Palu: "Happier than you've ever been?"
-fair enough lmao-
-so Sakura's is pink for the same reason? :V-
Ingrid: "No promises~"
Hinoka: "Neither do I..."
Artemis: "Quite rich in protein~" -noms some-
Kama: "I..... Yes, yes I am..."
Merlin: "Awwwww"

-Indeed, Fujino's will be violet though-
Yukari: "How annoying!" >:V
Tomoe: "So... Should we really watch them?"
No thanks are necessary! But, you're welcome. We're glad to help, Miyu. 
(I just hope I don't get caught up in anyone's rivalries here...)
Gigawatt: -Muffled voice inside the box- "You will never eternally seal Gigawatt away!I I will one day return some to drain the Earth of it's energies once again!"
Save it. Your monologues are almost as irritating as your energy-draining powers...
-...They're up to something. They're just not sure what...-
I think we've earned a break.
-Gaster is similarly reclining in a lawn chair again-
Shirou: "She's right though, this saves us some time"
-He probably ends doing it somehow- :V
-Someone sits next to him-
Rin: "I guess he's... How it's said?"
Sakura: "Salty?"
Rin: "Yeah! That!"
-And in their denial, legitimately can't figure it out-
Kiara: "You all always work so hard, so I think you should take a breath. Specially in this environment"
Ralsei: "I owe you one for that..."
Star: "So...where should we go now?"
Moon: "...I don't know...But we should at least report back to the Rulers."
Not this time! -Didn't wast a second in hitting the Hedlok with the morning star-
-Undyne sends enough spears flying at King Mondo to basically turn him into a metal pincushion if they hit-
(Then maybe the others can still get into the base!) -Unaware that they may be calling a retreat at this rate-
Specter: "I believe I've heard the term in reference to androids here, but I'm not yet fully sure what it means, myself."
Steven: "That's a good start, right?"
Star: "Careful now, you guys wouldn't eat us out of castle and home, right?"
-Moon internally sighed in relief-
(Thank goodness I guessed correctly on having the royal chefs prepare some fish and birds...) "I can gladly arrange for tonight's dinner to serve both, then."
Rook: "Good idea..."
Byleth: "The more information, the better."
Ingrid: "If her information is good, I see no reason to resort to this..."
-yeah, a small break eating sweets :V-
Kamui: "Would it really bring you in that much trouble...?"
Blake: "Thank you."
Lily: "As soon as possible too..."
-Jeanne sighs, but understands there's often stuff they can preview-
Jazz: "Hey, so what happened?"
Jeanne: "My apologies, there's apparently a lot we couldn't preview, we're going to retire right now"
Jazz: "...Would it happen to be that?"
Jeanne: "Huh?" -she looked back... Only to see a large bounded field to surround the tower now-
-And fortunately, they now happen to, sparks flyinf from him-
Shiki: "Hmmm, maybe we should have brought Asagami for once..."
???: "Hey can I come too?"
-They forgot to check on the Ruler- :V
Sayori: "I'm sure we can get in depth with that later~!"
Yuri: "It'd be good we know the inticracies of our systems to... You know, live... It really feels like I'm made of flesh... Which is weird, because I'm unsure if I know what it's really like"
Monika: "Yeah..."
-Sounds delicious~-
Jeanne: "We apologize for suggesting that..."
-Atalanta's ears twitch-
Atalanta: "Ah, you have my gratitude!"