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Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
People seem to be under the impression that studying math makes people socially awkward.... I think you guys have the cause and effect backwards on that one.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
In some cases the law's overly convoluted and needs to be reformed, that's true. Good lawyers and judges and policy-makers fight to combat that. And a smart guy like you should know that for every "frivolous" lawsuit that succeeds there are about a kazillion that flop and leave the *******s who brought them to pay the cost, and that they're simply not covered because they're not interesting.

In places where justice is simple (see: all ancient societies) justice tends to suck major **** and people get shafted 24/7. American law has problems, but it also has some of our best and brightest working day and night to ameliorate said problems. I don't tell you that cancer ought to be cured already and that if lawyers were medical researchers there would be no sickness.

And I'm just talking about one example here but there are a million. Journalists, Linguists, artists of all stripes, social workers, and so on and so forth.
I pretty much agree with you here. I'm just saying there are plenty of examples of ridiculously complicated laws (probably in large part due to our political system where lobbyists have legislators draft 1000 page bills with tons of paybacks hidden within). And there are lots of examples of lawyers taking advantage of this system as well.

That's why I said if we were talking about the same person. Obviously if you take a person who can't interact with people, they won't fair well in that occupation no matter what education they have. If you take a person that is not introverted and can interact with people, then yes I would rather give him a math education than a public policy education. I just think it teaches you to be more logical, which imo is the only way to really look at the world if your job is to solve problems.

It could also be because I've been very unimpressed with the "genius" history/pub-pol majors I met when I was at UVA, which is supposed to excel in those areas.
I get what you're saying generally, but I think in this specific case you are wrong. Public policy is not a useless major if you're planning to go into, you know, public policy. I think there are plenty of other majors you could pick on.

As a Government/Economics/Philosophy triple major I completely object.
Science people are stuck in the small picture + they typically are bad at social interactions needed at the professional level. (Science/math majors are nerds)

I love English majors they add such good
(hammered on smash boards)
Science majors seem to be bad at social interactions because they spend all their time, you know, actually working.

(actually a good chunk of it really is due to the high concentration of foreigners in science/math - they seem to be "bad" at social interactions due to coming from a different culture / the language barrier. if you remove that factor then I don't think there's THAT much difference.)


Smash Ace
May 8, 2012
Training Mode (or Toronto)
Explain how English majoring is positive to society, maybe I can be speechless too!
it's not a matter of simply majoring in something, it's what you do with the knowledge you gained and how you apply that knowledge that makes it useful. also, how would art and music be useful for freedom of expression but not poetry?

Also @prisonchild, have you been to college? It is actually a pretty common place opinion among college kids that english is a useless major. And yes, even most of the english majors will admit it lol.
yeah i've been in uni for four years now. english majors are 'useless' in the sense that it is more difficult to find a job with that degree but it is definitely not useless in terms of learning information that they can apply.

here's a few scenarios i think english majors impact society positively:

- 95% of novels and literature
- how many (huge) films are based off said novels?
- the ideas of english majors contribute, even if they are exectued through a different medium
- who would write speeches that these great politicians deliver?
- who would write news articles? (assuming journalism is a close cousin)
- i had a ton more examples yesterday, can't remember them right now :/
- who would keep starbucks in business?

also i can't believe one might think a business major is useless. i can't believe people dealing with food would be considered useless.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
Poetry, novel writing, speech writing and movie production are all self expression lolz none of these things benefit society, they do diversify it though.
There's no such thing as a great politician, none of them know how to solve problems. Don't take my word for it, ask them. They don't know about the economy or public relations, and if they do they are terrible at it because the problems persist year after year. They also don't know about job maintaining or creation, obviously. They are very good at self interest though, notice how things are generally kept the same even though every politician promises some kind of change. It's the technically inclined that actually give a **** about people, they invent and maintain elevators bridges antibiotics and future medicines AND all the other things that directly amd indirectly improve everyone's lives AND they make the bogus politicians' rare kept promises actually happen.

