even Gorgon wouldn't know anything about for good reason-

We had no other option but to seal it away in a pocket dimension. Nothing else was stopping it. From what you're saying, not even your other self was successful in her attempt to dispose of it. And if you're supposed to be this almighty deity, that's actually terrifying.

Thou shalt not last much longer....

-holy crap, I unintentionally made Peppino hard counter her lol; I was merely going for the invincibility aspect and didn't realize the ice melting would come into play as well lol-
-he literally spins upward to attack while flames occasionally appear around him-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Unfortunately, she won't be, but the rest are fine-
Ishtar: "Yeah it'd be unfortunate if either of you ended shrunk or naked when you cross by answering wrong"
Ereshkigal: "..." Why did she have to remind me of that?!
Nitocris: "...I doubt she'd put that restriction on allies"
-For now they're approaching at least, while the creation of Unicron is looking back, sighing-
Cyclonus: "They better have went off..."
Atalanta: "...Sprinting, right?" -trying to not tease-
Chrono: "What are... These?"
Amy: "...I'm not sure"
-Star's still worried about her, why she's turned into a giant yokai, and how and when she'll return to normal....Not to mention Zelda as well as she doesn't even have a clue what's going on in Hyrule beyond that it must involve that "Calamity" she's heard about-

-But for the time being, Star calls the rest of the Casters barring Medea (who's probably still already at Mewni) collectively on her magic mirror-

Specter: "...Or at all at this point."

-Cyclonus is the one they agreed to spare for certain depending on his answers to their questions...-

(Y-Yes, of course.) 😅

Dipper: "Oh ,these are just a bunch of outdated memes from the 2010s. You should probably clear out the console's data since you're the new owners of the it."

Shez: "Alright, how about we team up on those fools now?" -referring to mooks- "I'm sure we could clean up the place real quick!" :p

Sothis: "I suppose a little bit more fighting can't hurt." -cracks her knuckles-
-a replica of the royal family's magic tome, perhaps?-

-a fake one that's just for show-
Palutena: "Whatever you choose, I'll be in the hot springs." :p
Ruby: Are we witnessing how she died...?
Nobunaga: "I wanna se your performance, so maybe" :p
Sitonai: ...It's like they're the same person!
-Those sound fine to meeeeee-
Ophanimon: "Oh, that sounds quite interesting, actually~"
Lindy: "I think similarly~"
Yukari: "Ara, what a coincidence~"
-Just wishing they'd go away, not caring about anything else on sight-

Sakura: Is that her father...?
You know what? At least you two are getting along, now. Is there anyone else we need to find? Are there any machines or magical devices still making Kamen Rider clones?

-Agreed, so what they see on display next is an accurate replica of the Butterfly Family Spell Book-

-And yes, the extra notes really are that much of a mess and the book really does have a lock placed on it-

...Eh, I'm overdue for a hot springs trip anyway. :p I'll go invite Undyne and Moana!

-She's still forlornly looking back at the Spirit Seal room...-

-The light soon fades away, and the entire group finds themselves transported to a large neighborhood, or possibly just a memory of it-

-Those who aren't from Earth wouldn't be able to tell, but those who are could determine that the era appears to be the 60s-

Steven: "Whoa...Where are we now?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
An unbalanced game can still be a fun one. Brawl and Smash 4 were still popular despite having a few broken fighters, not to mention Melee still having a large competitive scene to this day despite only a small fraction of it's cast being considered viable.

-Then so far, they've...agreed to pool their funds into the vacation for the sake of getting a real vacation and looked at some potential hotels to stay at. That's it-

Sparky: "(Huh?)" -I forget if he was told that Lilith lived here by herself for years-

-Either way, Lilith answers what Phosphora asked?-


Penny: "Do we have the resources necessary to complete the upgrades?"
Weiss: "....You truly have little time to work on this..."

Palutena: "All the Alliance stuff has gotten our attention, to be fair."

Weiss: "That... is fair..."
Lilith: "I... truly have not... It's nice to have visitors again." :)
Arlon: "I shall verify that posthaste."

-How will that beeeee?-
Medusa: "Open, I said" :p
-That really does, even her tail came out and waggled-
-Being around Kamui rubbed that on her-
Martha: "Bottling up my drives would only lead to me becoming a worse and worse person unless I let them out"
-theme park and rock concert?-
Pandora: "Didn't think you two would be like that." :p
-that is adorable~-

Marth: -that made him smile-
Juri: "About time you learned that, girl! So what'll you do about those urges of yours?"

Nobunaga: "I wanna se your performance, so maybe" :p
Sitonai: ...It's like they're the same person!
-Those sound fine to meeeeee-
Ophanimon: "Oh, that sounds quite interesting, actually~"
Lindy: "I think similarly~"
Yukari: "Ara, what a coincidence~"
-Just wishing they'd go away, not caring about anything else on sight-

Sakura: Is that her father...?
You know what? At least you two are getting along, now. Is there anyone else we need to find? Are there any machines or magical devices still making Kamen Rider clones?

-Agreed, so what they see on display next is an accurate replica of the Butterfly Family Spell Book-

-And yes, the extra notes really are that much of a mess and the book really does have a lock placed on it-

...Eh, I'm overdue for a hot springs trip anyway. :p I'll go invite Undyne and Moana!

-She's still forlornly looking back at the Spirit Seal room...-

-The light soon fades away, and the entire group finds themselves transported to a large neighborhood, or possibly just a memory of it-

-Those who aren't from Earth wouldn't be able to tell, but those who are could determine that the era appears to be the 60s-

Steven: "Whoa...Where are we now?"
Shez: "And I wanna see yours when I'm not the target." :chuckle:

Sothis: "If I kept track of things well enough, the only ones left are Sigurd and this Oberon person."

Max Brass: Man, people can be so strong, even without ARMS... That is awesome!
Blake: "This w- is quite the messy book..."
Azura: "I'll go grab my towel." :)
Weiss: "How old fashioned..." -not explicitly saying 60s because we don't know years in Remnant :V-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Weiss: "....You truly have little time to work on this..."

Palutena: "All the Alliance stuff has gotten our attention, to be fair."

Weiss: "That... is fair..."
Lilith: "I... truly have not... It's nice to have visitors again." :)
Arlon: "I shall verify that posthaste."
I-It's our highest priority by far, but everyone deserves a break after this...

Sparky: "(You lived here all by yourself? I...I can't even imagine being totally alone for that long in the wild...)"

-Would it turn out they still have enough resources for the upgrades?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I-It's our highest priority by far, but everyone deserves a break after this...

Sparky: "(You lived here all by yourself? I...I can't even imagine being totally alone for that long in the wild...)"

-Would it turn out they still have enough resources for the upgrades?-
Weiss: "Then I'll help with the vacation plans."
Lilith: "Being fair, I spent a lot of that time sleeping so it went by fast."
-barely not- :V


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Weiss: "Then I'll help with the vacation plans."
Lilith: "Being fair, I spent a lot of that time sleeping so it went by fast."
-barely not- :V
Oh, th-thank you! I think we honestly need all the help we can get for it with how our schedules are...

-What parts of the vacation plan will Weiss try to help with?-

Sparky: "(Dragons can sleep for a really long time?)"

Penny: "...Well, that that puts a slight delay on the project..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Totodile surprised, but floored?-

-Burrito's definitely had a long and eventful day after seeing how some of Chaldea's members actually fight, so she puts the Bidoof to bed for now-

-However, the following day, she'll introduce her to several of Chaldea's other younger Pokemon-
Neo: -keeps that in mind-
-not floored, but excited while curious why she is so courteous-

-depends; these are merely in the shape of past enemies, not taking on similar strengths and defenses, right?-

-so where's the first stop for the reunited club?-

-but yeah, sleeping hard-

-my initial idea for this was someone reaching to pet her and she slaps the hand with her vines, but now it's been established without having to cause any pain :V-
-she sips her tea again, being the figure of elegance-
Artoria: "Now you can enjoy yours" :)
-Pretty much, they're just dummies in their shapes-
-The cafeteria, of course!-
Natsuki: "Oh yeah, this is where I work"
-She might wake up at the smell of tasty food being cooked-
Moriarty: "I am curious how you learned to be this elegant"
It's gotta be. Heck, Godzilla seems stronger than ever at this point! Big guy must have been regaining more energy and training in all the time since we've last seen him!

Dipper: "But none of it's still enough...Godzilla took out Serpentera's ability to fly. We've just got to shut down the Megazord itself! Keep attacking, everyone!"

Mabel: "No one hold back!"

-Seems they have a new mystery on their hands...-

-I'm not sure whether or not Tirsiak could be shredded to pieces so quickly even by a Digimon given that she's a supernatural entity, but the knight's attacks are definitely leaving her with several severe visible cuts and slashes, meaning she'll be taken out of the fight soon-

-Whiteface is unable to do anything but try to teleport away, but at this point, he's sustained too much damage from Abigail to launch any attacks-

-Tetra and Toon Link were trying to help Illya and Kanna defeat the remaining Sparkless-

-Vanessa roars in anger before unleashing a wave of shadows at everyone in sight, freezing any unfortunate passerbys in a matter of seconds, barring Tiki and Peppino themselves, the latter due to his outright invincibility + ability to melt ice on contact, and the former due to her divinie nature granting her some resistance to the magic freezing effect-
-Nel, Alear and Veyle shot beams from the mouth, hands and hands respectively-
Ingrid: "Though I must admit, Isis taking direct action is entirely out of character. The level of threat he possesses must have been drastically greater than the entirely of Chaldea combined for her to not even waste time on dealing with him... And that's saying something considering the many, many strong people within its ranks.

Perhaps he was even able to stop her single-handedly? That would be a good reason for her to not ignore this Digimon..."
Kanna: "Watch out, Illya-chan!" -shot a dragon beam of water at a Sparkless-
-it will take a moment to charge up another pulse, so others have free reign-

Considering the thing literally rewound time on itself anytime we tried to destroy it, I'm not that surprised.

-yes, it can basically Divine Pulse to cheat death freely, something even Gorgon wouldn't know anything about for good reason-

We had no other option but to seal it away in a pocket dimension. Nothing else was stopping it. From what you're saying, not even your other self was successful in her attempt to dispose of it. And if you're supposed to be this almighty deity, that's actually terrifying.

Thou shalt not last much longer....

-holy crap, I unintentionally made Peppino hard counter her lol; I was merely going for the invincibility aspect and didn't realize the ice melting would come into play as well lol-
-he literally spins upward to attack while flames occasionally appear around him-
-The Dinobots also all breathed fire, Swoop also shooting missiles from the launchers attached to her wings-
-All those with Emblems aside from Irisviel with Micaiah would use their Emblem Skills!-
-Fate would come back at the Arthra to let them know of this crystal to analyze-
Gorgon: "...Where is that dimension?" -of course, they're not going to just allow Gorgon free him from there-
Illya: "Ah, thank you very much, Kanna-chan!"
Abby: "...Is it gone?"

-So Tiki would, of course, fire a continue stream of divine breath at the shadows-
-Star's still worried about her, why she's turned into a giant yokai, and how and when she'll return to normal....Not to mention Zelda as well as she doesn't even have a clue what's going on in Hyrule beyond that it must involve that "Calamity" she's heard about-

-But for the time being, Star calls the rest of the Casters barring Medea (who's probably still already at Mewni) collectively on her magic mirror-

Specter: "...Or at all at this point."

-Cyclonus is the one they agreed to spare for certain depending on his answers to their questions...-

(Y-Yes, of course.) 😅

Dipper: "Oh ,these are just a bunch of outdated memes from the 2010s. You should probably clear out the console's data since you're the new owners of the it."
-Fair enough-
Andersen: "Ugh, now what?"
Ishtar: "Ergo, you both will be safe~!"
-For that, they'd need to catch him first, as he's transforming to jet mode to try to bail out-
Atalanta: "Of course you would" :)
Chrono: "Very well" -there's a few programs installed that are game launchers, such as a NES or N64 ROMs-
-theme park and rock concert?-
Pandora: "Didn't think you two would be like that." :p
-that is adorable~-

Marth: -that made him smile-
Juri: "About time you learned that, girl! So what'll you do about those urges of yours?"
-Theme park and rock concert alright!-
Medusa: "You thought we were pure?" :p
-Even if obviously not the same Tiki, well, it's nice to see-
Martha: "For starters, I'll be sure to punch some things more frequently"
You know what? At least you two are getting along, now. Is there anyone else we need to find? Are there any machines or magical devices still making Kamen Rider clones?

