It's weird since it's clearly not an individual issue...
Medea: "I understand, thank you for the warning" So I'm walking on a fine thread here...
-What would be their thoughts?-
-Jenny is relieved she can have the cat?-
-Oh yeah, he totally does, and he's not pleased-
-Indeed, just wanting to not think of what just happened-
Hopefully it gets fixed soon, but admittedly I'm not holding my breath.
Star: "Yeah, with their guidance, it totally went well. Star Butterfly is gonna graduate as a Pro Mage in no time!-
-Thus Medea proceeds with caution to the throne room?
(What is she hiding...?)
(I've never seen Altera this nervous...)
Finally, I actually get to look after a real pet!
-Although would he likely dismiss it or do a double take at first-
-After all, unless they were also surveilling Chaldea's last Halloween, then by all accounts, Breakdown and the rest of the Stunticons are deceased...-
-Especially Lusamine...-
The kind that has four wheels
Dark Pit: "She's not really vague. She's more of a troll."
Yang: "I know, right?"

Weiss: "They really do care..."
I mean, three-wheeled cars
are a thing.
They're not well-designed and have a polarized reception, but they're still a thing. :V
Kirby: "A troll?"
Steven: "Still, I can't believe it. The game has a new champion, now!"
(Sprig and Polly might not always get along, but they're still siblings! are they going to get across the Beam?)
-Sprig then carefully puts Polly back on the beam before advising "Polly, I think we're supposed to go across slowly." He then slowly starts treading across the beam on all fours, using his fingers and toes to move carefully. Polly sighs, but tries the idea at first, waddling on her two stubby arms, but soon gets frustrated as while Sprig still thinks slow and steady works here, Polly accurately points out that it's also taking them forever to cross, and suggests that they just jump across instead-
-Sprig is like "Jump? I can't make that, it's wider than Croaker's Creek!" This causes Polly to laugh, recalling an incident where Sprig did try to jump it. She asks him "You remember Croaker's Creek?" Sprig is frustrated hearing that and just answers"Yeah, don't remind me..." Polly, still laughing as she talks, continues You landed right on a cactus flower! All those spikes sticking out of your..." She then gasps before finishing that sentence as that memory gives her an idea. While Sprig at firs thinks she's just trying to mock him when she asks him "Wait, remember Croaker's Creek?!" again, Polly, flailing her arms in excitement, suggests "No, no! There was a rickety bridge, remember? And the only way we got across was..." Sprig himself finally realizes where Polly is going with this and gasps as well, finishing her sentence with "
The walk-and-roll! Polly, you're a flipping genius!"-
???: "Me? An Emblem? Oh, I doubt someone like me has what it takes to become one..."
-something you probably can't handle, Kris-

-of course they would be doing that lol-
Blake: "That's merciful..."
Kanna: "That's true..."
-Qrow still watching over them, but thinking he could be that challenge-
-She's not
that small, the Emblem Tiki is basically like a ten-year-old while this pale girl is like a sixteen-year-old the height of Kiyohime-
Luvia: "If you may excuse me, who may theis be?"
-While Koyanskaya started to throw various curse spells at Queen in the form of blasts, Rita in her new Ranger form grabbed Kris by the neck-
Rita: "Can you afford to be distracted now~?" -before throwing him to a wall-
Stacey: "Yeah, let's hope they can at least some denting on it..." -summoning a few Ranger copies of his own to attack Odin too-
Circe: "Er...... That... Went somewhere, hahaha"
By Olympus! How did I become the least hostile in this group?! I turned a whole crew into piggies! Though they were cuter after that.
-Insert Gourmet Race song here-
Atalanta: "Hasn't the Commission tried anything?"
Nanoha: "I'll go ring the bell ont he while"
Mordred: "Yep, we can throw the normal Halloween out the window"
Morrigan: "Plus you know, we could be bringing some interesting people to beeed~"
Lilith: "........................"
I-I think we're all still wondering that.
-Kris is badly injured form the throw, but slowly tries to stand back up-
(Come On, Lancer And His Companions Should Surely Be Able to Set Back The Alliance's Progress With Their Catastrophic Plans By Now...)
Berdly: "I-Is everyone alright?" -Injured, prompting Noelle to use Heal Prayer on him again-
Noelle: "I think everyone is

Steven: "I think we should probably be on our way...Oh, but we can wait nearby if you three want to keep chatting with them!" -Doesn't mind, even if he and Connie didn't get along with Viridi-
Moon is one of their members and has blocked them from taking any actions beyond setting up for an eventual trial for now. I'm not entirely sure what I'm on trial for, but I hear I've gained a less than stellar reputation in the decades that passed since I was frozen.
-And Nanoha's two friends are quick to answer it?-
A-And before anyone asks, sadly no, I am not kidding...
(Ugh, seriously?! A ghost and mutant invasion?!)
Amethyst: "Alright, who's behind the trouble this year? Merasmus? Zs'Skayr? The Snatcher?!"
-It's then that they all heard, and then saw the ghost of a young girl who appeared to be be no older than 11...And someone only Jenny, Rin and Sakura would recognize-
??? "Oh, I think I can answer that!"
Not you again...