With Pokemon, I care more that it’s fun than pretty much anything else. Every Pokémon game i’ve played has been fun.
Once the game is out, nobody is going to care about Tail Whip looking the way it always has, as a move nobody uses once they can unlearn it. Animations are a complete and utter nitpick.
Does anybody really want Game Freak to spend countless hours reanimating Pokémon to do more poses and have unique idle animations? It’s never bothered me in the slightest because the gameplay of the series is what has always drawn me in.
Unless of course, you want more Pokémon scrapped just for more animations.
I never played Battle Revolution, but it’s not a full Pokémon game like X/Y, or Sword and Shield will be. Right now it’s the cool thing to do for people on Twitter and Social Media to nitpick the game, at least that’s the way i’m taking it, or at least cherry picking.
By no means does Sword and Shield look like a “perfect” Pokémon game.
Reusing animations like the ones they’re using is working smarter, not harder, something that I myself have been taught to do since I was a teenager. You don’t do things just to do them when you’re understaffed and already have a massive workload, with plenty of deadlines to meet.
I don’t know, maybe the complaining has just kinda gotten old to me. It would be different if the complaints were important to the success of the game or would change things drastically, but pretty much everything except for the National Dex is a nitpick.