-Agreed, so what they see on display next is an accurate replica of the Butterfly Family Spell Book-

-And yes, the extra notes really are that much of a mess and the book really does have a lock placed on it-

...Eh, I'm overdue for a hot springs trip anyway. :p I'll go invite Undyne and Moana!

-She's still forlornly looking back at the Spirit Seal room...-

-The light soon fades away, and the entire group finds themselves transported to a large neighborhood, or possibly just a memory of it-

-Those who aren't from Earth wouldn't be able to tell, but those who are could determine that the era appears to be the 60s-

Steven: "Whoa...Where are we now?"
Shez: "And I wanna see yours when I'm not the target." :chuckle:

Sothis: "If I kept track of things well enough, the only ones left are Sigurd and this Oberon person."

Max Brass: Man, people can be so strong, even without ARMS... That is awesome!
Blake: "This w- is quite the messy book..."
Azura: "I'll go grab my towel." :)
Weiss: "How old fashioned..." -not explicitly saying 60s because we don't know years in Remnant :V-
Sitonai: "How will you keep him away from his wife anyway?"
Atalanta: "It looks quite unkept..."
Martha: "Maybe we could all go dip there..."
Jeanne: "I have no problem"
Ophanimon: "Nice" :p

Sakura: "The style looks like it's from the 60s..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Oh, th-thank you! I think we honestly need all the help we can get for it with how our schedules are...

-What parts of the vacation plan will Weiss try to help with?-

Sparky: "(Dragons can sleep for a really long time?)"

Penny: "...Well, that that puts a slight delay on the project..."
Weiss: "Of course, I shall do my best to help with... my own idea, I suppose."
Lilith: "I know I can. I can't say for others..."
Arlon: "We would have had everything had it not been for the latest damages the room had..."

-Theme park and rock concert alright!-
Medusa: "You thought we were pure?" :p
-Even if obviously not the same Tiki, well, it's nice to see-
Martha: "For starters, I'll be sure to punch some things more frequently"
Shez: "Oh, I want to try that ride!" :b:
Pandora: "Not at all! But I thought you'd keep it between yourselves." :p
-Tiki looks at the ring?-
Juri: "So we can finally have some fun without you having a temper the size of a penny?" :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Speaking of Godzilla, Minus One is freaking awesome.

-Fair enough-
Andersen: "Ugh, now what?"
Ishtar: "Ergo, you both will be safe~!"
-For that, they'd need to catch him first, as he's transforming to jet mode to try to bail out-
Atalanta: "Of course you would" :)
Chrono: "Very well" -there's a few programs installed that are game launchers, such as a NES or N64 ROMs-
Star: "Sorry to interrupt, everyone! It's about Glossaryck! He's not dead! Well, at least not totally!"

Specter: "I guess I'm still not especially surprised. I visited it once, in order to explain how I died...or, well, also un-died..."

-Will any of the Decepticons be able to catch up to him?-

(I've been trying such exercise routines up since you first started my training.)

-Technically not lying. it would turn out that he was actually chasing the ball of yarn around before she entered the room. She just happened to return at a time when he was just sitting down and batting it around instead- :p


Dipper: "Whoa, there's even ROMs for Nintendo games on here!" :b:

Weiss: "Of course, I shall do my best to help with... my own idea, I suppose."
Lilith: "I know I can. I can't say for others..."
Arlon: "We would have had everything had it not been for the latest damages the room had..."
...W-Why didn't we ask Weiss to help with this project sooner since it was her idea in the first place, again? :confused:

Sparky: "(Is that also a species thing? ...Never mind, I'm just really sorry you didn't have any friends or family here...)" :urg:

Penny: "Being perfectly fair, the timing was impeccable given we weren't expecting more guests."

-not floored, but excited while curious why she is so courteous-

-but yeah, sleeping hard-
Artoria: "Now you can enjoy yours" :)

-She might wake up at the smell of tasty food being cooked-
-It's probably an extremely good burger...But yeah, why is this knight/royal lady being so kind to him?-

-Entire team is babies?- :V


Shez: "And I wanna see yours when I'm not the target." :chuckle:

Sothis: "If I kept track of things well enough, the only ones left are Sigurd and this Oberon person."

Max Brass: Man, people can be so strong, even without ARMS... That is awesome!
Blake: "This w- is quite the messy book..."
Azura: "I'll go grab my towel." :)
Weiss: "How old fashioned..." -not explicitly saying 60s because we don't know years in Remnant :V-
Sitonai: "How will you keep him away from his wife anyway?"
Atalanta: "It looks quite unkept..."
Martha: "Maybe we could all go dip there..."
Jeanne: "I have no problem"
Ophanimon: "Nice" :p

Sakura: "The style looks like it's from the 60s..."
...We haven't planned that out...We didn't even know if Sigurd was still on the enemy's side or not...

And Oberon is really good at the "hiding" part of hide and seek! He will not be easy to find!

-...Considering some of the zanier cultural and nature aspects of Mewni, as well as how different each recorded Queen seems to be from the last...Yeah, it makes sense that each of them would have had notes haphazardly scattered throughout the already massive spell book- :V

-It's just surprising that no one seems to have cleaned the book up or reorganized it after hundreds of years...-

I'll begin maintanence work on the training simulator in the meantime. :p

-Alphys has already gone to invite Undyne and Moana to a hot springs break by now-

-...Part of her wants to go back there. Only to see someone she hasn't seen in a very long time and misses deeply...-

Steven: "This does kinda look like how my dad described Earth looking like when he was a kid...Have we gone back in time? Or is this more of like a memory thing?"

-It would soon turn out to be the latter, as nobody around seems to notice them. Not only that, but one of the first things they'd see besides some kids going to school or people walking their dogs in the neighborhood was a familiar-looking girl with blue hair, wearing a pink dress and sneakers, smiling cheerfully and being walked to a school bus by her father. Unlike the ghost they know in the present, Spooky is clearly very much still alive here-

-it will take a moment to charge up another pulse, so others have free reign-

Considering the thing literally rewound time on itself anytime we tried to destroy it, I'm not that surprised.

-yes, it can basically Divine Pulse to cheat death freely, something even Gorgon wouldn't know anything about for good reason-

We had no other option but to seal it away in a pocket dimension. Nothing else was stopping it. From what you're saying, not even your other self was successful in her attempt to dispose of it. And if you're supposed to be this almighty deity, that's actually terrifying.

Thou shalt not last much longer....

-holy crap, I unintentionally made Peppino hard counter her lol; I was merely going for the invincibility aspect and didn't realize the ice melting would come into play as well lol-
-he literally spins upward to attack while flames occasionally appear around him-
-Nel, Alear and Veyle shot beams from the mouth, hands and hands respectively-
Ingrid: "Though I must admit, Isis taking direct action is entirely out of character. The level of threat he possesses must have been drastically greater than the entirely of Chaldea combined for her to not even waste time on dealing with him... And that's saying something considering the many, many strong people within its ranks.

Perhaps he was even able to stop her single-handedly? That would be a good reason for her to not ignore this Digimon..."
Kanna: "Watch out, Illya-chan!" -shot a dragon beam of water at a Sparkless-
-The Dinobots also all breathed fire, Swoop also shooting missiles from the launchers attached to her wings-
-All those with Emblems aside from Irisviel with Micaiah would use their Emblem Skills!-
-Fate would come back at the Arthra to let them know of this crystal to analyze-
Gorgon: "...Where is that dimension?" -of course, they're not going to just allow Gorgon free him from there-
Illya: "Ah, thank you very much, Kanna-chan!"
Abby: "...Is it gone?"

-So Tiki would, of course, fire a continue stream of divine breath at the shadows-
-That being said, much like with the battle with Koyanskaya before, many were likely badly injured or, in the case of mechs like the Shacktron, damaged during the fight...-

-Would she also tell Nanoho, Hayate, Yuuno and the Delta Warriors about it before bringing the crystal to the ship?-

Medli: "I don't see any clear signs of it...I think it teleported away."

-Vanessa's corruption on Subcon might go far beyond ice, but if the one official mission where the player has to enter her mansion is anything to go by, she takes care of her enemies in the present almost exclusively by freezing them, so right now, she can't even use that power- :V

-That being said...Vanessa's power is practically on a Beast's level, so while she can't harm Peppino or severally injure Tiki right now, Peppino's fire spin attacks were only slightly hurting her at best, and Tiki's breath was only dealing gradual damage to her. She was still standing, and was swiping her claws at Peppino and launching shadows at Tiki at every possible opporunity, roaring with anger-
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Shez: "Oh, I want to try that ride!" :b:
Pandora: "Not at all! But I thought you'd keep it between yourselves." :p
-Tiki looks at the ring?-
Juri: "So we can finally have some fun without you having a temper the size of a penny?" :p
Musashi: "Me too! It looks so fun!"
Medusa: "We like discounts" :p
-Yes she would!-
Martha: "Don't think I'm going to fully be like you though"
Star: "Sorry to interrupt, everyone! It's about Glossaryck! He's not dead! Well, at least not totally!"

Specter: "I guess I'm still not especially surprised. I visited it once, in order to explain how I died...or, well, also un-died..."

-Will any of the Decepticons be able to catch up to him?-

(I've been trying such exercise routines up since you first started my training.)

-Technically not lying. it would turn out that he was actually chasing the ball of yarn around before she entered the room. She just happened to return at a time when he was just sitting down and batting it around instead- :p


Dipper: "Whoa, there's even ROMs for Nintendo games on here!" :b:
Irisviel: "Oh, what does that mean?"
Nitocris: "Well, I haven't myself though"
-A few of them would!--
Bonecrusher: "There's the guy!"
Ratbat: "Hmmm..."
Atalanta: "And I've seen their results in combat, so I'm glad you keep doing them"
Chrono: "ROMs?"
Amy: "Programs to play gaes of other consoles"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-it will take a moment to charge up another pulse, so others have free reign-

Considering the thing literally rewound time on itself anytime we tried to destroy it, I'm not that surprised.

-yes, it can basically Divine Pulse to cheat death freely, something even Gorgon wouldn't know anything about for good reason-

We had no other option but to seal it away in a pocket dimension. Nothing else was stopping it. From what you're saying, not even your other self was successful in her attempt to dispose of it. And if you're supposed to be this almighty deity, that's actually terrifying.

Thou shalt not last much longer....

-holy crap, I unintentionally made Peppino hard counter her lol; I was merely going for the invincibility aspect and didn't realize the ice melting would come into play as well lol-
-he literally spins upward to attack while flames occasionally appear around him-
-The Dinobots also all breathed fire, Swoop also shooting missiles from the launchers attached to her wings-
-All those with Emblems aside from Irisviel with Micaiah would use their Emblem Skills!-
-Fate would come back at the Arthra to let them know of this crystal to analyze-
Gorgon: "...Where is that dimension?" -of course, they're not going to just allow Gorgon free him from there-
Illya: "Ah, thank you very much, Kanna-chan!"
Abby: "...Is it gone?"

-So Tiki would, of course, fire a continue stream of divine breath at the shadows-
-That being said, much like with the battle with Koyanskaya before, many were likely badly injured or, in the case of mechs like the Shacktron, damaged during the fight...-

-Would she also tell Nanoho, Hayate, Yuuno and the Delta Warriors about it before bringing the crystal to the ship?-

Medli: "I don't see any clear signs of it...I think it teleported away."

-Vanessa's corruption on Subcon might go far beyond ice, but if the one official mission where the player has to enter her mansion is anything to go by, she takes care of her enemies in the present almost exclusively by freezing them, so right now, she can't even use that power- :V

-That being said...Vanessa's power is practically on a Beast's level, so while she can't harm Peppino or severally injure Tiki right now, Peppino's fire spin attacks were only slightly hurting her at best, and Tiki's breath was only dealing gradual damage to her. She was still standing, and was swiping her claws at Peppino and launching shadows at Tiki at every possible opporunity, roaring with anger-

(finding one that showed all Engage attacks without spoiling the lategame in the thumbnail AND having all the DLC was harder than I thought... just avoid the one after Veronica (which is the last one) if you don't want to see said lategame spoilers.... then again, Veyle already used Veronica to summon a Sage)
Ingrid: "Nowhere you should be allowed, I suppose..."
Kanna: -giggles from being complimented by Illya, rubbing the back of her head-

-my initial idea for this was someone reaching to pet her and she slaps the hand with her vines, but now it's been established without having to cause any pain :V-
-she sips her tea again, being the figure of elegance-
Moriarty: "I am curious how you learned to be this elegant"
-Neo nodded in agreement-

Sitonai: "How will you keep him away from his wife anyway?"
Atalanta: "It looks quite unkept..."
Martha: "Maybe we could all go dip there..."
Jeanne: "I have no problem"
Ophanimon: "Nice" :p

Sakura: "The style looks like it's from the 60s..."
...We haven't planned that out...We didn't even know if Sigurd was still on the enemy's side or not...

