I just got home from work; I'm still trying to catch up on all of the MCU announcements, but I'm interested to learn more about Shang Chi and the Eternals, and I'm interested to see where they go with Doctor Strange 2, Black Widow, and Thor 4. It's a bit late, though, so I'll have to take a more in-depth look at the announcements tomorrow. (I heard that Captain Marvel 2 and the Fantastic Four were announced, but I'm not sure if there was any information beyond "they're happening")
The Disney streaming series sound interesting, but I still need to watch the Netflix shows, and I can't see myself subscribing to a streaming service just for a few shows.
Also, I picked up Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night for the Switch (I was hoping to get Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 as well, but the one store that I had time to check was sold out), so I'm looking forward to playing it. Not sure if I'll wait a bit, though - I have a decent-sized Switch backlog, and I've heard that the game isn't optimized well on the Switch. (not sure if it's issues with the graphics, or load times, or what) I figure that I can wait until whatever issues the Switch version has are fixed.