You just said that, like, you couldn't explain why you liked what you like but you do.Why must it always end this way, Battlecow? I make a decent post and you ignore it. Every. Time.
What am I supposed to say? "You like stuff that sucks"? I mean, we already knew that I thought that.
Seriously though- I don't see why taste in music should be any more subjective than taste in literature. If someone loves The Boxcar Children, it's not a moral crime, but it's my duty to inform them that they like terrible books. Same with music. Now, I'm not a musician, so I wouldn't say that about music that I didn't understand- but there's nothing to understand with this vocaloid garbage. It's annoying fake Japanese girls singing repetitive and semi-catchy nonsense. I can see, faintly, how some people could bring themselves to like it if they never actually listened to it, but that doesn't mean it's good.