-Better be, they really deserve better-
-Right, right, so he gotta look out for those two people in suits, a demon woman, and a crazy fighting nut-
-So... Yeah, this guy at least seems to listen... Somehow...-
-Sakura and Rin enter, looking at all corners...-
Marvelous: "We're the Pirate Sentai Gokaiger. And that's our vessel"
-Aya would proceed to do a similar thing trying to make a tiny house-
(They've deserved way better since like day 1 of working the kitchen staff...)
-The former two might just steal some treasure or rupees from him, but the latter two are willing to outright pick a fight with almost anyone- :V
(Wait a minute, if this guy can somehow still hear without a head, why can't he still talk without one, too?)
-And only a few seconds later, all three of them hear what sounds like a small child shouting "BOO!" behind them in the
least frightening tone possible-
...Huh? -Turns around to look at the source-
???: "...That didn't scare you? Ugh, that line's supposed to be a classic..."
-If Rin and Sakura turned around as well, they'd all see a ghost that resembles a young girl-
-...Most of them end up believing it's a staged city parade or some kind of elaborate prank-
-A small handful of people who've seen Gem stuff from traveling to other locations shrug it off entirely-
-How does it go?-
-so she had an easier time just kicking her then :V-
Nora: "I hope you're right..."
-yeah, that's definitely good to have dealt with those-
-Which prompts Undyne to send more spear constructs of both variations towards her-
Star: "If Marco and I could figure things out after being friends for only about a year and a half, I'm sure you and Ren can after being best friends since childhood."

-Not to mention Drakkon and Toffee as well-
Ingrid: "I bring good company and terrible news." -referring to Jalter and the two BB... also, Monika was forgotten? :V-
Palutena: -sighs- "This really is just a conga line of things getting worse and worse."
Ingrid: "I apologize but it still must be shared; we have managed to get the identity of every Servant, including Koyanskaya's class. I shall accept guesses for the latter now."
Palutena: "......Please don't tell me she's..."
Ingrid: "I will not until you say it yourself."

-can she even fly after getting struck by the shockwave?-
-but whoooooooooo?-
Hinoka: "Well,
technically yes, but I don't have much of a kingdom no more..."
Kamui: "That's so very kind of you to say."
Blake: "Oh, you're a hunter? Is this food hunted by you?"
-Right, Monika too-
Luvia: "...Do we at least know what number she is?"
-Very much offline-
-I was honestly thinking that Yukari would bail them out in little-
Natsuki: "O-Oh..."
That sounds like a lot of my magical girl animes...
Yuri: "Sorry for the reminder"
Sounds just like in some of my books, where there's often rebel or secret royalty.
Jeanne: "Thanks, but I just state the truth"
Atalanta: "Huh... Then again, the signals were always there..."
Susie: "What? What class or whatever is she...?"
Moon: "...This already complicates things..."
-She tires, at the very least. She's severally damaged, but can still fly-
No signs of functioning. This robot's offline.
-Yukari it is then-
-Will they discover any more significant information about the base or the Alliance before she shows up, though?-
-Further proof that Natsuki and Yuri's hobbies and preferred genres have more in common than either previously thought?-
Moon: -Moved at the sight and couldn't help but smile, reminded of her own friendship with Medea-
-Then the cat group-
Moon: "Star has always been adventurous and a combat enthusiast...as well as at times irresponsible, so it's not difficult to see the influence Star's father has had on her."
Star: "Hey!"
River: "Oh, only a small handful of these meals, truthfully. Royal obligations tend to keep me from hunting as regularly as I once did. I do very much still have time to go hunting on a weekly basis, however, so each week I lead a small hunting party of knights to bring back the best catches possible!"