The Spook Factor
Star: "Yeah, my magic got...kinda weird the last time I let that happen."Medea: "We're also trying to focus her to not concentrate on her negative emotions while at it"
Circe: "Right, that could be troublesome"
Kama: "It's kind of annoying, so many saying how they're going to beat evil and stuff"
Sakura: "Wed like this little buddy"-points at the tarantula-
Otis Barnyard: "Mayhaps"
TLink: "...Why?'
-The employee says "Sure! I'll bring the little guy out for you."-
-Of course lmao-
-The Warship is now without a pilot-
-Fair enough- :V-yeah, but they weren't new to the tournament :V-
-and she needs it fast-
Weiss: "....Please get the box."
Dedede: "There's a lot familiar Pokemon around here, too."
-Trying to plan things out in her mind...while munching on a cookie-
-Sooiler alert: they do not go back and get it yet- :V
Kamui: "Let's go then."
Coyle: "The point isn't to find you, but to lock you away from messing with us!"
Mipha: "They're... slippery..." -more like she's the slippery one because Zora-
Kamui: "...You're not wrong. Let's see the menu."
Blake: -waving at them-
-Camilla pats Aya's head while smiling-
-Lilith still following the Pits, with Morrigan having pies ready-
Sounds good, j-just be careful on your way back.Jeanne: "One of the Autobots can bring us there!"
Koyanskaya: "Seriously, where did that stupid computer virus go?!"
-Probably... But also he could quietly bail out...- :V
Natsuki: "No offense, but you sure that's not you?"
-And that they start to look up!-
-Artemis wanted to tackle in hug, Medea grabbed her shoulder to stop her-
-...And well, it made her blush quite hard-
-The older demon sees the two jealous girls and decides it'd be more fun to change her targets-
-She'll just wait for them to try to annoy her sis first-
Elizabeth: "Hey, YOU!"
Lilith: "Hmmm?"
-An all too good question...-
-Someone else might stop him to demand that to help the guy- :V
Medli: "Umm..."
-A lot of fancy food options...-
-Yeah, they're just here to relax for once-

-Sans chuckled at that-
-Jigglypuff following Liz-
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