Blackbeard: "Maybe all the season" -the true answer to that is to not expect her to awake until at least season 4- V:
-Emilia tries to assure him that everything will be fine, despite her admitting to not know as much as she'd like to, but she wants to understand about how he feels about this comatose girl and not hurt him by her words. She says he doesn't has to carry this burden by himself. He asks why, Emilia asks if is it wrong to want to help even if she doesn't remembers? This girl is clearly so important to him that what's happening with her is making him miserable, so is it wrong to want to help? He saved her, so now she wants to save him back and do something-
-After some silence, he says she's amazing, she says he's more amazing than she could hope to be, he says he's not, but couldn't help but smile a bit-
-He asks her to do him a little favor and that's to turn back, saying he is about to cry, she respects his wish and did so, tears streaming down his face as he whimpered, Emilia in the end decided to comfort him by embracing from behind and ruffling his hair-
-Moved by this, he's silent for a few seconds, before looking back at Rem, he swears that he will get her back, no matter what, he'll do it, so just wait for it, her hero will save her, and the episode ended, as always revealing its name-
-Indeed they are-
Marvelous: "Heh, maybe I should give you the Space Squad's number then" -shot at some of the lasting ones-
-Luvia suplexed Juri from behind while she was yelling at Jenny and back-