-But they had no qualms about it since it was for their daughter's sake- :V
Linebeck: "About a week in Earth's time, I suppose?"
Brit: "You just haven't seen Jenny for the loser she is yet!"
Tiff: "Or maybe she put you up to it! How much is she bribing you two?"
-He'll ask Azura if the concert can be broadcasted- :V
(Wait, really? How?)
-Yeah, so maybe they really can make this work!-
Cú: "Heh, makes sense I haven't seen you then"
Sakura: "Aw come on, I don't need any bribing, I am paid well enough in my job"
-Poor Mash has no idea of that now- :V
Boudica: "I didn't really hive it that much thought back then"
-how nice~!-
Palutena: "Oh, you knew him too..."
-she swaps based on mood :V-
-No kiddiiiiiing-
-Both dance and vocals!-
Morrigan: "We know a lot of people, frankly"

-chopped a zombie mook's head off-
Lilith: "Like one eccentric lawyer" -kicked one behind herself- "Or some reporter that dealt with zombies"
Morrigan: "Don't forget the super fighting robot!"
-Still why noooooooooooooooot?- :V
-it seems a bit hungry now-
Taiga: "Well I heard a stomach growl"
Irisviel: "Hm, it's been a few hours since the hatching..."
Medea Lily: "Then I'll goget something from the cafeteria!"
Actually, I'm curious about that, too. Are you an expert on any one kinda food or recipes in particular?
-As will Alphys, for that matter!-
Star: "Yeah, several Servants actually wield stuff like melee and projectile weapons. Plus magic spells or trusty steeds!"
Star: "I-I'm okay, guys! I've been had worse! I think..." -Getting back up, but may have a burn wound on her arm or otherwise be injured form the beam-
-Were Jenny here, she'd say Coyle was going too far this time...if she hadn't already done things such as turn herself into a cyborg, use a Hedlok to make Eleonora one of her minions, and help with a plan for human genocide to begin with-
// Honestly...I'm not totally sure since again, the story sounds pretty important and well-written, but also again, I have no idea when I'm going to get the game. I might just skip Three Houses and play it first, but even then it'd be a while before I could finish it, plus I still have Awakening to beat first as well.
I feel awful for all of them, honestly...
-The turkey is angry, but currently on the move!-
TLink: "She really is a lot like Aryl..."
-At this point, Specimen 9 is stunned again and it's red flesh body form is severally damaged-
-This might be the opportune time to finish Specimen 9 off, and hopefully, free his Soul and those of all of his victims once and for all...-
Byleth: "I'm not exactly an expert of anything... but nothing I make is outright bad."
-good for them!-
Emblem Robin: "That sounds fair then."
Emblem Sigurd: "I sure hope so, at least."
Dr. Coyle: "..." -punches Mordred-
-Max Brass was thinking of breaking in, actually, knowing Coyle was up to no good-
// It's... a pretty standard story 90% of the time, actually. Serviceable but could disappoint if you expect another Three Houses. Engage's real strength is how solid its gameplay is. But the remaining 10% is really good, really corny or both.
Byleth: -smiled a bit-
Blake: "Let's chase it!"
Azura: "See? She's clever in ways schools won't teach."
Ruby: "You won't have to feel pain again..." -eyes shining, but not unleashed yet-
Medb: "There has to be either something you excel at, or just are an all-rounder"
-Marie will try to help!-
Lily: "Like for example, I could have potentially been a Berserker or an Assassin"
-It's a step up from most relationships Kiritsugu tends to have, on the least-
Lily: "But I see a really bad wound!"
-And well, Mordred is knocked back as a result-
Poppy: "I won't say that the bad blood between you all is easy to just leave behind, in fact it's understandable. But I don't think you should forever be hostile either"
-Not like Natsuki can just easily say "Like you knew better" in this case and knows it, nor Yuri can come up with anything-
-Atalanta nodded and proceeded to go do it-
Jack: "Very good for her!"
If only her notes could be as good.
-So the Yor talked off-screen about her situation and Twilight was in understanding, having some slight compassion on her, he decides to accept to fake being her boyfriend at Camilla's party, but in exchange, he tells him about the interview at school and makes up the lie that his dead wife really wanted Anya to go to school-
-Internally Anya calls him a liar, while Yor is at awe he's such an upstanding person and parent-
-Takeru then activated his belt while flying, making it yell
"GOD OMEGA DRIVE! MUGEN!" as he dives with a Rider Kick-
-Which might not be enough to beat it, but combined with Ruby's Eyes...-