Small example,
In the 90s the government gave telecommunications companies millions (or billions, whichever) to improve infrastructure of internet connection lines and they've been getting this $ every year. All they've done is some technical magic regarding what's possible with cable lines and have improved next to nothing. Last year Google (with no help from government) started laying down fiber in Kansas city MO....the internet speed is 100x faster than current avg internet speeda in USA...1gbit(~800megabytes) upload and download.

Done for now ggs so far, Ty to meowmeow and ballin for helping me start this!


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
I think your previous post demeaning self-expression as something frivolous really begs the question as to what it is we ultimately value as a society. I mean, I love science and Math, but the high/low-culture that exists because of the human desire to express, for me at least, makes everything more fun. If endless economic expansion is the end-all be-all of human existence then we may have a priorities as a race mixed up because life offers so much depth of experience that can only be reached within the realm of the non-sciences.

Math majors may programmed made Smash 64, but there was an entire creative aspect to the development of the individual characters drawn from their respective games, which exhibit a level of creativity that can only be considered art.


Smash Ace
May 8, 2012
Training Mode (or Toronto)
elevators improve people's lives? because they don't have to walk up stairs?

also a lot of technologies are a double-edged sword so you could argue how positively it effects society...

and business is irrelevant to study also i presume?

EDIT: two more things. i found it when funny you said philosophy was irrelevant when a lot of people consider it to be a science, you know, developing theories and principles and whatnot. they may be more like theorists but there are still theoretics in science.

also if you said that all other subjects were LESS relevant than science and math i could agree to some extent but to say that other subjects are irrelevant is just ignorant if you ask me.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
elevators improve people's lives? because they don't have to walk up stairs?
Uh yeah. You want to walk up the stairs in a skyscraper? And what about people that are handicapped?

also a lot of technologies are a double-edged sword so you could argue how positively it effects society...
This is really overstated IMO ...

and business is irrelevant to study also i presume?
I think studying business is definitely useful

EDIT: two more things. i found it when funny you said philosophy was irrelevant when a lot of people consider it to be a science, you know, developing theories and principles and whatnot. they may be more like theorists but there are still theoretics in science.
I wouldn't consider modern philosophy a science. You could argue though that science is really a branch of philosophy (physics used to be called "natural philosophy" back in the day).

Han Solo

Banned via Warnings
Nov 9, 2011
Midwest Corellia
64 tourney in Urbana-Champaign today featuring at least:

Han Solo

There's going to be a bunch of randoms too probably. Easy money.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Tanklin took a set from me yesterday for the first time, props to him. Beat my Ness and then my Yoshi twice in 5 games.

After losing to my Fox 0-2 in winner's Kys started off 2-1 vs it in loser's finals. Forced me to go Yoshi.

Then I beat Tanklin 3-0 and 3-1 in Grand Finals. Definitely the best he's ever played vs my Yoshi. Had some sick combos.

Unfortunately there were a bunch of 64 noobs there for doubles but all of them were scared off from entering singles. =[

Very fun day though, sucks I can't go to Apex. Nice meeting you kys.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Yo kphox nice cop-out to specifically english majors there. I'm gonna assume that you abandoned your original argument.

And since you've already admitted and everyone knows that art can be useful to society as well I think the argument's pretty much done

Being an english major teaches you to write and think and analyze and **** as well, so english major->any profession involving writer ie lawyer journalist whatever


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
@IL peeps, Good luck =)

Just got back from the Gainesville tournament. Here's a quick recap:

Tank and Sheer won doubles from the losers bracket. Loto and I 3-0'd them in Winners and they came storming back to take it 3-1, 3-1. We were really dominating them in Winner's, so props to them for making the adjustments. Wizzy didn't come so Eikelmann was left out without a teammate.

Sheer won singles, and it was really intense. We were tied in Loser's Finals 2-2, when his Dino went on crack and took the last game. I got to counterpick to Congo and thought I had it in the bag. Props to him.

Sheer beat Tank 3-1, 3-1 in Grand Finals. They were all really good games. Tank's Fox has gotten a lot better from what I've seen in videos/online. He sent Sheer to Loser's 3-1 (I think). Sheer sent me to to Loser's 2-1.

Round of applause for Sheer and Tank. Good job dudez.

