A couple remarks I'm going to make about this. Not one person in that skype call who was actively talking was respectful. Studstill wasn't respectful, Rob wasn't respectful, and Javi wasn't respectful.
Studstill wasn't respectful for the obvious reasons pointed out.
Rob wasn't respectful for talking about dead family members and asking him what flowers he buried so he could asexually **** the plants.
Javi wasn't respectful for fueling the feud.
In addition, half of you on here are not respectful for just attacking Studstill and saying he is the toxic criminal here while not considering Rob or Javis comments as offensive which is because of personal opinions you all have of each person and how you don't want to be mean to someone you respect but are ok with bullying someone out of the community that you don't respect. Everyone picks on Studstill (albeit not unwarranted) because they hate him for reasons that have been discussed to exhaustion (disagrees with nomenclature, drinking, talent, etc). Nobody picks on or even blinks an eye at Cobr bringing Studstills dead father into the discussion because they don't hate Cobr for reasons that are opposite of Studstill (agrees with nomenclature, drinking, talent, etc.)
I'm disappointed in everyone who has involved themselves in one side of this skype call inspection and not the other (Madao, Cobr, Fireblaster, Studstill, etc). As someone who has friends who are homosexual and asexual, the comments were disrespectful, but they were not directed at those communities they were directed at Cobr, which is still disrespectful, and insults about living with ones parents or being unemployed or not getting laid (not everyone can download tinder) are equally disrespectful. As someone who had their father pass away 8 years ago (I never thought I'd actually bring this up with anyone here), it is disrespectful to make comments about that to someone or even listen to those comments being made towards someone. There were no excuses for what transpired on that call. Rob wasn't defending himself by attacking Studstill and Studstill wasn't defending himself by attacking Rob.
I've heard both Rob and Studstill call themselves pacifists. Not getting in a fist fight doesn't make you a pacifist, not causing disputes and confrontations does. Both Rob and Studstill have instigated and attacked each other verbally which is something a pacifist wouldn't do.
The more this continues the more I will lose respect for each person involved. No one is required to care about my opinion of them nor anyones opinion of them. Whether or not you care, people will lose respect the more this continues. This discussion is toxic, these behaviors are toxic, and if none of you can put on a happy go lucky friendly facade for these boards, then you as a person are toxic.