And Oberon is really good at the "hiding" part of hide and seek! He will not be easy to find!

-...Considering some of the zanier cultural and nature aspects of Mewni, as well as how different each recorded Queen seems to be from the last...Yeah, it makes sense that each of them would have had notes haphazardly scattered throughout the already massive spell book- :V

-It's just surprising that no one seems to have cleaned the book up or reorganized it after hundreds of years...-

I'll begin maintanence work on the training simulator in the meantime. :p

-Alphys has already gone to invite Undyne and Moana to a hot springs break by now-

-...Part of her wants to go back there. Only to see someone she hasn't seen in a very long time and misses deeply...-

Steven: "This does kinda look like how my dad described Earth looking like when he was a kid...Have we gone back in time? Or is this more of like a memory thing?"

-It would soon turn out to be the latter, as nobody around seems to notice them. Not only that, but one of the first things they'd see besides some kids going to school or people walking their dogs in the neighborhood was a familiar-looking girl with blue hair, wearing a pink dress and sneakers, smiling cheerfully and being walked to a school bus by her father. Unlike the ghost they know in the present, Spooky is clearly very much still alive here-
Shez: "Well, if he isn't, I hope he makes for a fun fight." :p

Max Brass: "That's the spirit!"
Blake: "It's shocking no one cleaned things up..."
-Palutena is already in a spring-
Weiss: "I think we're in the past..."

...W-Why didn't we ask Weiss to help with this project sooner since it was her idea in the first place, again? :confused:

Sparky: "(Is that also a species thing? ...Never mind, I'm just really sorry you didn't have any friends or family here...)" :urg:

Penny: "Being perfectly fair, the timing was impeccable given we weren't expecting more guests."
Azura: "We simply didn't think of it..."
Lilith: "....It's... it's alright. No need to blame yourself for that."
Arlon: "That is true..."

Musashi: "Me too! It looks so fun!"
Medusa: "We like discounts" :p
-Yes she would!-
Martha: "Don't think I'm going to fully be like you though"
Shez: "Let's go then!" -dragging both ladies-
Pandora: "Discounts are nice." :p
-it's so shiny...-
Juri: "That would've been lame anyway. What I wanted when I tried to nudge you was a rival, not a twin." :p
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Shez: "Let's go then!" -dragging both ladies-
Pandora: "Discounts are nice." :p
-it's so shiny...-
Juri: "That would've been lame anyway. What I wanted when I tried to nudge you was a rival, not a twin." :p
-Draco reluctantly-
Medusa: "You just act a little flirty and most fall down" :p
-Artoria made sure to polish it-
Martha: "Good. To be honest, the final thing to made me realize your words was to see someone I would have just ended as"
...We haven't planned that out...We didn't even know if Sigurd was still on the enemy's side or not...

And Oberon is really good at the "hiding" part of hide and seek! He will not be easy to find!

-...Considering some of the zanier cultural and nature aspects of Mewni, as well as how different each recorded Queen seems to be from the last...Yeah, it makes sense that each of them would have had notes haphazardly scattered throughout the already massive spell book- :V

-It's just surprising that no one seems to have cleaned the book up or reorganized it after hundreds of years...-

I'll begin maintanence work on the training simulator in the meantime. :p

-Alphys has already gone to invite Undyne and Moana to a hot springs break by now-

-...Part of her wants to go back there. Only to see someone she hasn't seen in a very long time and misses deeply...-

Steven: "This does kinda look like how my dad described Earth looking like when he was a kid...Have we gone back in time? Or is this more of like a memory thing?"

-It would soon turn out to be the latter, as nobody around seems to notice them. Not only that, but one of the first things they'd see besides some kids going to school or people walking their dogs in the neighborhood was a familiar-looking girl with blue hair, wearing a pink dress and sneakers, smiling cheerfully and being walked to a school bus by her father. Unlike the ghost they know in the present, Spooky is clearly very much still alive here-
Shez: "Well, if he isn't, I hope he makes for a fun fight." :p

Max Brass: "That's the spirit!"
Blake: "It's shocking no one cleaned things up..."
-Palutena is already in a spring-
Weiss: "I think we're in the past..."
Sitonai: "Is that all that's in your brain...?"
Roberts: "Well, it's working at least"
Nobunaga: -Sees Sothis/Byleth- Should make her Swiss cheese
Atalanta: "Probably given its age they don't want it to crumble down by chance"
-So Scáthach, Luvia, da Vinci, Jeanne, Lindy, Yukari and now Ophanimon folloooooow-
-...Will she?-

Rin: "It's like being inside a memory... Is this Spooky's?"
Takeru: "I'm sure of it"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Irisviel: "Oh, what does that mean?"
Nitocris: "Well, I haven't myself though"
-A few of them would!--
Bonecrusher: "There's the guy!"
Ratbat: "Hmmm..."
Atalanta: "And I've seen their results in combat, so I'm glad you keep doing them"
Chrono: "ROMs?"
Amy: "Programs to play gaes of other consoles"
Star: "It means we might be able to save him! And I need everyone's help!" :b: "We need all hands on deck if we're gonna find him and bring him back!"

-And is still worried about the traps as a result?-

-Will they be able to capture Cyclonus?-

(Running speed and reaction time are important in Pokemon battles. Admittedly, I and most other Luxrays aren't necessarily as quick on the draw as a number of similar Pokemon...)

Dipper: "Usually people use them when an older game isn't easy to get a copy of or for mods."

Azura: "We simply didn't think of it..."
Lilith: "....It's... it's alright. No need to blame yourself for that."
Arlon: "That is true..."
... -Facepalms- W-We should've thought of it sooner...

Sparky: "(I'm not blaming myself, I just feel bad that you had to live on your own here...My sister and I are kind of dealing with something similar. We used to live in a huge valley full of Pikachus, but a bunch of us got captured and now none of us know how to go back there..."

Penny: "In hindsight, we probably should have commenced upgrading the training grounds sooner...The technology and materials and used for them are already quite expensive."

Shez: "Well, if he isn't, I hope he makes for a fun fight." :p

Max Brass: "That's the spirit!"
Blake: "It's shocking no one cleaned things up..."
-Palutena is already in a spring-
Weiss: "I think we're in the past..."
Sitonai: "Is that all that's in your brain...?"
Roberts: "Well, it's working at least"
Nobunaga: -Sees Sothis/Byleth- Should make her Swiss cheese
Atalanta: "Probably given its age they don't want it to crumble down by chance"
-So Scáthach, Luvia, da Vinci, Jeanne, Lindy, Yukari and now Ophanimon folloooooow-
-...Will she?-

Rin: "It's like being inside a memory... Is this Spooky's?"
Takeru: "I'm sure of it"
-They don't know that Nobunaga often goes after deities- :V

Let's just focus on finding them for now! And preventing the Alliance from creating more copies of the Kamen Riders...

-That, and perhaps that future queens and anyone else with the book isn't permitted to edit the chapters of past queens? The chapters and notes are there for reference and history...-

-Along with Alphys, Undyne and Moana a few minutes later-


And that must be Spooky herself right there! And is that her dad?

-It's further indicated that they're in a memory as the location they're at shifts every few seconds, Some of the locations are at school, showing Spooky talking with friends there or studying at the library or in class, appearing to be a respectably smart kid and well-liked by most of her classmates, or at least not-disliked, while other memories showing her going to watch theater plays with her parents, and others show her reading classic horror stories and watching old horror movies at home-

-By all accounts, Spooky appears to have been a completely normal and friendly 12 year old girl when she was alive, with good friends, getting good grades at most subjects, and quite clearly caring and loving parents. She just has a lot of interest in the horror genre and scary things-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Sitonai: "Is that all that's in your brain...?"
Roberts: "Well, it's working at least"
Nobunaga: -Sees Sothis/Byleth- Should make her Swiss cheese
Atalanta: "Probably given its age they don't want it to crumble down by chance"
-So Scáthach, Luvia, da Vinci, Jeanne, Lindy, Yukari and now Ophanimon folloooooow-
-...Will she?-

Rin: "It's like being inside a memory... Is this Spooky's?"
Takeru: "I'm sure of it"
-They don't know that Nobunaga often goes after deities- :V

Let's just focus on finding them for now! And preventing the Alliance from creating more copies of the Kamen Riders...

-That, and perhaps that future queens and anyone else with the book isn't permitted to edit the chapters of past queens? The chapters and notes are there for reference and history...-

-Along with Alphys, Undyne and Moana a few minutes later-


And that must be Spooky herself right there! And is that her dad?

-It's further indicated that they're in a memory as the location they're at shifts every few seconds, Some of the locations are at school, showing Spooky talking with friends there or studying at the library or in class, appearing to be a respectably smart kid and well-liked by most of her classmates, or at least not-disliked, while other memories showing her going to watch theater plays with her parents, and others show her reading classic horror stories and watching old horror movies at home-

-By all accounts, Spooky appears to have been a completely normal and friendly 12 year old girl when she was alive, with good friends, getting good grades at most subjects, and quite clearly caring and loving parents. She just has a lot of interest in the horror genre and scary things-
Shez: "You'd be happy to have new challenges too if you were so goddamn strong in your own world that only one person could ever keep up."

-and Nobu doesn't know that trying to attack Sothis is a dangerous idea- :V

Sothis: "I agree with that plan." -already walking-
Blake: "And perhaps to avoid altering anything..."
Palutena: "The water feels very nice today~"
Ruby: "...What happened to her..."

-Draco reluctantly-
Medusa: "You just act a little flirty and most fall down" :p
-Artoria made sure to polish it-
Martha: "Good. To be honest, the final thing to made me realize your words was to see someone I would have just ended as"
-but she'll end up loving it?-
Pandora: "So true." :p
-strengthening bonds :V-
Juri: "Oh my, now I'm intrigued~"

... -Facepalms- W-We should've thought of it sooner...

Sparky: "(I'm not blaming myself, I just feel bad that you had to live on your own here...My sister and I are kind of dealing with something similar. We used to live in a huge valley full of Pikachus, but a bunch of us got captured and now none of us know how to go back there..."

Penny: "In hindsight, we probably should have commenced upgrading the training grounds sooner...The technology and materials and used for them are already quite expensive."
Azura: "Yes, we should have..."
Phosphora: "That's terrible... I'd love to help you find your home one day, even if just to see it."
Arlon: "We were waiting on approval from the Rulers, but they're too busy with other things to reply in time."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Azura: "Yes, we should have..."
Phosphora: "That's terrible... I'd love to help you find your home one day, even if just to see it."
Arlon: "We were waiting on approval from the Rulers, but they're too busy with other things to reply in time."
O-Our apologies for not contacting you about the matter or asking for help with the vacation plans s-sooner, Weiss... 😅

Sparky: "(Most of the Pokemon here can't really go to their homes. Apparently ,most of us were found on different planets? I didn't even know Pokemon lived on other planets...)"

-Primarily showing Ophanimon around the base, a well as planning a strategy for what's hopefully their final confrontation with the Alliance so that they can stop Koyanskays' plans before it's too late...-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Star: "It means we might be able to save him! And I need everyone's help!" :b: "We need all hands on deck if we're gonna find him and bring him back!"

-And is still worried about the traps as a result?-

-Will they be able to capture Cyclonus?-

(Running speed and reaction time are important in Pokemon battles. Admittedly, I and most other Luxrays aren't necessarily as quick on the draw as a number of similar Pokemon...)