1st: Sheer
2nd: Tank
3rd: kys
4th: Loto
5th: Eikelmann
6th and 7th: Two random noobs.

Lol yeah, only 7 entrants for singles. There were 6 doubles teams, but a lot of them left after they got *****. A couple of guys came in thinking they were big stuff, and they weren't the happiest customers once they realized we toy with them like we toy with our food.

I believe Grand Finals in teams, Singles Loser's, Winner's, and Grand Finals were all recorded, but the tape did crap out at one point.

My modded controller failed me miserably, and I had to use a borrowed Superpad 64 for most of the day. Controller johns all day. There were a lot of combos I dropped that I normally wouldn't, but whatcha gonna do? I still had a blast.

I'll post later and give a recap of some of the funny stuff/memorable moments that happened.
Yeah, WF was 3-1. Granted first game was Luigi vs Ness, but the last three were Fox vs Yoshi.

Thanks :) . I think I've gotton a lot better, especially at decision making and execution (even though I missed a couple of upsmashes lawl). I'm glad I went all fox (besides that one game lol). This was great Apex practice. I'm as ready now as I've ever been :reverse:

Shotouts to Loto for being awesome. Those drinking dittos were too fun. I got blasted off of those GIRL DRINKS xD. We got some golden footage =) , oh and come to Apex!

@kys, you're mad good bro, and you're a cool guy (you know, besides being a congo counterpicking ******! =P ). You'll get us in teams next time! oh, and go to Apex!

@Sheer, thanks, and good stuff coming back after that WF. You kept on adjusting right back at me throughout the day. Guess you're not a computer after all xD . I'll **** you more next time ;) . Oh, and come to Apex!

@E-kel, I didn't even see you play 64 like all day, besides like one game. Wth man.

@Wizzy... disappointed.

@SWD, those doughnuts were amazing.

...why can't I tag people like FB lol.

/still salty about not getting a group pic lol.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
Yo kphox nice cop-out to specifically english majors there. I'm gonna assume that you abandoned your original argument.

And since you've already admitted and everyone knows that art can be useful to society as well I think the argument's pretty much done

Being an english major teaches you to write and think and analyze and **** as well, so english major->any profession involving writer ie lawyer journalist whatever
woah woah woah I'll have it be known I don't think art is useful.

Oh and yea I hate those ****ing bums that show up to the doubles tourney and then leave when they get there *** handed to them. Happened at VT to me when I went there for a tourney. At a UVA tourney I tried to get a doubles tourney started but no one wanted to do it unless they were on my team lol.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
woah woah woah I'll have it be known I don't think art is useful.
What? Art provides entertainment to people. Clearly that's useful.

Oh and yea I hate those ****ing bums that show up to the doubles tourney and then leave when they get there *** handed to them. Happened at VT to me when I went there for a tourney. At a UVA tourney I tried to get a doubles tourney started but no one wanted to do it unless they were on my team lol.
Yet another reason to not play doubles. Although yeah that sucks.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I prefer Singles these days but that's in large part due to kaillera being a ****

Doubles is probably more fun to me when you have 4 good players on evenly matched teams without lag/too much ds and a partner that clicks with you. But usually it isn't that way. So to me, Doubles has a higher potential of fun but Singles is more consistently fun. lol

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
Man, 64 is so hard. I love playing it the most out of all the smash games, but I really have no idea how to improve.

Also, I played a bunch of 64, Tank. Maybe the reason you didn't see me play is because you didn't go out of your way to watch my matches or friendlies lol


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
Doubles is fun assuming you have an equally as competent teammate. Also assuming that you're playing in the superior form of teams – emulator.

Eikelmann, you just need to play more. Just look at s2j. This dude went from playing 64 and being pretty good, to playing Melee and being one of the best Falcon players and overall Melee player in the nation (perhaps world as well?). I'm sure as hell Johnny's transition from 64 to Melee wasn't a walk in the park either. I started out with 64 too and I'm in the very same transition with Melee. I get frustrated at times but I know that I just need to play more.

P.S. having "no life" usually helps, hehe.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Location: Vladivostok? That's where my grandparents used to live. They moved to the US last Spring though.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Yea Sheer. I was just looking at the tapes and WF was 3-2. You won games 2 and 4.

