So I've heard of Guilty Gear, though I don't know much about it. I tried looking the plot, but all I got for my efforts was a headache. If anybody happens to have a simplified version of it that can get me up to date, let me know.
Despite that, I've been trying to keep up with Strive, at least with the characters. While I always understand the appeal of returning characters, I noticed something in my research that got me a mostly-crazy but potentially interesting idea. I noticed that there were characters who were playable at some point, but not yet in a proper fighting game. So naturally, that inspired me to ask about what you (the ones with knowledge of the series) would think of their hypothetical inclusion in Strive. Based on the wiki's groupings those characters are:
*The Overture characters (Dr. Paradigm, Izuna, Valentine)
*The "Other" characters (Ansect, Chimaki, Es-Lord, Es-Watt, Fanny, Goose, Judgement, Kakusei Ky, Kakusei Sol, Leopaldon, Ra-Ki, Robo-Ky II, and Zako-Dan)
Keep in mind, I don't understand the lore, so some of these characters are probably out of the running. At the same time, saying a fighting game can't use a certain character because lore reasons is like saying a comic book can't use a certain character because they died, so what do I know? It's just something I wanted to ask.