Dipper: "Usually people use them when an older game isn't easy to get a copy of or for mods."
Andersen: "...Do we have to?"
Irisviel: "Aw of course we will!"
Illya: "I'll try my best with that!"
Ereshkigal: "I will turn them all off!"
-He would be flying away... But then his left wing was shot, and shocked, he turned to see Blackout, Waspinator and Astrotrain all flying in their alt/beast modes-
Cyclonus: SLAG!
Atalanta: "I think they're unconsciously understand that, as they gave a try to the simulator"
Chrono: "What is a 'mod'?"
Amy: "Just hacking a game to modify some aspects"
-but she'll end up loving it?-
Pandora: "So true." :p
-strengthening bonds :V-
Juri: "Oh my, now I'm intrigued~"
-Yes, even if she'll end being like "n-not at all, baka"-
Medusa: "Sometimes even free stuff for when we both kiss the cheeks of a managed at once" :p
-How nice for they- :V
Tiki: He's really his mirror image in most aspects...
Martha: "It was a nun Digimon" -showed a picture of Sistermon Ciel-
-They don't know that Nobunaga often goes after deities- :V

Let's just focus on finding them for now! And preventing the Alliance from creating more copies of the Kamen Riders...

-That, and perhaps that future queens and anyone else with the book isn't permitted to edit the chapters of past queens? The chapters and notes are there for reference and history...-

-Along with Alphys, Undyne and Moana a few minutes later-


And that must be Spooky herself right there! And is that her dad?

-It's further indicated that they're in a memory as the location they're at shifts every few seconds, Some of the locations are at school, showing Spooky talking with friends there or studying at the library or in class, appearing to be a respectably smart kid and well-liked by most of her classmates, or at least not-disliked, while other memories showing her going to watch theater plays with her parents, and others show her reading classic horror stories and watching old horror movies at home-

-By all accounts, Spooky appears to have been a completely normal and friendly 12 year old girl when she was alive, with good friends, getting good grades at most subjects, and quite clearly caring and loving parents. She just has a lot of interest in the horror genre and scary things-
Shez: "You'd be happy to have new challenges too if you were so goddamn strong in your own world that only one person could ever keep up."

-and Nobu doesn't know that trying to attack Sothis is a dangerous idea- :V

Sothis: "I agree with that plan." -already walking-
Blake: "And perhaps to avoid altering anything..."
Palutena: "The water feels very nice today~"
Ruby: "...What happened to her..."
-It's Nobunaga, you think she cared if she knew?- :V

Sitonai: "Fine, fine, let's just get that masked guy or that mothman"
Atalanta: "So many would attempt to, and perhaps make it even more of a mess"
Jeanne: "It really puts one so much less tense...~"
Sakura: "It doesn't adds up, how she got to become like this?"
-Takeru had a very bad feeling seeing Spooky's father, his previous seeing of her death was blurry, but somehow, it feels like he's seen him before...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Andersen: "...Do we have to?"
Irisviel: "Aw of course we will!"
Illya: "I'll try my best with that!"
Ereshkigal: "I will turn them all off!"
-He would be flying away... But then his left wing was shot, and shocked, he turned to see Blackout, Waspinator and Astrotrain all flying in their alt/beast modes-
Cyclonus: SLAG!
Atalanta: "I think they're unconsciously understand that, as they gave a try to the simulator"
Chrono: "What is a 'mod'?"
Amy: "Just hacking a game to modify some aspects"
Star: "Thank you thank you thank you! Merlin and Nitocris found out that he's still out there somewhere, so I'm not suer what the next step to actually find him or figure out what happened to him is, but that's part of the reason why I'm asking all of you guys for help..."

Specter: "...Erm, they were still active?"

-The three Decepticons are suspicious of him, but nonetheless inform him that they aren't here to extinguish his Spark?-

(How did they do?)

Dipper: "Some mods just change some sprites or music. Others basiclaly create new levels, enemies and power-ups to make an almost brand new game or story mode for it." :p

Shez: "You'd be happy to have new challenges too if you were so goddamn strong in your own world that only one person could ever keep up."

-and Nobu doesn't know that trying to attack Sothis is a dangerous idea- :V

Sothis: "I agree with that plan." -already walking-
Blake: "And perhaps to avoid altering anything..."
Palutena: "The water feels very nice today~"
Ruby: "...What happened to her..."
-It's Nobunaga, you think she cared if she knew?- :V

Sitonai: "Fine, fine, let's just get that masked guy or that mothman"
Atalanta: "So many would attempt to, and perhaps make it even more of a mess"
Jeanne: "It really puts one so much less tense...~"
Sakura: "It doesn't adds up, how she got to become like this?"
-Takeru had a very bad feeling seeing Spooky's father, his previous seeing of her death was blurry, but somehow, it feels like he's seen him before...-
-She'd probably just be glad the fight was a challenge even if she lost- :V

-Would they find Sigurd and or clues to wherever Oberon was hiding?-

-So instead, each Queen just keeps adding and writing more chapters to it...-

-...Either that book can magically can condense how many pages it has until someone needs to read a specific chapter, or they're going to need a second volume of the spell book at some point- :V

There's nothing quite like a dip in a hot springs~!

Steven: "She's acting nothing like how she does now..."

I was already suspicious of it based on horror tropes and the fact that she wasn't totally heartless...but I think you were right that she isn't herself as a ghost, Sakura...

-However, from an early age, Spooky is shown trying to scare people around the neighborhood and town, even during a vacation or two, especially around October and Halloween. At first, she just wears costumes and masks before trying to jump out at people for jumpscares, but no one is ever much more than lightly startled by it. Over the years, she becomes more creative with her scares as she starts using novelty items and setting up pranks to try and scare people instead, but fails every time, with her friends never being scared and adults always calling her cute or adorable. Even outside of attempts to scare people, she's often called cute by some of her neighbors and a few of her teachers as well-

-In further contrast to the Spooky they know as a ghost in the present day, Spooky is only annoyed at worst by being called cute and disappointed whenever she fails to scare someone. She doesn't show a single sign of wanting to actually hurt anyone or outright resent being called cute, and on the occasions where her parents refer to her as such, she isn't annoyed at all and is in fact only shown smiling and laughing, genuinely happy-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
O-Our apologies for not contacting you about the matter or asking for help with the vacation plans s-sooner, Weiss... 😅

Sparky: "(Most of the Pokemon here can't really go to their homes. Apparently ,most of us were found on different planets? I didn't even know Pokemon lived on other planets...)"

-Primarily showing Ophanimon around the base, a well as planning a strategy for what's hopefully their final confrontation with the Alliance so that they can stop Koyanskays' plans before it's too late...-
Weiss: "No worries. I got to enjoy a nice time off." :p
Lilith: "Neither did I..."
-pretty much, yeah-

-Yes, even if she'll end being like "n-not at all, baka"-
Medusa: "Sometimes even free stuff for when we both kiss the cheeks of a managed at once" :p
-How nice for they- :V
Tiki: He's really his mirror image in most aspects...
Martha: "It was a nun Digimon" -showed a picture of Sistermon Ciel-
-Shez will know how Draco really feels :V-
Pandora: "No holding back, huh?" :p
-he's Mar-Mar...-
Juri: "She seems cool." :p

-It's Nobunaga, you think she cared if she knew?- :V

Sitonai: "Fine, fine, let's just get that masked guy or that mothman"
Atalanta: "So many would attempt to, and perhaps make it even more of a mess"
Jeanne: "It really puts one so much less tense...~"
Sakura: "It doesn't adds up, how she got to become like this?"
-Takeru had a very bad feeling seeing Spooky's father, his previous seeing of her death was blurry, but somehow, it feels like he's seen him before...-
-She'd probably just be glad the fight was a challenge even if she lost- :V

-Would they find Sigurd and or clues to wherever Oberon was hiding?-

-So instead, each Queen just keeps adding and writing more chapters to it...-

-...Either that book can magically can condense how many pages it has until someone needs to read a specific chapter, or they're going to need a second volume of the spell book at some point- :V

There's nothing quite like a dip in a hot springs~!

Steven: "She's acting nothing like how she does now..."

I was already suspicious of it based on horror tropes and the fact that she wasn't totally heartless...but I think you were right that she isn't herself as a ghost, Sakura...

-However, from an early age, Spooky is shown trying to scare people around the neighborhood and town, even during a vacation or two, especially around October and Halloween. At first, she just wears costumes and masks before trying to jump out at people for jumpscares, but no one is ever much more than lightly startled by it. Over the years, she becomes more creative with her scares as she starts using novelty items and setting up pranks to try and scare people instead, but fails every time, with her friends never being scared and adults always calling her cute or adorable. Even outside of attempts to scare people, she's often called cute by some of her neighbors and a few of her teachers as well-

-In further contrast to the Spooky they know as a ghost in the present day, Spooky is only annoyed at worst by being called cute and disappointed whenever she fails to scare someone. She doesn't show a single sign of wanting to actually hurt anyone or outright resent being called cute, and on the occasions where her parents refer to her as such, she isn't annoyed at all and is in fact only shown smiling and laughing, genuinely happy-
-good points-

-also what KoP asked-
-well, they need it because the first one's gone anyway-

Blake: "Still, to think generations of people wrote in it..."
Palutena: "We're fortunate Lilith's castle already came with one." :p
Blake: "Maybe we had the real Spooky...?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Shez will know how Draco really feels :V-
Pandora: "No holding back, huh?" :p
-he's Mar-Mar...-
Juri: "She seems cool." :p
-Her thoughts on the Beast?-
Medusa: "Wouldn't be fun if we did" :p
-Well, even if not her Mar-Mar-
Martha: "I saw in her what I could have become if I just kept bottling myself... My needs and selfish desires"
Star: "Thank you thank you thank you! Merlin and Nitocris found out that he's still out there somewhere, so I'm not suer what the next step to actually find him or figure out what happened to him is, but that's part of the reason why I'm asking all of you guys for help..."

Specter: "...Erm, they were still active?"

-The three Decepticons are suspicious of him, but nonetheless inform him that they aren't here to extinguish his Spark?-

(How did they do?)

Dipper: "Some mods just change some sprites or music. Others basiclaly create new levels, enemies and power-ups to make an almost brand new game or story mode for it." :p
Illya: "Then we'll be set to find him! ...As annoying as he could be"
Ereshkigal: "....Maybe?"
Cyclonus: "Get away!"
Astrotrain: "We'd like to crush you, but we can't now"
Cyclonus: "Huh?"
Atalanta: "They have a bit of experience from living in the wild, but not much"
Chrono: "...Are they legal?"
Amy: "Depends on where you live and the intentions"
-She'd probably just be glad the fight was a challenge even if she lost- :V

-Would they find Sigurd and or clues to wherever Oberon was hiding?-

-So instead, each Queen just keeps adding and writing more chapters to it...-

-...Either that book can magically can condense how many pages it has until someone needs to read a specific chapter, or they're going to need a second volume of the spell book at some point- :V

There's nothing quite like a dip in a hot springs~!

Steven: "She's acting nothing like how she does now..."

I was already suspicious of it based on horror tropes and the fact that she wasn't totally heartless...but I think you were right that she isn't herself as a ghost, Sakura...

-However, from an early age, Spooky is shown trying to scare people around the neighborhood and town, even during a vacation or two, especially around October and Halloween. At first, she just wears costumes and masks before trying to jump out at people for jumpscares, but no one is ever much more than lightly startled by it. Over the years, she becomes more creative with her scares as she starts using novelty items and setting up pranks to try and scare people instead, but fails every time, with her friends never being scared and adults always calling her cute or adorable. Even outside of attempts to scare people, she's often called cute by some of her neighbors and a few of her teachers as well-

-In further contrast to the Spooky they know as a ghost in the present day, Spooky is only annoyed at worst by being called cute and disappointed whenever she fails to scare someone. She doesn't show a single sign of wanting to actually hurt anyone or outright resent being called cute, and on the occasions where her parents refer to her as such, she isn't annoyed at all and is in fact only shown smiling and laughing, genuinely happy-
-good points-

-also what KoP asked-
-well, they need it because the first one's gone anyway-

Blake: "Still, to think generations of people wrote in it..."
Palutena: "We're fortunate Lilith's castle already came with one." :p
Blake: "Maybe we had the real Spooky...?"
-They'd see Sigurd at least, doing... Nothing-
-Pretty much- :p

Atalanta: "If only there were pictures or scans of its interiors..."
Ophanimon: "Oh right, you just relocated here recently"
Takeru: "...I knew it...Many spirits are like this, there was no way a little child like her would have been willing to murder..."
Sakura: "Then...How she died?"
Takeru: "...The better question is who pulled the trigger and why" -he doesn't wants to see it, no does Sakura, but they know they gotta to understand-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Her thoughts on the Beast?-
Medusa: "Wouldn't be fun if we did" :p
-Well, even if not her Mar-Mar-
Martha: "I saw in her what I could have become if I just kept bottling myself... My needs and selfish desires"
Shez: She's a lot like Felix. Rough and cold on the outside but getting to know her shows there's someone who's nicer than she says. :p
Pandora: "Think I could join on the teasing for more discounts?" :p
-thoughts on that?-
Juri: "Just like I told you. But when I did, you'd blow up and start punching me... Good times~" P
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Illya: "Then we'll be set to find him! ...As annoying as he could be"
Ereshkigal: "....Maybe?"
Cyclonus: "Get away!"
Astrotrain: "We'd like to crush you, but we can't now"
Cyclonus: "Huh?"
Atalanta: "They have a bit of experience from living in the wild, but not much"
Chrono: "...Are they legal?"
Amy: "Depends on where you live and the intentions"
Star: "I know Glossaryck's teaching methods could be pretty annoying...But everything he did was ultimately to help me learn about magic or figure out what I needed to do. He's still one of my teachers. And he's still one of my friends. If I can save him, then I want to try..."

