Tiki: "That would be lovely! I promise not to fall sleep"

Lilith: "And I can see why"

-Indeed, so long she doesn't crosses path with that thief again, her time here and the people have been fine-
-Draco actually listening-
-She may be arrogant, but not dumbly so-
Lily: "...But hey, it's been a great evening!"

-There's calculators, web browsers, typing programs, other stuff-
Sakura: "And not hide anything"
Rin: "Agreed then!"


Mash: -Sits down- "Now let's enjoy!"

Jeanne: "Months?! Oh I'm thankful that as many of you managed to survive..."
Tiki: "It's not something everyone gets to do. But I did, and that's awesome"
Marie: "I know her well enough to know that she would want to approach you even after going through this"

Lily: "...Hi Abigail"
Mash: "My girlfriend"
White Ranger: "............................" -makes the Megazord move out the way-
Yuri: "How have you been out that long?!"
Poppy: "Well, I've been housed by a hospital as a nurse"
-Indeed, in the flashback Medea even comments that she wonders why she likes to spend time with her when few do, and she just says that she's still someone who needs it-
-He has a flashback to himself as a child cring in the aftermath of one of the many battles the two nations had decades back, remembering the reason he became a spy was to prevent any war yo happen again so no child would go through the same as he did-
Atalanta: "I can still run, so let me!"
Arthur: "Ruby? What's wrong?"