Yeah, really tempted to get it for good reason, I grew with the original and I am biased.
Musashi: "What is going on here?!"
Robin Hood: "We're tired, simple as that"
Altera: "I know"

-having some desserts herself-
Rin: "How many of those things are there?!"
Sakura: "Plenty..."
-Nope, they got no reason to allow that-
-The former-
SPM was my first Paper Mario game, but the Thousand Year Door easily has the best gameplay and partner characters in the entire series. I'm glad to see it's legacy is carrying on like this.
TLink: "That being said, there was uhh, one other important reason why we wanted to visit again..."
-Altera can already guess that it was that they were worried about how she was doing since the loss of Fi?
-Some of them take on different shapes than the first one, being larger or taller with disproportionate weight distributions in body mass. Other have extra arms, while others even showed hints of where human eyes used to be-
-Numerous puddles of the same greenish black goo they emerged from and leave behind could be observed in several of the rooms up ahead. To make things even more bizarre, some of the next few rooms have maze-like paths, but with giant abysses separating the walkways instead of more walls. The only thing that made it difficult to discern which paths all connected directly as correct one at first was the low lighting in the room, as torches were only lit near doors or the pathways closest to the four walls-
-So they inform their waiter or waitress that they need some to-go boxes?-
-It's gradually rising up from below the horizon, reflecting on the surface of the water-
-she's happy about that, at least-
-she will do just that-
-But Sothis remains concerned for her?-
-Fortunately she doesn't have to do much besides fix up her hair again and put on a pair of boots-
-She fell asleep in her combat outfit, but some of the furniture here probably belongs to the Bureau, so she followed common guest courtesy and used socks instead of boots while laying on the couch to not be potentially rude- :V
Just seeing the old combat mechanics return is enough to make it genuinely exciting.
Mario Kart 8's overall meta is far more loose with what's meta and what isn't, so I doubt he'll dominate for any other reason than sheer legacy
That and the return of the TTYD partners and other characters with unique designs and personalities again as well.
Also, considering that cameos from all of the partners from the first Paper Mario except Parakarry and Lady Bow (and also Bootler) were cut, they should really add those characters back into the final version of the remake.
Plus Morton seems to be the one reigning supreme now-
Kamui: "He's not himself..."
Coyle: "Who else do you suspect?"
Hinoka: "Okay, I can't even be mad about that. Clean shot, girl!"
Kamui: "Yeah, Camilla sure is something, alright?"
-and the kitties be reading-
-Forcing Shamal to put all her efforts into trying to protect the ship with a large barrier, and managing to caught everyone else in blasts-
Koyanskaya: "Most of them seem to be into it, but it doesn't seems to be the case for our Saber and that fairy guy, annoying as he is"
-Mayhaps- :V
Ereshkigal: "Okay, I've been practicing with previous games!"
Natsuki: "Oh, is that so?"
Yuri: "I'm intrigued"
Jeanne: "She sure is... B-But anyway! Back to ourselves"
-That they be doing!-
If there's really someone or something else possesing or controlling this guy, it sounds like our best bet is to cut those wires! -Threw a bunch of spears at one, which, due to their increased size along with that of Spamton NEO's himself, only slightly damages some of the wires-
-The Arthra is completely undamaged, but several others are caught in explosion waves sent from the four separate directions the Plus Bombs detonate it-
-In Oberon's case, the guy just seems to be a mischievous coward...-
-It's almost impossible to tell with Saber's case, however, as his vow of silence ensures that he either refuses to talk or outright can't talk, and his metal mask and helmet prevents them from being able to read his facial expressions-
-Peridot still wondering who to bet on...-
We had a catalogue of all of our current members and the majority of or foes, past and present, back at our original base, but we lost most of those files when it was attacked and we were forced to evacuate...
Moon: "Well, if you can afford to take this break for once, my advice would be to make the most of it. Try to unwind a bit. Get a healthy amount of rest in, but make some time for recreational activities as well."
-Even with how much literature knowledge they have and how familiar they are with most genres, the mystery novel is written well enough that they're actually legitimately having difficulty figuring out who the culprit might be-