Star: "I know Lily has most of the same memories from your guys' past life, do you deal with it now?"
Tetra: "Why couldn't they just smite him directly? I know they didn't want to interfere too much, but flooding most of the world..?"
TLink: "From what they said, it sounds like they really couldn't do much about Ganondorf directly..."
-Pretty much any common type of pet that can be legally owned in North Amercia is in the pet store...-
-Some of the other four can't tell if the plan's working or not upon seeing that-
-Some Bokoblins and Moblins climb up the island, wielding torches, machetes and spears, all approaching with caution but also battle stances-
-A few of them have heard about these mysterious but deadly Chaldean warriors before, so they know they can't be too careful with trying to fight even just one of them-
Medea: "...We don't obssess about our past now"
-They just thought it was too complicated to explain how Demise's curse is something too strong for them to do anything other than assure the Spirit of the Hero can always achieve victory against his incarnations... And how the fight of the Hero of Time against Ganondorf in his time was such a mess they had to downright rewind time which resulted in the failure timeline and how even after that the current Zelda had sent him back to his past and left their Hyrule without the Spirit of the Hero-
-Way too many factors that if they were public knowledge could cause panic, or downright attempts to disturb other timelines and realms, they already had a hard time fixing whatever went on when all three timelines clashed thanks to Cia-
Altera: "...W-Well...There's someone here who apparently was their babysitter..."
Sakura: "Aaaaah, maybe that tarantula over there!"
Rin: "Tarantula?"
Sakura: "What? They're cute"
-Somewhere, Blackarachnia wanted to puke, but alas she's a robot-
Luka: "Come on, you should be holding hands and leaning for a kiss already!"
Don: "Uuuuh..."
Seems they are all hostile... I shouldn't have expected less.
Lusamine: "Shouldn't we go help Lady Sessyoin?!"
Aya: "...Something tells me she'll do enough"
Ren: "I say enough."
-probably not-
-so she can just have fun cooking more-
-Grands seem to agree, so why not?-
Sieg: "...Oh, just what you think is necessary?"
-She's feeling really bad about that...-
Natsuki: "Such awesomeness...."
-That is true, in fact having been prepared for both her adoptive sister and niece-
Iri: "You did good~"
Luvia: "Of course, eyes would always be over her"
Nero: "Oh it would beentertaining! Hm~!"
Draco: "You can't be doing this to me!"
Martha: "We
are" -her signature Marthe-ness made Draco shudder a little-
-The siege failed and they had to retreat...-
-Perhaps, but it won't be Queen's doing...and it'll take a while if Stacey and/or Kaito getting punched right now is any indication- :V
What's A More Effective Strategy For Distraction Than Using Reverse Psychology?
Medli: "I very much concur! And wait, it does?"
-Maybe a more lighthearted comedy is needed instead- :V
-Blake glad Ata had the idea?-
-Fair enough lmao-
Kamui: "I could ask you the same!"

Coyle: "Yeah..."
-it seems like it does...-
-maybe indeed-
This was a great idea, Atalanta~
Azura: "I suppose... we'll find something else, then?"
Pit: "I-It is?"
Jeanne: "I've been trying to resume communications again, I haven't moved from here..."
-So that means she's been safe from crossfire-
Koyanskaya: "I hate how smart you are..."
-Kaito conveniently somehow disappeared from Stacey's sight while that happened, already in the room in fact-
Yuri: "Well... I tthink it would at least. Sorry if that sounds off"
-So they flip through the channels for one-
I knoooow~ -purrs again-
Mata Hari: "Maybe, maybe... We can think of a few things" -what's Azura dressed as?-
Aya: "Ah, I see them!"
Lilth: "Oh sure! l know a lot about cute things, and you two certainly are~"