Specter: "That's...mildly concerning."

-The Decepticons he was protecting stood up for him, and out of curiosity for the truth, Aquamarine and Shockwave ordered his survival...-

(Hmm, as is expected for most young Wild Pokemon. I know it was the case for myself prior to being trained and leveling up...)

Mabel: "What Amy said!"

Weiss: "No worries. I got to enjoy a nice time off." :p
Lilith: "Neither did I..."
-pretty much, yeah-
-A break before a vacation- :p

A-All of us with Chaldea's leadership duties could use a break, ourselves, but we can't afford much of one right now...

Sparky: "(It...would be really nice to see home again. At least to see the valley again and make sure the other Raichu and their families are okay...But don't worry about that now! You've been alone way longer than we have, Ms, Lilith, but isn't everyone here staying in this town now?)"

Penny: "Have we still been requesting most of our current technology resources from the Time Space Administration Bureau?"

-good points-

-also what KoP asked-
-well, they need it because the first one's gone anyway-

Blake: "Still, to think generations of people wrote in it..."
Palutena: "We're fortunate Lilith's castle already came with one." :p
Blake: "Maybe we had the real Spooky...?"
-They'd see Sigurd at least, doing... Nothing-
-Pretty much- :p

Atalanta: "If only there were pictures or scans of its interiors..."
Ophanimon: "Oh right, you just relocated here recently"
Takeru: "...I knew it...Many spirits are like this, there was no way a little child like her would have been willing to murder..."
Sakura: "Then...How she died?"
Takeru: "...The better question is who pulled the trigger and why" -he doesn't wants to see it, no does Sakura, but they know they gotta to understand-
...Uhh, that's him, right? But why is he just standing there menacingly?

Mr. Sigurd? Are you awake? How many fingers am I holding up? -Waves hand in front of the knight-

-Only problem with that is, most of the knowledge from the first book is outright gone. Reduced to atoms- :V

-Including Eclipsa...Although to Ata's point, there are some copies of a few pages from a few chapters from the spell book on display separately as well-

Yeah, an old friend and retainer of Kamui's owns the castle grounds, and she invited us to stay here as a new base!

Pearl: "But then is the ghost we've been seeing even Spooky or part of her at all...?"

I'm still in the boat that we're dealing with a curse situation. It's just a particularly confusing one...

-At one point, the location shifts to a memory of Spooky's during a Halloween night when Spooky was 12, dressed in the same Red Death costume that the Spooky they just saw was donning. At one point, she tries to jump out from behind her own house and scare her friends, who are just like "Oh hey, Spooky!" and "Nice devil costume!", much to her annoyance as she responds "Uhh, what? My costume's not supposed to look like a devil! And come on, that really didn't scare you guys?" Her friends respond with "Nope, sorry, Spooky" "It was a good try, though!" before debating about whether or not her costume is supposed to be a devil or the Grim Reaper since she's carrying a fake scythe, which also leads to them arguing over whether or not the Grim Reaper usually wears red instead of black. Spooky seems annoyed, but at least glad to go out trick-or-treating with her friends, and remains confident that she'll scare someone this Halloween-

-Throughout the rest of the night as she goes trick-or-treating with her friends, Spooky repeatedly tries to jump scare other kids, teeangers and adults all alike, both by jumping out at them from behind houses and corners, and by using cheap props and prank items to try and startle people, always to no avail. Reactions of the kids usually range from total confusion to laughter, or just friendly greetings from some classmates who recognize her, while reactions of the adults vary from them pretending to be scared to entertain Spooky, which just annoys her more, being annoyed by her scares and moving on thinking she's just acting like a brat, and laughing and smiling at her, clearly not with any ill-will, but nonetheless much to Spooky's chargrin, as they compliment her on how adorable she looks in her costume, which they usually mistake for being one of Clifford the Big Red Dog, a book series that was still very new in the 60s. Some even pat her on the head or give her some of their own candy despite not being at their homes before moving on with their Halloween-

-At one point, she even shouts at one adult in a typical ghost costume walking away "I'm not some silly big red dog, I'm the Masque of the Red Death! Ugh, why does no one take me seriously...?" Her friends assure her that they're sure she'll scare someone one day, but by this point, Spooky just seems resigned to grumpily sit on her house's front porch while eating some of her Halloween candy-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-They'd see Sigurd at least, doing... Nothing-
-Pretty much- :p

Atalanta: "If only there were pictures or scans of its interiors..."
Ophanimon: "Oh right, you just relocated here recently"
Takeru: "...I knew it...Many spirits are like this, there was no way a little child like her would have been willing to murder..."
Sakura: "Then...How she died?"
Takeru: "...The better question is who pulled the trigger and why" -he doesn't wants to see it, no does Sakura, but they know they gotta to understand-
...Uhh, that's him, right? But why is he just standing there menacingly?

Mr. Sigurd? Are you awake? How many fingers am I holding up? -Waves hand in front of the knight-

-Only problem with that is, most of the knowledge from the first book is outright gone. Reduced to atoms- :V

-Including Eclipsa...Although to Ata's point, there are some copies of a few pages from a few chapters from the spell book on display separately as well-

Yeah, an old friend and retainer of Kamui's owns the castle grounds, and she invited us to stay here as a new base!

Pearl: "But then is the ghost we've been seeing even Spooky or part of her at all...?"

I'm still in the boat that we're dealing with a curse situation. It's just a particularly confusing one...

-At one point, the location shifts to a memory of Spooky's during a Halloween night when Spooky was 12, dressed in the same Red Death costume that the Spooky they just saw was donning. At one point, she tries to jump out from behind her own house and scare her friends, who are just like "Oh hey, Spooky!" and "Nice devil costume!", much to her annoyance as she responds "Uhh, what? My costume's not supposed to look like a devil! And come on, that really didn't scare you guys?" Her friends respond with "Nope, sorry, Spooky" "It was a good try, though!" before debating about whether or not her costume is supposed to be a devil or the Grim Reaper since she's carrying a fake scythe, which also leads to them arguing over whether or not the Grim Reaper usually wears red instead of black. Spooky seems annoyed, but at least glad to go out trick-or-treating with her friends, and remains confident that she'll scare someone this Halloween-

-Throughout the rest of the night as she goes trick-or-treating with her friends, Spooky repeatedly tries to jump scare other kids, teeangers and adults all alike, both by jumping out at them from behind houses and corners, and by using cheap props and prank items to try and startle people, always to no avail. Reactions of the kids usually range from total confusion to laughter, or just friendly greetings from some classmates who recognize her, while reactions of the adults vary from them pretending to be scared to entertain Spooky, which just annoys her more, being annoyed by her scares and moving on thinking she's just acting like a brat, and laughing and smiling at her, clearly not with any ill-will, but nonetheless much to Spooky's chargrin, as they compliment her on how adorable she looks in her costume, which they usually mistake for being one of Clifford the Big Red Dog, a book series that was still very new in the 60s. Some even pat her on the head or give her some of their own candy despite not being at their homes before moving on with their Halloween-

-At one point, she even shouts at one leaving adult "I'm not some silly big red dog, I'm the Masque of the Red Death! Ugh, why does no one take me seriously...?" Her friends assuer her that they're sure she'll scare someone one day, but by this point, Spooky just seems resigned to grumpily sit on her house's front porch while eating some of her Halloween candy-
Shez: "I think the mask just hides a lot..."
Blake: "...They preserved so few..."
Azura: "It's wonderful to be back here..."
Ruby: "All she wanted was to scare people..."

-A break before a vacation- :p

A-All of us with Chaldea's leadership duties could use a break, ourselves, but we can't afford much of one right now...

Sparky: "(It...would be really nice to see home again. At least to see the valley again and make sure the other Raichu and their families are okay...But don't worry about that now! You've been alone way longer than we have, Ms, Lilith, but isn't everyone here staying in this town now?)"

Penny: "Have we still been requesting most of our current technology resources from the Time Space Administration Bureau?"
Weiss: "Truly a terrible situation..."
Lilith: "Yes.... they are." :)
Arlon: "Yes, but there's only so much we can ask without getting stern looks by Lindy's superiors..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Weiss: "Truly a terrible situation..."
Lilith: "Yes.... they are." :)
Arlon: "Yes, but there's only so much we can ask without getting stern looks by Lindy's superiors..."
-Yet exactly one of the reasons why Weiss is here to help them?-

Sparky: "(Then you don't need to worry about being alone or not having friends anymore.)" :)

Penny: "And I do not wish to drain the Bureau's resources or funds...Perhaps it is time we look into gathering materials ourselves again? Or perhaps buying them from other highly esteemed and reputable sources?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Shez: "She's a lot like Felix. Rough and cold on the outside but getting to know her shows there's someone who's nicer than she says." :p
Pandora: "Think I could join on the teasing for more discounts?" :p
-thoughts on that?-
Juri: "Just like I told you. But when I did, you'd blow up and start punching me... Good times~" P
Musashi: "Felix is the edgy swordsman that was friends of you, right?"
Medusa: "I'm sure she would appreciate" :p
Tiki: I must not treat him the exact same though...
Martha: "Fighting this madwoman made me realize, everything you said about me was true. She once did the same, and then became a murderous maniac with no regards for others... She even saw through me and my desires.

I would have become just like her if it wasn't for your words"
Star: "I know Glossaryck's teaching methods could be pretty annoying...But everything he did was ultimately to help me learn about magic or figure out what I needed to do. He's still one of my teachers. And he's still one of my friends. If I can save him, then I want to try..."

Specter: "That's...mildly concerning."

-The Decepticons he was protecting stood up for him, and out of curiosity for the truth, Aquamarine and Shockwave ordered his survival...-

(Hmm, as is expected for most young Wild Pokemon. I know it was the case for myself prior to being trained and leveling up...)

Mabel: "What Amy said!"
da Vinci: "Then lets get there and make use of our time~!"
Ereshkigal: "A-All will be fine! I swear!"
Blackout: "Only capture orders, so would you come down?"
Cyclonus: "Why would I believe that?"
Waspinator: "Otherzzzz like Cyclonebot lots!"
Atalanta: "I hope they get their abilities and skills at their best for in case anything occurs"
Amy: "I hope here it's not"
Cheono: "Hmmm..."
...Uhh, that's him, right? But why is he just standing there menacingly?

Mr. Sigurd? Are you awake? How many fingers am I holding up? -Waves hand in front of the knight-

-Only problem with that is, most of the knowledge from the first book is outright gone. Reduced to atoms- :V

-Including Eclipsa...Although to Ata's point, there are some copies of a few pages from a few chapters from the spell book on display separately as well-

Yeah, an old friend and retainer of Kamui's owns the castle grounds, and she invited us to stay here as a new base!

Pearl: "But then is the ghost we've been seeing even Spooky or part of her at all...?"

I'm still in the boat that we're dealing with a curse situation. It's just a particularly confusing one...

