Star: "And hey, you're also got a student who cares about you and the other Casters a lot, too. History might've originally written you as the "Witch of Betrayal", but your friends, family, and everyone here at Chaldea all know that you're really pretty cool."

Tetra: "
That explains an awful lot..."
-She can see a few tarantulas in some nearby tanks-
-It's...can certainly be perceived as unsettling in appearance, but it's nothing compared to the things she saw in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War. And far less dangerous, since any decent and legally operated pet store wouldn't be selling a poisonous or venomous tarantula of any kind-
-They'll keep the others on edge until they feel they've gotten enough revenge for now-

-While Gaster and Alphys rush to the shore and main outdoor areas-
-Is she trying to commandeer it or sink it?-
Medea: "P-Pretty cool, huh..." -happy despite embarrassment-
Kama: "I'll have a, uhmm... Burger"
Robin Hood: "How original"
Kama: "And with extra onions"
Robin Hood: "Daring today, aren't we?"
-Right... It's harmless....She reminds herself that-
Sakura: "Look at this cute one"

-That's their current evil idea-
-Former to get to the other ships and sink them herself-
Nora: "...How many fingers am I showing?" -a thumbs up, specifically-
-but having this kind of behavior when meeting all the time doesn't sound nice-
-yeah, she really would, huh?-
-and so many meals too!-
Shez: "I'll make sure you get good food too. Maybe not enough to compare to a humanity-sized meal but still good stuff."
Abby: "...Uuuh...Three?"
Sayori: "They... Still didn't come up the best, but I should have tried more to stop them!"
Monika: "Again, none of you are at fault..."
Mary: "...Since when are they here?"
Monika: "A little while..."
-Still, she appreciates the demonstration-
-Yeah! She really looking up to him!-
Draco: "As if anything could be as delectable..."
A-Alright, the comms system should be back up and running momentarily!
-At first, it seemingly works...-
-...Then she shows up on several of the laboratory's computer screens and says the following taunts, only the Aku laughs are replaced with more "Ohohohohohohos~"- :V
-Until Stacey slugs him for letting him get beat up my Elite Mooks- :V
Medli: "It is a long story...And indeed a rather complicated one at that."
-Sleep time?-
-There's a lot more rooms and services at the spa than just massages, after all-
-Jigglypuff is brainstorming...Or, at least trying to- :V
Kamui: "That's true..."
Byleth: "....We should at least tell Kamui and Camilla to see if they agree."
Coyle: "........." -eye twitches-
Wolf: "The simplest way to explain it is that his actions are the reason there are multiple timelines."
-sure, sleep-
Blake: "Good idea."

-oh Aya- :V
Dark Pit: "Just a gut feeling."
-So they try to comm then?-
Tiki: "True as well" -sigh- "I know Marth would have loved to see her too" -Byleth hasn't so far considered that of course, Tiki's now 2000 years older, she gotta miss Marth-
-But she can ask later, right now they got priorities-
Koyanskaya: "I'll be sure she gets dismantled as soon as possible..."
Rita: "And I wanna assist on that..."
-Or at least he would try if he wasn't still in Odin's grasp- :V
Natsuki: "Ooookay? At least 2, probably 3?"
-They NAP-
Atalanta: "Hmmm, which one next...?"
-She can't help it, Camilla's total eye-candy for her-
Lilith: "Your distrust issues just make you cuter~" :3
-So does Elizabeth. Alas, she ain't the sharpest tool in the shed-