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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
wednesday night, AND no money? bummer. take it easy on 'em! Btw ballin you comin to jmu or what?


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
not until like next fall or something. plan is still very tentative.

basically when i lived in new york i had two roommates, and me and roommate 1 are trying to work things out to visit roommate 2 who goes to JMU. but i need to wait until roommate 1 is done with school and all this stuff so we agreed to wait a few months, and we haven't made any final plans yet.

unrelated: anyone know anything about how to transfer video from a DVR to a hard drive? i know a capture card will work, but that will take forever.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
it was in japanese...i think it was something like 'this has been settled', but my japanese isn't so flash

and i don't think he says it every time, either...i replicated it by playing vs kirby in a 5 stock match on DL though

Ninja in Overalls

Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2012
california, usa
battlecow vs some scrub; said:
Can't wait till i get my controller USB adaptor in the mail. I'm surprised at your level of confidence in this game, to be honest you're nothing special and my friends i play with on a regular basis could probably kick your ***. Better practice up, end of december I'm stealin your spot on the galaxy64 ladder.

Acolyte14 4 months ago

That's why you backed out of the Money Match like a little *****.

Hey, I'm still up for it. We can paypal the cash to a neutral third party, have him spectate.

Until then, shut the **** up. Kero was just as confident as you are. Every dumb ****er on the planet is.

battlecow1 in reply to Acolyte14 4 months ago

you're the one who was "confident" you dumb ****, you chirped me before i even knew who you were. And no, i know you won't pay up when you lose, that was the worst idea in the world. When i get my controller in the mail we'll 1v1 on galaxy, and no worries ill be recording it AND uploading it to both youtube and smashboard. You have just under a month, practice up ******.

Acolyte14 in reply to battlecow1 4 months ago

That's right. Never played you. Know that you can't beat me. Why? Oh, right, I'm part of the community and you're another stupid kid who's been playing ness with his little brother for a few years and thinks he's the best ever.

No johns. We can find a third party to hold the money and hand it out to the winner. But of course, you'll back out. Just like you did last time. Bottom line: If you're too scared to MM, you shouldn't be talking ****. Good day to you.

battlecow1 in reply to Acolyte14 4 months ago

lmfao just because you are part of a "community" doesn't at all mean you're good. Your logic is ****ing ********. And you're stupid as **** kid, i got SSB64 for my 9th birthday from my parents, and i'm turning 20 this April...do the math dumb ***. All i'm saying is you have a little less than a month, and i REALLY suggest you practice. Remember i'll be recording our match and uploading it to both youtube and smashboards, so at least try to take a stock off me eh?

Acolyte14 in reply to battlecow1 4 months ago

Universal rule of smash: Put your money where your mouth is or shut up. Your balls, apparently, are even smaller than your ego is large. OK. Well, I've heard this song and dance so many times it makes me sick, but you're a particularly obnoxious little wart. I guess I'll take a few minutes to five-stock you if you ever show up online, but just to make things clear: you're not my rival. I'm not going to prepare for the match in any way. This will not be a challenge for me.

battlecow1 in reply to Acolyte14 4 months ago

lmfaoo you actually made me laugh out loud. I love how you still haven't realized; you're NOT good at this game. And actually i've already ordered my N64 controller USB adaptor off ebay on November 7th, therefore i expect it to come in the mail near the end of the month. Yesterday i already installed hypercam and figured out how to work it, so i will be recording our match. It would be your best interest to practice, as the level you're at right now i could beat you in my sleep lmfao

Acolyte14 in reply to battlecow1 (Show the comment) 4 months ago
just out of curiosity, did you ever get around to kicking this scrub's *** or did he ***** out xD


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
im really mad the character rank thread was closed before i got to post my troll character rankings

