How's it doing today?
-Even with them genuinely only trying to atone for all that and having had their own share of struggles and losses that led to all of it...-
Tetra: "Well, if what you're saying is true, they are Knights. If they're anything like Link, they probably train frequently and take pride in it"
-Each one of them preparing for the day a little differently-
-While chatting with an ocean side city sunset view- :V
-What else does Kiara inquire about?-
Bit better.
-Atalanta keeps being too bitter about it, that's how she tends to be with grudges unfortunately...-
Hayate: "Sure do, though Shamal's more of a healer..."
-Until they all meet by the door out!-
Ahim: "Plus the view was quite pretty"
Marvelous: "I suppose"
Kiara: "If you mind me, how much do you eat?"
Lusamine: "I don't miss my three times a day"
Often -because of the occassional panic attack-
Pandora: "Will I?" >:V
Azura: "....Are you talking about me?"
Byleth: "Not to this extent."
Camilla: "Not at all~"
Artemis: "Hmmm... Do you have to train?"
Erika: "Yes you will" >:3
Mata Hari: "Who did you think?"
Scáthach: "I guess your system was still quite strict"
Sieg: "Good, I'd hate if you thought bad of me after being friendly..."
It should help, at least.
Moon: "AGH!" -She blasts Gills in the face with no less than three magic beams, before hurling a fireball at him afterwards-
-Equally ambitious, but perhaps a bit more crazed...If anything he's saying is true, he's apparently not quite as "free" as he looks. It could just be that he wants power, though. At the very least, her plans don't; seem to interfere with his, or vice-versa, so as long as he gets that power, she'll be free to do as she pleases in eliminating the human race-
-Jenny blocks them with three of hte scimitars, before trying to slash Springtron's ARM with the other three-
-It works, shutting the flying fist down and making it fall to the ground-
Tasque Manager: "Fortunately, yes! The task is complete! We've successfully retrieved each of the Power Coins!"
-They'll be pleasantly surprised to hear about not only a vacation plan, but what location it'll be at-
Either way, i-it looks like we have a vacation plan! (I wonder what we're going to tell Lusamine, though...Not to mention that Lillie still lives there, too...)
Steven: "If you wanna teach again, then why not sign up?"
-Are even be able to answer it...?-
Ingrid: "Neither am I~" -more beams-
-would Rin be able to not leak it?-
Byleth: "After the base is ours again, I will do it."
Harleen: "It's a big question, so I can understand if ya can't answer it."
-The Gills copy was defeated, but missiles from Psyga still struck Moon, and some were going to Ingrid too!-
-Indeed, so lonmg they overlap and their plans don't go against the other, she'll be sure to keep his service...-
-And he kicks the fist right at Giga Queen in spite-
Sitonai: "Ooooh, that's incredible news!"
-At least she can't do it online-
-And possibly Lillie's brother too...-
Jeanne: "I'm also curious to see what sorts of Pokémon live there!"
Tiki: "Then we'll have to take that place soon!"
Yuri: "I didn't even realize what I was until some minutes ago..."
Natsuki: "........What we've always been!"