Ugg, I need to like... play better. Sooo many close matches that I could've won but lost due to me being dumb...

Oh well, I'll do better next time.

Still really hype matches though =) . Y'all should like them.

Vids should be up starting tomorrow.

...back to the lab.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2011
Naperville, Illinois
Just got back from a tourney at University of IL Urbana-Champaign
1) Firo
2) Rumbly
3) Han Solo
4) Meowmeowrainbowkitty

WS was Han vs Rumbly > idk, Solo in 5? maybe 4? , Meow vs Firo > Firo in 3
WF Han vs Firo > Firo in 3
LS Meow vs Rumbly > Rumbly in 4
LF Rumbly vs Han > Rumbly in 5
GF Rumbly vs Firo > Firo in 7


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
Just got back from a tourney at University of IL Urbana-Champaign
1) Firo
2) Rumbly
3) Han Solo
4) Meowmeowrainbowkitty

WS was Han vs Rumbly > idk, Solo in 5? maybe 4? , Meow vs Firo > Firo in 3
WF Han vs Firo > Firo in 3
LS Meow vs Rumbly > Rumbly in 4
LF Rumbly vs Han > Rumbly in 5
GF Rumbly vs Firo > Firo in 7
Any vids???

Han Solo

Banned via Warnings
Nov 9, 2011
Midwest Corellia
There were no videos recorded (I could've brought my setup, but I'm running low on HDD space, so I didn't want to deal with compressing/deleting videos).

I beat Rumbly in WS 3-1. I lost to him in LF 3-2.

Firo is like the morning mist before a cool spring day. Too ****ing good.

GF went like this:

Game 1: Firo's Ness barely clinched it out against Rumbly's Pika (Rumbly went Pika every game) on DL
Game 2: Rumbly 2(?) stocks Firo's Ness on DL
Game 3: Rumbly handily beats Firo's Ness on DL
Game 4: Firo's Fox destroys Rumbly on Hyrule
Game 5: Rumbly scrapes by and beats Firo's Falcon on DL
Game 6: Firo's Fox destroys Rumbly on Hyrule
Game 7: Firo's Fox destroys Rumbly on DL


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2011
Naperville, Illinois
some guy was running around with a camera, but idk if it was actually vids or just pictures. Some other guy had like a handheld...something and was holding it steady at the screen, but he might have just been playing a game lol
I was also too focused on watching the matches :p they were intense!


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
TANK/kys get Sheer next time

you got this
I will.

I've shown he can bleed.

Next time I will finish him off for good ;) .

Sending him to losers was a feeling I could get used to :cool: .

Firo is like the morning mist before a cool spring day. Too ****ing good.
lol nice.

I can't wait to play/meet him at Apex. I've been a fan for a long time.

...and meet/play you too xD


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2008
Champaign, Illinois
There were no videos recorded (I could've brought my setup, but I'm running low on HDD space, so I didn't want to deal with compressing/deleting videos).

I beat Rumbly in WS 3-1. I lost to him in LF 3-2.

Firo is like the morning mist before a cool spring day. Too ****ing good.

GF went like this:

Game 1: Firo's Ness barely clinched it out against Rumbly's Pika (Rumbly went Pika every game) on DL
Game 2: Rumbly 2(?) stocks Firo's Ness on DL
Game 3: Rumbly handily beats Firo's Ness on DL
Game 4: Firo's Fox destroys Rumbly on Hyrule
Game 5: Rumbly scrapes by and beats Firo's Falcon on DL
Game 6: Firo's Fox destroys Rumbly on Hyrule
Game 7: Firo's Fox destroys Rumbly on DL
I lost patience with ness at the end, as much as I wanted to keep using him. Rumbly plays a very defensive style and trying to space out a pika with ness on dreamland was just taking too much out of me. Luckily fox was there to back me up. Congrats to Rumbly, Solo, and Meow (Meow's last smash tournament in his college career and possibly ever) for some good games.

TANK - looking forward to meeting you also, should be fun. We'll be sure to get some games in.
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