-At one point, the location shifts to a memory of Spooky's during a Halloween night when Spooky was 12, dressed in the same Red Death costume that the Spooky they just saw was donning. At one point, she tries to jump out from behind her own house and scare her friends, who are just like "Oh hey, Spooky!" and "Nice devil costume!", much to her annoyance as she responds "Uhh, what? My costume's not supposed to look like a devil! And come on, that really didn't scare you guys?" Her friends respond with "Nope, sorry, Spooky" "It was a good try, though!" before debating about whether or not her costume is supposed to be a devil or the Grim Reaper since she's carrying a fake scythe, which also leads to them arguing over whether or not the Grim Reaper usually wears red instead of black. Spooky seems annoyed, but at least glad to go out trick-or-treating with her friends, and remains confident that she'll scare someone this Halloween-

-Throughout the rest of the night as she goes trick-or-treating with her friends, Spooky repeatedly tries to jump scare other kids, teeangers and adults all alike, both by jumping out at them from behind houses and corners, and by using cheap props and prank items to try and startle people, always to no avail. Reactions of the kids usually range from total confusion to laughter, or just friendly greetings from some classmates who recognize her, while reactions of the adults vary from them pretending to be scared to entertain Spooky, which just annoys her more, being annoyed by her scares and moving on thinking she's just acting like a brat, and laughing and smiling at her, clearly not with any ill-will, but nonetheless much to Spooky's chargrin, as they compliment her on how adorable she looks in her costume, which they usually mistake for being one of Clifford the Big Red Dog, a book series that was still very new in the 60s. Some even pat her on the head or give her some of their own candy despite not being at their homes before moving on with their Halloween-

-At one point, she even shouts at one adult in a typical ghost costume walking away "I'm not some silly big red dog, I'm the Masque of the Red Death! Ugh, why does no one take me seriously...?" Her friends assure her that they're sure she'll scare someone one day, but by this point, Spooky just seems resigned to grumpily sit on her house's front porch while eating some of her Halloween candy-
Shez: "I think the mask just hides a lot..."
Blake: "...They preserved so few..."
Azura: "It's wonderful to be back here..."
Ruby: "All she wanted was to scare people..."
-Sigurd only stares, saying nothing-
Charlotte: "...He's never been approachable"
Atalanta: "Well, at least not everything is gone..."
Ophanimon: I'm glad you find these quarters adequate then~" -of course, she wasn't wearing any armor at the moment, with the sole proof that she wasn't human being the 10 gold wings on her back... Of which 8 look to be made of solid gold and the first pair pair wings are not attached to her body, but float and flutter according to her brain, and only the bottom pair is the classic feathered wings-

-And they all seem flexible too as they rest in a lowered position-

-That said, they could also see that she also was quite up there in the conventional standards of beauty-
Sieg: "But not to hurt anyone, it was an innocent desire to do some pranks..."
Rin: "...Is she going to do something about it?"
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Artoria: "Now you can enjoy yours" :)
-Pretty much, they're just dummies in their shapes-
-The cafeteria, of course!-
Natsuki: "Oh yeah, this is where I work"
-She might wake up at the smell of tasty food being cooked-
Moriarty: "I am curious how you learned to be this elegant"

-The Dinobots also all breathed fire, Swoop also shooting missiles from the launchers attached to her wings-
-All those with Emblems aside from Irisviel with Micaiah would use their Emblem Skills!-
-Fate would come back at the Arthra to let them know of this crystal to analyze-
Gorgon: "...Where is that dimension?" -of course, they're not going to just allow Gorgon free him from there-
Illya: "Ah, thank you very much, Kanna-chan!"
Abby: "...Is it gone?"

-So Tiki would, of course, fire a continue stream of divine breath at the shadows-
Speaking of Godzilla, Minus One is freaking awesome.

-It's probably an extremely good burger...But yeah, why is this knight/royal lady being so kind to him?-

-Entire team is babies?- :V


-That being said, much like with the battle with Koyanskaya before, many were likely badly injured or, in the case of mechs like the Shacktron, damaged during the fight...-

Medli: "I don't see any clear signs of it...I think it teleported away."

-Vanessa's corruption on Subcon might go far beyond ice, but if the one official mission where the player has to enter her mansion is anything to go by, she takes care of her enemies in the present almost exclusively by freezing them, so right now, she can't even use that power- :V

-That being said...Vanessa's power is practically on a Beast's level, so while she can't harm Peppino or severally injure Tiki right now, Peppino's fire spin attacks were only slightly hurting her at best, and Tiki's breath was only dealing gradual damage to her. She was still standing, and was swiping her claws at Peppino and launching shadows at Tiki at every possible opporunity, roaring with anger-

(finding one that showed all Engage attacks without spoiling the lategame in the thumbnail AND having all the DLC was harder than I thought... just avoid the one after Veronica (which is the last one) if you don't want to see said lategame spoilers.... then again, Veyle already used Veronica to summon a Sage)
Ingrid: "Nowhere you should be allowed, I suppose..."
Kanna: -giggles from being complimented by Illya, rubbing the back of her head-

-Neo nodded in agreement-

-he will ask later; now is chow time!-
-nomming borgar-

-ah good-
-then yeah, he doing good; practicing Critical Bite quite a bit to get more used to hitting the right spot-

You cook? I knew you baked, but....

-her body reacted to the food first before she'd wake up-
-as in sniffing and sleepwalking toward it-

-and because I made the reference last post-

[Something that just comes naturally.]
-indeed, it's kind of a Snivy trait in general to be calm and intelligent; her disdain for anything "boorish" however is special-

-charging up another Nuclear Pulse-
-people should get away from the mech-

If you even so much as suggest releasing that Digimon....

-trying to get between him and Gorgon-

-preparing another Berserk Sword strike-

Eh...I'm not-a taking damage but I don't-a think she is either....

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-It's probably an extremely good burger...But yeah, why is this knight/royal lady being so kind to him?-

-Entire team is babies?- :V


-Neo nodded in agreement-
-he will ask later; now is chow time!-
-nomming borgar-

-ah good-
-then yeah, he doing good; practicing Critical Bite quite a bit to get more used to hitting the right spot-

You cook? I knew you baked, but....

-her body reacted to the food first before she'd wake up-
-as in sniffing and sleepwalking toward it-

-and because I made the reference last post-

[Something that just comes naturally.]
-indeed, it's kind of a Snivy trait in general to be calm and intelligent; her disdain for anything "boorish" however is special-
-And it's the best burger he's ever eaten in fact!-
-Managing to do plenty of damage in the M. Bison dummy-
Natsuki: "Well, mostly bake, people here love desserts. But bread's also a common thing"
Sayori: "They're all really delicious~!"
-What could be that delicacy, her mind wonders while dreaming-
Moriarty: "I like that kind of answer" -sips tea- "By the way, these are Neo Politan and my daughter Fran"
-That being said, much like with the battle with Koyanskaya before, many were likely badly injured or, in the case of mechs like the Shacktron, damaged during the fight...-

-Would she also tell Nanoho, Hayate, Yuuno and the Delta Warriors about it before bringing the crystal to the ship?-

Medli: "I don't see any clear signs of it...I think it teleported away."

-Vanessa's corruption on Subcon might go far beyond ice, but if the one official mission where the player has to enter her mansion is anything to go by, she takes care of her enemies in the present almost exclusively by freezing them, so right now, she can't even use that power- :V

-That being said...Vanessa's power is practically on a Beast's level, so while she can't harm Peppino or severally injure Tiki right now, Peppino's fire spin attacks were only slightly hurting her at best, and Tiki's breath was only dealing gradual damage to her. She was still standing, and was swiping her claws at Peppino and launching shadows at Tiki at every possible opporunity, roaring with anger-

(finding one that showed all Engage attacks without spoiling the lategame in the thumbnail AND having all the DLC was harder than I thought... just avoid the one after Veronica (which is the last one) if you don't want to see said lategame spoilers.... then again, Veyle already used Veronica to summon a Sage)
Ingrid: "Nowhere you should be allowed, I suppose..."
Kanna: -giggles from being complimented by Illya, rubbing the back of her head-
-charging up another Nuclear Pulse-
-people should get away from the mech-

If you even so much as suggest releasing that Digimon....

-trying to get between him and Gorgon-

-preparing another Berserk Sword strike-

Eh...I'm not-a taking damage but I don't-a think she is either....
-Once they were all finished making additional damage with all the Emblem skills, they made sure to-
Shirou: "Alright, now let's not get in the way!"
Martha: "Agreed!" -flying off with many mounting her given the Tiki bracelet gave her her dragon form-
Fate: "Everyone..."
Signum: "Testarossa?"
Gorgon: "You expect me to just stay with crossed arms?"
Illya: "Okay, but where?" -glad friend happy-

-Okay, that's bad news-
Tiki: "...What is this creature?" -she pondered, before going back to shooting a stream of divinity-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
da Vinci: "Then lets get there and make use of our time~!"
Ereshkigal: "A-All will be fine! I swear!"
Blackout: "Only capture orders, so would you come down?"
Cyclonus: "Why would I believe that?"
Waspinator: "Otherzzzz like Cyclonebot lots!"
Atalanta: "I hope they get their abilities and skills at their best for in case anything occurs"
Amy: "I hope here it's not"
Cheono: "Hmmm..."
-The rest of the Casters follow suit?-

Specter: "Well, no traps seemed to be there or active the last time I was there..."

-Others? Wait, the Decepticons he was keeping the real traitors away from...?-

(Given the theats we've dealt with, and the ones menacing the universe currently, it may be a necessity...) -Sighs, a bit worried-

Dipper: "It's...probably fine."

Mabel: "Grunkle Stan probably wouldn't care." :p

-he will ask later; now is chow time!-
-nomming borgar-

-her body reacted to the food first before she'd wake up-
-as in sniffing and sleepwalking toward it-

-and because I made the reference last post-
-And it's the best burger he's ever eaten in fact!-

-What could be that delicacy, her mind wonders while dreaming-
-Totodile's reaction?-

-Alphys wakes up a few seconds later, still in her PJs, just in time to see Burrito wandering off-

Huh? W-Wait, Burrito! Where are you going? A-Are you even awake? Oh God, b-be careful! :crazy: -Her panicked calls wouldn't be enough to wake the sleepwalking Bidoof up yet, though Alphys is still following her out of total worry-

Shez: "I think the mask just hides a lot..."
Blake: "...They preserved so few..."
Azura: "It's wonderful to be back here..."
Ruby: "All she wanted was to scare people..."
-Sigurd only stares, saying nothing-
Charlotte: "...He's never been approachable"
Atalanta: "Well, at least not everything is gone..."
Ophanimon: I'm glad you find these quarters adequate then~" -of course, she wasn't wearing any armor at the moment, with the sole proof that she wasn't human being the eight gold wings on her back... Of which 6 are made of solid gold and not attached to her body, but float and flutter according to her brain, and only the bottom pair is the classic feathered wings-

-That said, they could also see that she also was quite up there in the conventional standards of beauty-
Sieg: "But not to hurt anyone, it was an innocent desire to do some pranks..."
Rin: "...Is she going to do something about it?"
...I also forgot that he doesn't talk! Whoopsie!

He's taken a vow of silence, so I'm at least not surprised that he's not talking...Him not immediately attacking us is a good sign, too, though!

-Actually, it appears that the excerpts are copies of pages from the current iteration of the Spell Book, not the original-

-Knowledge of any spells that from Lyric's era or beforehand only survived through separate documents or Lyric or other mages passing their knowledge of certian spells down, so while not all knowledge recorded in the first Spell Book is gone, the knowledge that's been saved isn't on display in this section-

Wait, you have wings made of literal gold?

Penny: "She even seems to care about her family and friends..."

Steven: "She was never heartless, but she's been mean to almost everyone in the present..."

(If this is really the same Spooky...what happened to her...?)

-Spooky's friends encourage her to just enjoy the rest of Halloween and keep trick-or-treating, but Spooky tells them to go to the next house and that she'll catch up. They agree, but insist on waiting by that house until she catches up. For a few minutes, Spooky simply eats some of the candy she's gotten while looking ouat the neighborhood and other trick-or-treating groups, disappointed that she no one is taking her nor her scares seriously and that she hasn't been able to make a good scare-

-After about a minute, she looks into her candy bucket, which the group can see only has a few items left in, including some props and prank items. Of the reamining items in the candy bucket, there are a few pieces of candy, a small tube of fake blood, and a few fire crackers-

-...That last item seems to give Spooky an idea, however, as she says the following seconds before running back into her house-

Past!Spooky: "..." -GASP- "I know! I'll scare dad!" :b: "Loud noises always make him jumpy! Oh, he's gonna be so proud of me!"


-charging up another Nuclear Pulse-
-people should get away from the mech-

If you even so much as suggest releasing that Digimon....

-trying to get between him and Gorgon-

-preparing another Berserk Sword strike-

Eh...I'm not-a taking damage but I don't-a think she is either....
-Nel, Alear and Veyle shot beams from the mouth, hands and hands respectively-
Ingrid: "Though I must admit, Isis taking direct action is entirely out of character. The level of threat he possesses must have been drastically greater than the entirely of Chaldea combined for her to not even waste time on dealing with him... And that's saying something considering the many, many strong people within its ranks.