1) link (UP-B IS SO STRONG + bombs is godlike, nobody can beat my link)
2) ness (pk fire is a really good attack it can infinite against walls and if you know ho wto use him his recovery is SO AMAZING)
3) jigglypuff (ok people might laugh at me but JIGGS IS AMAZING + bonus damage from pokeballs = god tier)
4) luigi (up-b need i say more also gets bonus damage on red shell giving him the best projectile in the game)
5) captain falcon (he is the most versatile in the game)
6) fox (he is weak but relaly fast if your good with him you dont get hit, and then he gets a beam sword/blaster with 2x damage and its AMAZENG)
7) samus (you can trap people with bombs and run away easily)
8) pikachu (doesnt have kill moves except thunder but gets bonus damage on pokeballs)
9) dk (i dont play dk but my friend does and tells me he loses to piakchu so he goes here)
10) kirby (NOOB CHARACTER the rock move is SO PREDICTABLE and you can just wait until he comes out and hit him lol)
11) yoshi (slow and no recovery but sometimes his second jump is invincible idk i dont play him much)
12) mario (no use once you unlock luigi)



Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
should have merged that thread into this one rather than locking it IMO

that guy's rankings weren't HORRIBLE besides lolness and yoshi being last.

seriously though why do noobs think ness is good? i feel like he's only even decent once you can DJC, and once you're at that level it seems like other characters would have surpassed him already. if you're just at the bthrow -> dair level of skill then i feel like pika and kirby will still be better, since ness's recovery is garbage at all levels


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
my n00b friends and i thought ness sucked, and we were at roll/smash/throw metagame. seriously though, ppl **** up edgeguarding ness soooooooooo much, so i can see why he's "good" to some.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
noobs don't observe and compare, they pick one character and classify any character/strategy that can beat theirs as broken/stupid

re: ness being good, it's cuz he's a secret character, and secret characters MUST be good

otherwise why bother unlocking them when you have kirby :S


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
nar nar nar noobs think ness is good because they learn to dairx10>uair on people because their noob opponent doesn't know how to tech/tech roll out of it


The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
since ness's recovery is garbage at all levels
it's not garbage at the level where noobs figure out how to use his recovery, but edgeguarding is only a vague concept that isn't really thought about

plus even noobs figure out the power of dair probably, no need for z-canceling either. Also what ciaza says, Ness rules if people don't know how to tech


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland

Why aren't noobs more humble?

I mean, how come people playing this game always think they're the best at it, while they haven't played much people and haven't even checked in various guides if there were techniques they don't know?

And even when they pass that stage and start playing competitively, they would always say wrong stuff and not believe top players? I won't give names here, but that's something I see too often... It looks like as they realize they're not the best at playing the game, they start thinking they're the best at theorizing stuff.

I, on the contrary, even though I could consider myself as almost decent, would never maintain an opinion if better players said I was wrong.

By the way, nothing in particular happened to me to post this (inb4 people think a noob was harsh with me), but I was just wondering...

It's like when I see beginners rage when they lose, where's the good beginner's mindset? I remember I constantly lost when I started playing online but didn't care at all. It was normal, since I was a noob (and knew I was one).


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
just out of curiosity, did you ever get around to kicking this scrub's *** or did he ***** out xD
We played. I five-stocked him once and then like three-stocked him a bunch of times, but the five-stock was the only one I remembered to record and I thought it'd be disingenuous to upload just that.

He took it surprisingly well, apologized and everything.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Why aren't noobs more humble?

I mean, how come people playing this game always think they're the best at it, while they haven't played much people and haven't even checked in various guides if there were techniques they don't know?

And even when they pass that stage and start playing competitively, they would always say wrong stuff and not believe top players? I won't give names here, but that's something I see too often... It looks like as they realize they're not the best at playing the game, they start thinking they're the best at theorizing stuff.

I, on the contrary, even though I could consider myself as almost decent, would never maintain an opinion if better players said I was wrong.

By the way, nothing in particular happened to me to post this (inb4 people think a noob was harsh with me), but I was just wondering...

It's like when I see beginners rage when they lose, where's the good beginner's mindset? I remember I constantly lost when I started playing online but didn't care at all. It was normal, since I was a noob (and knew I was one).
It's called the vocal minority. It only seems like all the noobs are arrogant because they're the ones who go online and brag about their skills. The humble ones remain quiet, so you don't notice them, and thus, think they don't exist.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I have no doubt that you will succeed in taking one out of every ten lives.

Also stop doing that, apparently you're nice IRL or whatever but the asperger's act stopped being funny after hammerheart did it.
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