Every time he shows up somewhere, a prophesized circular zodiac turns up that can be drawn as a rune to weaken or outright defeat him, with different symbols representing a different person each time. Draw that circle up on the ground somewhere, figure out who each symbol represents, then get them to stand and join hands on that zodiac, and Cipher's as good as temporarily dead...
The only reaosn the punk was permanently destroyed the last time was because the Casters went to great lengths to ensure he couldn't invoke the means to return again...
-The grenade damages the limo and causes it to crash into a wall...and then they can hear this music blaring from inside the limo-
-Kaito isn't surprised?-
-And combine that with the mind and intelligence of a person, and one who's already a skilled warrior like Wolf at that...-
-That's true, although, does that knowledge reminds them that Amakusa passed away rather recently...?-
-They'd see that the spa facilities have most of the usual treatments of a spa, as well as most notably sauna rooms and hot springs rooms-
-Which of the two duos will they prank first, though?-
Palu: "Or at the very least, we hope they did..."
-whether they did or not, he's not interested in coming back to mess with Chaldea-
Coyle: "...Let's just move on."
Mipha: "And he retains his intelligence as well, making the best use of his canine abilities."
Kamui: "....I don't see why it would be a worry. It's not like we'd be naked in that spring, right?"
-relaxing kitties sounds nice-
Camilla: "I'll take that as a compliment~"
Hinoka: "Not gonna lie, I forgot there were pirates around here."
-how cute of the younger one~-
Scáthach: "Unfortunately, it's not like we know if this one also has some weakness we can exploit..."
Koyanskaya: "Yeah" -as they do- "I didn't judge it before when she was on our side, but gosh she's annoying!"
Rita: "I get it..."
Kaito: "Have heard that one plenty of times already"

Stacey: "Let's just move on..."
Kaito: "Already am, you're the one who was distracted"
Yuri: "That's even better!"
Natsuki: "Shouldn't his brain become smaller? I'm not trying to insult, just saying that's a difference between species"
Sayori: "It's magic~!"
Natsuki: "...Fair point"
Jeanne: "Well,
-They'd rather not at the moment given they want to relax, but eventually they will have to-
Atalanta: "...I'd like a massage"
Aya: "It should, says a lot about how alluring you are"

-And indeed, Blackbeard, Drake and the Gokaigers. Not to mention the now gone Anne & Mary-
Older woman: "Hmmm... Those two are cute! Maybe them first~"
Younger woman: "Sure, then the princess gals!"
Older woman: "Sounds good to me~"
-for the safety of everyone...-
-but Natsuki will tell anyway?-
Azura: "Given my position, it is best if I do."
Kanna: "We're just in time for dinner!"

Ingrid: -enters- "Sorry for being later, what did I m-" -sees Draco- "....are you kidding me?"
-Indeed that's the case...-
-She would, if it wasn't for Sayori's pleading eyes-
Yuri: "Hm. I'm also glad she's going to make friends..."
Hopefully unlike those in the game.
Illya: "And what's the dinner?"
Shirou: "A mixture of German and Japanese dishes"
Draco: "I don't like any of this other!"
Nero: "Heh, what a little brat"

Draco: "You! YOU PUT SHAME TO OUR NAME! I am the real you that you've always supressed, Little Miss Perfect!"
Nero: "You're right, I'm perfect~! Hm~!"
Much obliged, Tamamo Cat! Best of luck with the strike, though I kinda doubt you guys'll need it at this rate. 
TLink: "And Farore was super peppy and sweet like an aunt."
Tetra: "...Were
any of them more composed? What about Nayru? She's literally the Goddess of Wisdom!"
Fingers crossed for that...
-Annoyed with the other four members of the crew but also enjoying the fireworks show?- :V
-And is actually able to this time?-
Tamamo Cat: "Fufufu~ Wonderful, right, nya~?"
Altera: "She seemed stoic, pretty serious. But she also seemed didn't oppose her sisters doings and... They all seemed to have a crush on one person and almost acted like teens about it"
-That they can only hope now...-
-They can't help but do so- :V
-With how much we made her ponder on that? Not at all LOL-