Perhaps he was even able to stop her single-handedly? That would be a good reason for her to not ignore this Digimon..."
Kanna: "Watch out, Illya-chan!" -shot a dragon beam of water at a Sparkless-
-Once they were all finished making additional damage with all the Emblem skills, they made sure to-
Shirou: "Alright, now let's not get in the way!"
Martha: "Agreed!" -flying off with many mounting her given the Tiki bracelet gave her her dragon form-
Fate: "Everyone..."
Signum: "Testarossa?"
Gorgon: "You expect me to just stay with crossed arms?"
Illya: "Okay, but where?" -glad friend happy-

-Okay, that's bad news-
Tiki: "...What is this creature?" -she pondered, before going back to shooting a stream of divinity-
-What Digi said, as Undyne, Star, Dipper and Mabel all used Emblem Engage to launch their respective Emblem(s)' strongest attack at Serpentera, before Rapidash and Ponya helped the two younger Pines twins escape by acting as mounts, while Undyne picked up Star, Marco and Lily and brought them to Moana, who quickly fled the area to help them escape as well-

-At this point, the only other fighters near the massive Megazord was the Shacktron and it's crew, and possibly Nel, and even the former made some distance from Serpentera to avoid any collateral damage from Godzilla's breath-

-Fate explains and shows them the mostly invisible crystal?-

Tirsiak: "...Nature will consume you someday, even just as a natural death..." -Glaring at Knightmon, short of one antler-

Tetra: "If it's still a threat to the town, we'll have to find out quickly..."

-Was that water breath attack enough to defeat the last remaining Sparkless?-

-Cackling madly- I am...or was the Princess of Subcon...I am Queen Vanessa...

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Yet exactly one of the reasons why Weiss is here to help them?-

Sparky: "(Then you don't need to worry about being alone or not having friends anymore.)" :)

Penny: "And I do not wish to drain the Bureau's resources or funds...Perhaps it is time we look into gathering materials ourselves again? Or perhaps buying them from other highly esteemed and reputable sources?"
Weiss: "That is why I'm here to offer help."
Lilith: "That's a nice way to see things." I hope their stay isn't temporary... but I won't force them to remain here.
Arlon: "Those would likely not come cheap..."

Musashi: "Felix is the edgy swordsman that was friends of you, right?"
Medusa: "I'm sure she would appreciate" :p
Tiki: I must not treat him the exact same though...
Martha: "Fighting this madwoman made me realize, everything you said about me was true. She once did the same, and then became a murderous maniac with no regards for others... She even saw through me and my desires.

I would have become just like her if it wasn't for your words"
-wanted these to be her thoughts and kinda goofed but we can say Mushi and Shez are talking quietly and Draco doesn't care enough to pay attention :V-

Shez: "He had a good heart, but his words were sometimes cold."
Pandora: "Let's ask her." :p
Juri: "So what are you gonna do? Start to ask for fights to vent things out~?" -growing excited at the thought of Martha having a proper rivalry where they spar often and she's not short-tempered or exploding in bottled-up rage-

-Sigurd only stares, saying nothing-
Charlotte: "...He's never been approachable"
Atalanta: "Well, at least not everything is gone..."
Ophanimon: I'm glad you find these quarters adequate then~" -of course, she wasn't wearing any armor at the moment, with the sole proof that she wasn't human being the 10 gold wings on her back... Of which 8 look to be made of solid gold and the first pair pair wings are not attached to her body, but float and flutter according to her brain, and only the bottom pair is the classic feathered wings-

-And they all seem flexible too as they rest in a lowered position-

-That said, they could also see that she also was quite up there in the conventional standards of beauty-
Sieg: "But not to hurt anyone, it was an innocent desire to do some pranks..."
Rin: "...Is she going to do something about it?"
...I also forgot that he doesn't talk! Whoopsie!

He's taken a vow of silence, so I'm at least not surprised that he's not talking...Him not immediately attacking us is a good sign, too, though!

-Actually, it appears that the excerpts are copies of pages from the current iteration of the Spell Book, not the original-

-Knowledge of any spells that from Lyric's era or beforehand only survived through separate documents or Lyric or other mages passing their knowledge of certian spells down, so while not all knowledge recorded in the first Spell Book is gone, the knowledge that's been saved isn't on display in this section-

Wait, you have wings made of literal gold?

Penny: "She even seems to care about her family and friends..."

Steven: "She was never heartless, but she's been mean to almost everyone in the present..."

(If this is really the same Spooky...what happened to her...?)

-Spooky's friends encourage her to just enjoy the rest of Halloween and keep trick-or-treating, but Spooky tells them to go to the next house and that she'll catch up. They agree, but insist on waiting by that house until she catches up. For a few minutes, Spooky simply eats some of the candy she's gotten while looking ouat the neighborhood and other trick-or-treating groups, disappointed that she no one is taking her nor her scares seriously and that she hasn't been able to make a good scare-

-After about a minute, she looks into her candy bucket, which the group can see only has a few items left in, including some props and prank items. Of the reamining items in the candy bucket, there are a few pieces of candy, a small tube of fake blood, and a few fire crackers-

-...That last item seems to give Spooky an idea, however, as she says the following seconds before running back into her house-

Past!Spooky: "..." -GASP- "I know! I'll scare dad!" :b: "Loud noises always make him jumpy! Oh, he's gonna be so proud of me!"

Shez: -walking to him this time instead of rushing in- "Hey, you're Sigurd, right? I know you're not much of a talker but you can speak without words, right? If so... are you cool with us?" -thumbs up- "Or are you not cool with us?" -thumbs down-
Blake: 🤔
Palutena: "Is that not a little heavy? Or are they just coated?"
Ruby: -looking at Takeru- "You think that's the gunshot you might've heard?"

[Something that just comes naturally.]
-indeed, it's kind of a Snivy trait in general to be calm and intelligent; her disdain for anything "boorish" however is special-
Moriarty: "I like that kind of answer" -sips tea- "By the way, these are Neo Politan and my daughter Fran"
-Neo bowed at that-

-also, it's just one word, Digi, do not trust Cross Tag Battle :V-

-charging up another Nuclear Pulse-
-people should get away from the mech-

If you even so much as suggest releasing that Digimon....

-trying to get between him and Gorgon-

-preparing another Berserk Sword strike-
-Once they were all finished making additional damage with all the Emblem skills, they made sure to-
Shirou: "Alright, now let's not get in the way!"
Martha: "Agreed!" -flying off with many mounting her given the Tiki bracelet gave her her dragon form-
Fate: "Everyone..."
Signum: "Testarossa?"
Gorgon: "You expect me to just stay with crossed arms?"
Illya: "Okay, but where?" -glad friend happy-

-Okay, that's bad news-
Tiki: "...What is this creature?" -she pondered, before going back to shooting a stream of divinity-
-What Digi said, as Undyne, Star, Dipper and Mabel all used Emblem Engage to launch their respective Emblem(s)' strongest attack at Serpentera, before Rapidash and Ponya helped the two younger Pines twins escape by acting as mounts, while Undyne picked up Star, Marco and Lily and brought them to Moana, who quickly fled the area to help them escape as well-

-At this point, the only other fighters near the massive Megazord was the Shacktron and it's crew, and possibly Nel, and even the former made some distance from Serpentera to avoid any collateral damage from Godzilla's breath-

-Fate explains and shows them the mostly invisible crystal?-

Tirsiak: "...Nature will consume you someday, even just as a natural death..." -Glaring at Knightmon, short of one antler-

Tetra: "If it's still a threat to the town, we'll have to find out quickly..."

-Was that water breath attack enough to defeat the last remaining Sparkless?-

-Cackling madly- I am...or was the Princess of Subcon...I am Queen Vanessa...
-then Undyne just stood there and did nothing since Hector's strong thing is a defensive stance :V-
-though she could've just used one of her own strongest attacks instead :V-

-Veyle also didn't do the strong Emblem thing because she already did, it's the summoning-
-so she and the Sage she summoned both blasted powerful elemental spells at Serpenterra before leaving-

-but anyway, Nel would end up getting the heck out of here too-
Ingrid: "If I suggest anything else, I risk being turned into stone by that snake woman..."
-Kanna be looking around, making sure she doesn't miss anything-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Weiss: "That is why I'm here to offer help."
Lilith: "That's a nice way to see things." I hope their stay isn't temporary... but I won't force them to remain here.
Arlon: "Those would likely not come cheap..."
I-I'm not even sure what parts of the vacation and trip we should plan out first...

-It remains to be seen...but the fact that they're building places like a complex training simulator as well as an entire Pokemon Center is a good sign that at least some of them plan on staying here-

-How does Phosphora respond to what Lilith and/or Sparky said?-

Penny: "What other options do we currently have?" :urg:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I-I'm not even sure what parts of the vacation and trip we should plan out first...

-It remains to be seen...but the fact that they're building places like a complex training simulator as well as an entire Pokemon Center is a good sign that at least some of them plan on staying here-

-How does Phosphora respond to what Lilith and/or Sparky said?-

Penny: "What other options do we currently have?" :urg:
Weiss: "It's a lot to think about for a lot of people..."
Phosphora: "So... is that the kind of work you were hoping for?"

Lilith: "It looks incredible... I can't wait to learn how everything works." :)
Arlon: "Trust Lady da Vinci's risky plans?"
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-The rest of the Casters follow suit?-

Specter: "Well, no traps seemed to be there or active the last time I was there..."

-Others? Wait, the Decepticons he was keeping the real traitors away from...?-

(Given the theats we've dealt with, and the ones menacing the universe currently, it may be a necessity...) -Sighs, a bit worried-

Dipper: "It's...probably fine."

Mabel: "Grunkle Stan probably wouldn't care." :p
-You bet, even Andersen (he cares deep inside as much as he'll complain)-
Ishtar: "Oh, how considerate"
Ereshkigal: "Y-Yeah..."
Cyclonus: "...I told them to run away from here" -facepalms-
Blackout: "You're lucky they didn't"
Astrotrain: "Now come down!"
Waspinator: "It'd be for the beszzzt"
Atalanta: "You're right... I hope we get a break some day"
Chrono: "...Has he ever been detained?"
-wanted these to be her thoughts and kinda goofed but we can say Mushi and Shez are talking quietly and Draco doesn't care enough to pay attention :V-

Shez: "He had a good heart, but his words were sometimes cold."
Pandora: "Let's ask her." :p
Juri: "So what are you gonna do? Start to ask for fights to vent things out~?" -growing excited at the thought of Martha having a proper rivalry where they spar often and she's not short-tempered or exploding in bottled-up rage-
-Makes sense to me- :p
Musashi: "Sounds like a broody one... Was he cute?"
Medusa: "I won't stop you from that" :p
Martha: "You're right on that. I won't deny my own eagerness to take on a challenge anymore"
...I also forgot that he doesn't talk! Whoopsie!

He's taken a vow of silence, so I'm at least not surprised that he's not talking...Him not immediately attacking us is a good sign, too, though!

-Actually, it appears that the excerpts are copies of pages from the current iteration of the Spell Book, not the original-

-Knowledge of any spells that from Lyric's era or beforehand only survived through separate documents or Lyric or other mages passing their knowledge of certian spells down, so while not all knowledge recorded in the first Spell Book is gone, the knowledge that's been saved isn't on display in this section-

Wait, you have wings made of literal gold?

Penny: "She even seems to care about her family and friends..."

Steven: "She was never heartless, but she's been mean to almost everyone in the present..."

(If this is really the same Spooky...what happened to her...?)

-Spooky's friends encourage her to just enjoy the rest of Halloween and keep trick-or-treating, but Spooky tells them to go to the next house and that she'll catch up. They agree, but insist on waiting by that house until she catches up. For a few minutes, Spooky simply eats some of the candy she's gotten while looking ouat the neighborhood and other trick-or-treating groups, disappointed that she no one is taking her nor her scares seriously and that she hasn't been able to make a good scare-

-After about a minute, she looks into her candy bucket, which the group can see only has a few items left in, including some props and prank items. Of the reamining items in the candy bucket, there are a few pieces of candy, a small tube of fake blood, and a few fire crackers-

-...That last item seems to give Spooky an idea, however, as she says the following seconds before running back into her house-

Past!Spooky: "..." -GASP- "I know! I'll scare dad!" :b: "Loud noises always make him jumpy! Oh, he's gonna be so proud of me!"

