Medea Lily: "Okay, we have a carnivore!"
Irisviel: "Awwwww~"
Shamal: "...How is it eating?"
The rest: "Good question!"
I'm sure that Moon would favor that...
Cú: "Yeah, to be fair most of us have only done it for like a matter of months, even if it feels like it's been years"
Sakura: "Hmmmm, I wouldn't know about that~"

-But I kinda wanna so Mash gets over stage fright tbh-
Boudica: "I see, they don't look like what I'd usually expect some of their races to be like..." -like she'd think the Onix would be gray of brown instead of green-
//Huh, right...
Nitocris: "...Wait, how long has it been?!"
Morrigan: "Or a beautiful queen as myself~"

Lilith: "Nor a cutie like me~"

-The soldier punched Morrigan, and she forgot to block, leading to one of her cartoony sprite animations-
-They be pondering what to do next-
Medb: "Not like I've had any chance of seeing her"
Scáthach: "Or fighting her..."
-Indeed, plus hopefully not get in bad terms with the new family she has!-
Lily: "Yeah, I don't think he's even heard of what a Saint Graph is"
-Noble and upstanding, yet accepting that the world isn't just black and white, and that even underhanded methods might sometimes be necessary-
Lily: "......Woah..." -I suppose it is-
Mordred: "Wait, that's actually pretty awesome!"
I really hope this makes them reconsider that...
But do I really deserve this? I altered their stats knowingly and then acted like if they were nothing...
I... I can't see myself forgiving her, but...
Darn, I hate how we just met this girl and yet she does seem to know better!
-She landed a better one, but not one that finishes it!-
Illya: "Well, it has been a big hit..."
Hayate: "And you'll see a bit more of the family dynamic next time!"
-Cut to Yor next time waiting for 'Loid', but unfortunately, he got called for a mission at the last minute!-
Takeru: "...I hope you will get to find peace"
-Then the ceiling, and Rin also went to help the bots!-
Sakura: "Wait, are we going to leave them?"