Nora: "Alright, next time we go hunting, let's see who kills the fastest."

-does Mary say anything?-
-excited Natsuki?-
Byleth: "So, what is this meeting for, Jeanne?"
Yang: "Fine by me"

-She wanted to ask what's going on, who are these people and why are they mean?-
Monika: "...L-Look, if I bother yo-"
Natsuki: "Bothering is an understatement!"
-Yuri found it cute-
-Camilla and Irisviel saw Abby and were like "awwww~"-
Jeanne: "We have an emergency"
Martha: "Another one?! ...Sorry for that outburst"
-The only surviving friends that they have left from their old team...-
Tetra: "...That explains a lot of that whole debacle."
-The closest thing they've had to an alternate timeline occurring so far is the Warriors timeline, which doesn't quite seem to fit in with the mold of most of the others...-
If any civilian wanders in there, I doubt they'd make it out alive. And if any of those entities or mutants got loose...
-Even if Gai isn't wrong, that still seems kinda random?-
-Can she think of any other means of clearing her mind?-
-From their old group, even before they were Rangers-
-And that one had all timelines collide to some extent, it was a mess to sort it out-
Altera: "It really does..."
Rin: "That's why we can't just ignore it...."
-Specially with how desolate it is right now-
-Right now, she's even having trouble with that....-
How do things keep getting even worse than we thought?!
-Spamton NEO and the mega laser remain frozen in time for now...-
-The hallways
seem clear now that those paintings were destroyed...But they can already tell just knowing Queen that they obviously aren't cleared yet- :V
-...Maybe this is an opportunity for them to take the Sentai cloning device back...-
Lapis: -Just types- "You did a good job, Ereshkigal." with a smile emote-
-Wolf met Sayori already IIRC-

-She probably will by the time they get to Alola- :V
-Doesn't mean they're unable to take action and make a difference...-
the costumes are cool, but the group itself is spooky to begin with, heheheh.
-No, they're just here because they often help out a multiversial defense organization- :V
Kamui: "We should do what they say before pondering about this!"
-as Coyle tries to analyze for anything drastically different in the hallways-
-but did Eresh fist bump?-
-yeah, but it's entirely in character for her to say her name anyway-
Wolf: "And I'm Link, but people sometimes call me Wolf."
-Kamui seemed naturally skilled, fitting given her water powers-
Blake: "We can help outside of that."
Camilla: "That's indeed a hilarious situation."
Ingrid: "I cannot speak for the manakete, because her doing anything that isn't napping is unpredictable."

"As for me, it's a long story."
Scáthach: "Right, jI'm sure those four can get away"
Cú: "Everyone! Back to the vessel!"
-Does she manage to find out anything?-
Stacey: "I won't let you steal the Gears..."
Kaito: "We'll sort that later, when I take them"

-Stacey sighs, but this might be his one chance-
-Eresh did so, appreciating the messages-
-Moreso with the others doing it-
Natsuki: "Why is that? Just a cool nickname?"
-Indeed, they ended doing even some more synchronized swimming together-
Atalanta: "Hmmm, there's other ways, certainly"
Aya: "We are sooooo spooky~"
Older woman: "How long? Because we got a lot to do"

Younger woman: "Yeah, after pranking we still wanna look for some guys to you know"

Older woman: "Hopefully in a place of high class~"