Shez: -walking to him this time instead of rushing in- "Hey, you're Sigurd, right? I know you're not much of a talker but you can speak without words, right? If so... are you cool with us?" -thumbs up- "Or are you not cool with us?" -thumbs down-
Blake: 🤔
Palutena: "Is that not a little heavy? Or are they just coated?"
Ruby: -looking at Takeru- "You think that's the gunshot you might've heard?"
-Sigurd only stared at her-
-Unlike Nobunaga, he's not taking any action-
Atalanta: "At least it's something..."
Ophanimon: "They're part of me, so they don't feel any heavy"
Takeru: -Putting 2 and 2 together- "Oh no..." -then to Ruby- "I wish not... But I don't see it any other way"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Weiss: "It's a lot to think about for a lot of people..."
Phosphora: "So... is that the kind of work you were hoping for?"

Lilith: "It looks incredible... I can't wait to learn how everything works." :)
Arlon: "Trust Lady da Vinci's risky plans?"
-There's steps like figuring out which hotels to book and for which members of Chaldea, for example-

-It'll be open for business as soon as they add furniuted and stock up on supplies?-

Penny: "She and Eleonora brought me back online, so I trust them completely." :)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Makes sense to me- :p
Musashi: "Sounds like a broody one... Was he cute?"
Medusa: "I won't stop you from that" :p
Martha: "You're right on that. I won't deny my own eagerness to take on a challenge anymore"
Shez: "He looked nice, but things were entirely professional between us."
Pandora: "Where is she anyway?"
Juri: Jackpot~! "And how do you feel right now~?"

-There's steps like figuring out which hotels to book and for which members of Chaldea, for example-

-It'll be open for business as soon as they add furniuted and stock up on supplies?-

Penny: "She and Eleonora brought me back online, so I trust them completely." :)
-a part that will definitely cost a lot of money-
-pretty much, yes-
Arlon: "I suppose that is fair enough." She hasn't seen their zanier ideas, that's for sure...


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-You bet, even Andersen (he cares deep inside as much as he'll complain)-
Ishtar: "Oh, how considerate"
Ereshkigal: "Y-Yeah..."
Cyclonus: "...I told them to run away from here" -facepalms-
Blackout: "You're lucky they didn't"
Astrotrain: "Now come down!"
Waspinator: "It'd be for the beszzzt"
Atalanta: "You're right... I hope we get a break some day"
Chrono: "...Has he ever been detained?"
-Most of the Casters are still his friends and colleagues, and it helps that he's getting to pass some of his knowledge down to Star, who for as reckless as she can be, is legitimately taking her royal duties and magic lessons seriously at this point-

Specter: "So the Underworld is still safe again this time?"

-Those five talking to them and standing up for Cyclonus is the one reason they didn't try to destroy him on sight...-

(I hope all of Chaldea quite frankly needs one...)

-Neither of them are aware of the planned vacation to Alola yet-


Dipper: "Well..."

Mabel: "I've lost track of how many States he got arrested in..."

-a part that will definitely cost a lot of money-
-pretty much, yes-
Arlon: "I suppose that is fair enough." She hasn't seen their zanier ideas, that's for sure...
-But the Rulers mostly have the paying for the hotels covered. The majority of them collectively want a vacation badly enough that they're willing to spend the money for it themselves-

-Lilith requests a tour of the Pokemon Center or figures they should stock up first?-

-Well, she's probably seen a few of them. She's just willing to believe some of their zanier ideas have merit or potential- :V

Shez: -walking to him this time instead of rushing in- "Hey, you're Sigurd, right? I know you're not much of a talker but you can speak without words, right? If so... are you cool with us?" -thumbs up- "Or are you not cool with us?" -thumbs down-
Blake: 🤔
Palutena: "Is that not a little heavy? Or are they just coated?"
Ruby: -looking at Takeru- "You think that's the gunshot you might've heard?"
-Sigurd only stared at her-
-Unlike Nobunaga, he's not taking any action-
Atalanta: "At least it's something..."
Ophanimon: "They're part of me, so they don't feel any heavy"
Takeru: -Putting 2 and 2 together- "Oh no..." -then to Ruby- "I wish not... But I don't see it any other way"
That's weird, Mr. Sigurd at least usually answers yes or no questionz by nodding or shaking his head...

-Some of the spells on display are remarkably powerful and ground-breaking for Mewni's society, such as a spell used to create any food simply by calling out the name of the desired food and casting the spell at a cloud, saving on cooking and aiding with food shortages and famines, spells that control time such as Easy Peasy Time Freezy which brings all time to a halt except for the caster, and Infuriating Repeater which creates a temporary time loop that lasts 24 hours-

Digimon do usually have a lot of remarkable strength...

Steven: "Do you think it was actually the firecrackers that you heard?"

(I...don't think that was it, Steven...)

-At this point, the Huntsmen are probably reminded of when they saw Salem and Ozpin's backstories and origins, while Sakura would likely note that Spooky wearing a costume of the Red Death in life lines up with her ghost telling them that the Masque of the Red Death is her favorite Edgar Allen Poe story when they first found her trying to haunt Tremorton, making it even more likely that she's still the real Spooky, but somehow cursed-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Sigurd only stared at her-
-Unlike Nobunaga, he's not taking any action-
Atalanta: "At least it's something..."
Ophanimon: "They're part of me, so they don't feel any heavy"
Takeru: -Putting 2 and 2 together- "Oh no..." -then to Ruby- "I wish not... But I don't see it any other way"
That's weird, Mr. Sigurd at least usually answers yes or no questionz by nodding or shaking his head...

-Some of the spells on display are remarkably powerful and ground-breaking for Mewni's society, such as a spell used to create any food simply by calling out the name of the desired food and casting the spell at a cloud, saving on cooking and aiding with food shortages and famines, spells that control time such as Easy Peasy Time Freezy which brings all time to a halt except for the caster, and Infuriating Repeater which creates a temporary time loop that lasts 24 hours-

Digimon do usually have a lot of remarkable strength...

Steven: "Do you think it was actually the firecrackers that you heard?"

(I...don't think that was it, Steven...)

-At this point, the Huntsmen are probably reminded of when they saw Salem and Ozpin's backstories and origins, while Sakura would notice that Spooky wearing a costume of the Red Death in life lines up with her ghost telling them that the Masque of the Red Death is her favorite Edgar Allen Poe story when they first found her trying to haunt Tremorton, making it even more likely that she's still the real Spooky, but somehow cursed-
Shez: "...Did you hear us, dude?"
Blake: "Are those truly spells that work?"
Palutena: "I suppose that's fair enough..."
Ruby: "If it was the fireworks, that would mean something else killed Spooky..."

-But the Rulers mostly have the paying for the hotels covered. The majority of them collectively want a vacation badly enough that they're willing to spend the money for it themselves-

-Lilith requests a tour of the Pokemon Center or figures they should stock up first?-

-Well, she's probably seen a few of them. She's just willing to believe some of their zanier ideas have merit or potential- :V
-even taking it from their own pay!-
-Phosphy has a list of things to stock up on!-
-what a sweet girl-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-even taking it from their own pay!-
-Phosphy has a list of things to stock up on!-
-what a sweet girl-
-They really want a break from fighting universal and world-level threats...And also from doing mountains of paperwork- :V

-So Weiss might instead only need to focus on which hotels are worth staying at most-

-Like food and medical supplies?-

-That's just Penny in general- :p

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-They really want a break from fighting universal and world-level threats...And also from doing mountains of paperwork- :V

-So Weiss might instead only need to focus on which hotels are worth staying at most-

-Like food and medical supplies?-

-That's just Penny in general- :p
-oh, absolutely!-
-and giving the place a good paintjob-
-that's a fair enough point :V-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-And it's the best burger he's ever eaten in fact!-
-Managing to do plenty of damage in the M. Bison dummy-
Natsuki: "Well, mostly bake, people here love desserts. But bread's also a common thing"
Sayori: "They're all really delicious~!"
-What could be that delicacy, her mind wonders while dreaming-
Moriarty: "I like that kind of answer" -sips tea- "By the way, these are Neo Politan and my daughter Fran"

-Once they were all finished making additional damage with all the Emblem skills, they made sure to-
Shirou: "Alright, now let's not get in the way!"
Martha: "Agreed!" -flying off with many mounting her given the Tiki bracelet gave her her dragon form-
Fate: "Everyone..."
Signum: "Testarossa?"
Gorgon: "You expect me to just stay with crossed arms?"
Illya: "Okay, but where?" -glad friend happy-

-Okay, that's bad news-
Tiki: "...What is this creature?" -she pondered, before going back to shooting a stream of divinity-

-Totodile's reaction?-

-Alphys wakes up a few seconds later, still in her PJs, just in time to see Burrito wandering off-

Huh? W-Wait, Burrito! Where are you going? A-Are you even awake? Oh God, b-be careful! :crazy: -Her panicked calls wouldn't be enough to wake the sleepwalking Bidoof up yet, though Alphys is still following her out of total worry-

-What Digi said, as Undyne, Star, Dipper and Mabel all used Emblem Engage to launch their respective Emblem(s)' strongest attack at Serpentera, before Rapidash and Ponya helped the two younger Pines twins escape by acting as mounts, while Undyne picked up Star, Marco and Lily and brought them to Moana, who quickly fled the area to help them escape as well-

-At this point, the only other fighters near the massive Megazord was the Shacktron and it's crew, and possibly Nel, and even the former made some distance from Serpentera to avoid any collateral damage from Godzilla's breath-

Tirsiak: "...Nature will consume you someday, even just as a natural death..." -Glaring at Knightmon, short of one antler-

Tetra: "If it's still a threat to the town, we'll have to find out quickly..."

-Was that water breath attack enough to defeat the last remaining Sparkless?-

-Cackling madly- I am...or was the Princess of Subcon...I am Queen Vanessa...
-Neo bowed at that-

-also, it's just one word, Digi, do not trust Cross Tag Battle :V-

-then Undyne just stood there and did nothing since Hector's strong thing is a defensive stance :V-
-though she could've just used one of her own strongest attacks instead :V-

-Veyle also didn't do the strong Emblem thing because she already did, it's the summoning-
-so she and the Sage she summoned both blasted powerful elemental spells at Serpenterra before leaving-

-but anyway, Nel would end up getting the heck out of here too-
Ingrid: "If I suggest anything else, I risk being turned into stone by that snake woman..."
-Kanna be looking around, making sure she doesn't miss anything-
-he's attacking it like a Meth Gator :V-

-puncture marks at the "neck" of the dummy-

Have you made more cupcakes?

-whatever it is, it has Burrito in a trance just walking toward the scent while drooling-

-she tips the hat-
[I am a Snivy, which you may refer to me as for now.]
-the implication being it will no longer be "Snivy" when evolved, but it's a double meaning in that she could be renamed when caught, which she isn't accounting for herself-

-and so he released another Pulse from his body which is frying the mech from the inside; Rita would be wise to abandon ship-

-actually, he was speaking to Gorgon, Uni, showing just how little ****s he gives on that risk-
That thing is going to stay where it can't erase anything else. It's an anomaly that shouldn't even EXIST right now!

Hey, I agree with keeping it locked up and all, but you don't have ta be so cruel about it....
Think how you would feel right now if it was me sealed away because of that psycho form of mine and you had just found out.

-silently reflecting while scowling and looking away-
-he really doesn't want to admit she has a point in that it was formerly someone's partner and not just some random monster out of nowhere like they originally believed-

Thou know not of I and mine world.
Many beasts had been felled by my blade. And thou art no different....
For the glory of the Royal Knights, THOU SHALT MEET THINE END!
-more attacks with the Berserk Sword technique-

So, uh....****. What-a now?
-he's utterly confused at how to proceed due to the presumed stalemate-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-oh, absolutely!-
-and giving the place a good paintjob-
-that's a fair enough point :V-
-Not to mention how long they can stay at the resorts and who might prefer certain hotels over others since Chaldea still has a lot of members...-

-One resembling that of standard Pokemon Centers or something more unique for Lilith's domain?-

Penny: "Nonetheless, it appears upgrades for the training facility must be put on hold until then..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Not to mention how long they can stay at the resorts and who might prefer certain hotels over others since Chaldea still has a lot of members...-

-One resembling that of standard Pokemon Centers or something more unique for Lilith's domain?-

Penny: "Nonetheless, it appears upgrades for the training facility must be put on hold until then..."
Weiss: Should we rent an entire building...
-a bit of both, perhaps?-
Arlon: "Unfortunately..."
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