Here's a game that
@Will just inspired the idea for with his ninja boys picture. For some reason.
You get to create a fighting game with a roster of 16 characters. Here's the kicker: They all have to be playable characters from fighting game franchises and you're allowed no more than
3 per franchise. The
16th character, however, can be a guest character
not from a fighting game franchise.
Show me your rosters.
And give your games a kick*** title.
Okay, I'm going to try to include a good balance of 'known' and 'surprising'. I also decided not to include characters that, while mainstays in their fighting game series aren't originally from Fighting Games, such as Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden & Dead or Alive or Athena Asamiya from Psycho Soldier & King of Fighters. I also opted to not use any Mortal Kombat characters since I feel that having them without their fatalities would take something away from them, but I also don't think most of the characters I chose should be subjected to them.
1) Ryu (Street Fighter)
2) Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
3) Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
4) Demitri Maximoff (Darkstalkers)
5) Filia (SkullGirls)
6) Ragna the Bloodedge (BlazBlue)
7) Hazama (BlazBlue)
8) Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear)
9) Dizzy (Guilty Gear)
10) Ayane (Dead or Alive)
11) Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters)
12) Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters)
13) Mitsurugi (SoulCalibur)
14) Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
15) Kuma (Tekken)
16) Console Exclusive Character
16a) Captain Falcon (F-Zero) - Nintendo
16b) Master Chief (Halo) - Xbox
16c) Nathan Drake (Uncharted) - PlayStation
I figured certain characters could represent their series well enough alone, like Filia or Mitsurugi, while others had popular enough characters to warrant another character but still needed the 'main' character for the series (Dizzy), as for Tekken, it was a hard choice on what two to choose. Heihachi is clearly the most well known Tekken character..but what should the second be? I thought of including Jin or Kazuya, but I felt they may be too similar to Heihachi, then I thought maybe a secondary character like Xiaoyu or Jun Kazama..but than I thought about how Heihachi nor any of them would represent the more quirky side of Tekken, something one of its animal-based characters would and the most popular and well known one would have to be Kuma (though he could also have Panda as an alt character like in some games).
The Guest Character was a hard choice as well since I of course wanted Capt. Falcon, the standout character from Nintendo's Crossover Fighter, Super Smash Bros, but than the game would have to be tied to a Nintendo console, which a concept like this probably wouldn't I decided to take some inspiration from SoulCalibur II and have each system get its own fighter. Master Chief was a no-brainer for Xbox, and a 2D Fighter like this would allow him to show off his weaponry from Halo a lot better than Nicole got to in a more hand-to-hand fighter like Dead or Alive. PlayStation was a bit trickier since I could have went with Jak or something, but I felt like Nathan Drake would be a cool character to see in a fighting game kind of similarly to how Chris Redfield was in Marvel vs Capcom 3.
As stated, the game itself will be a 2D Fighter similar in style to Capcom's Over the Top Versus Series or Arc System Works BlazBlue or Guilty Gear series. and stages will come from a variety of games from each Company included..and not just from the fighting game series included, branching out into some of the company's other titles.
1) Suzaku Castle (Street Fighter II)
2) Castle Aensland (Darkstalkers series)
3) Central Highway (Mega Man X)
4) Little Innsmouth (SkullGirls) [Day & Night Variants]
5) Sheol Gate (BlazBlue)
6) Alucard Castle (BlazBlue)
7) Babylon (Guilty Gear)
8) May Ship (Guilty Gear)
9) Whitewater Valley (Dead or Alive 2 & 4)
10) King of Fighters XIV Stadium
11) Battlefield (Metal Slug) [Moving Stage, Metal Slug battle in background, takes place on Truck or Train]
12) Kaminoi Castle - Sakura-Dai Gate (Soul Calibur II)
13) Mishima Dojo (Tekken 7)
14) Halure (Tales of Vesperia)
15) Pac-Maze (Pac-Man) [Similar to Smash Bros. Omega version]
16Na) Mute City (F-Zero) [Similar to Smash Bros. Melee's]
16Nb) Mushroom Kingdom (Super Mario Bros)
16Xa) The Ark (Halo)
16Xb) Spiral Mountain (Banjo-Kazooie)
16Pa) Shambhala (Uncharted 2)
16Pb) Sandover Village (Jak & Daxter)