Star: "Oh, I'm doing pretty solid. I'm leaving how to cast magic without the wand."
-That's...an extremely good question...-
-Maybe it's karma for being evil previously?-
Honestly, I totally get that...I was bit more scared by that place than I usually am of things yesterday, too...
-Either way, the fireworks show continues-
-She manages to sink two of the Warships, though now more monsters are climbing onto the island...-
Circe: "Oh, so you've advanced since I left"
-Maybe, that's the only explanation Altera can think of-
Kama: "Uuuugh, I'm soaked now!"
Sakura: "I think I get it, it's different to have such a near-death experience"
-And it's quite the spectacle...-
Kiara: "Tsk, I must stop them..." -then Gaster?-
Jaune: "Maybe it will happen then?"
-but she WANTS to-
-it was truly amazing~!-

Palutena: "We've agreed on keeping her for the moment, as being stuck under a contract could give us a chance of keeping her in check until we can deal with her for good."
Abby: "Maaaaaybe~"
-She really does, she likes Monika a lot!-
Oh, what if I make them a drawing?
Yuri: "I'll admit to have been intrigued too"

Illya: "Ah, thanks, Miss... Uuuuh..."
Yuri: "Yuri. No last name"
Irisviel: "Awww~ Who's a cute grandchild~?"
Arcueid: "Ah, that's nice~"
Draco: "............." -eye twitched. Then she turned towards the Foreigner- "You're not normal either, are you?"
Guifei: "......." -doesn't even puts on her 'Yuuyuu' persona, straight up walking to her, grabbing her shoulders, then opening her eyes wide as flames lit from them, showing the Beast the raging bursts of the Fomalhaut star, to make it clear that she has the powers of Cthuga-
Draco: "............................................................................................A-Aaaaah...."
Guifei: "..." -giggle- "Be a good child, okay~?"
Oh, thank goodness...Are all the Autobots still accounted for, too? Is Kamui there?
-The pie's made of battery acid, so it explodes the moment the kick lands- :V
-And by now?-
Medli: "I suppose we can try to explain it from our collective knowledge..."
-How they now?-
-So everyone can relax-

(Too bad that one famous Pikachu's not here to help...)
Kamui: "I am here, yes!"

Wolf: "Zelda's Slate had all sorts of data about this..."
-wanting breakfast :V-
-good to know-

Camilla: "Liking what you see~?"
Viridi: "We don't need him. We're smart enough on our own, right?"
-did Morrigan do the prank yet?-
???: "And here we got ya!" -through the screen she saw this Autobot-
Jeanne: "This is the lieutenant Prime sent, his name is Jazz?"
Jazz: "What's crackin?"

Koyanskaya: "AACK! You scum! UUUGH!"
-Stacey was thrown at a nearby wall-
Yuri: "That would be delightful"
Natsuki: "Slate, huh?"
Jeanne: "I wonder what will we eat..."
-So they get towels to get inside!-
Aya: "...M-Maybe a little..." -as for guys, she likes them blond and cute-
-Not like there's that many here and some are taken- :V