Not unlike FE Fates, Sword/Shield I'm just going to have to see/hear from to determine when I pick it up. I'm not going to kid myself into saying I won't pick it up out of protest. I've spent and gotten less return on singular pieces of merchandise than the hours of enjoyment I know I'll get from the game. Plus I generally force myself to only using new Pokemon in first runs anyway.Sword and Shield still look neat, but all the recent news made it from a must buy to a "It'll be nice, but I don't need it".
I'm still gonna get it regardless, but GF does need to say something about the whole situation considering this is tearing the fanbase from the inside out.
It's frustrating but the writing has been on the wall for a few years now, especially if you're a PokeSpe/Adventures fan like myself; the B2W2 manga is still on-going! Shorter Gens time-lengths (at least compared to 1/3/4), less anime-filler arcs, introducing new Pokemon/forms in-between Gens, less new Pokemon overall, no more international release delays (bar PAL regions/XY Leaks), etc. Pokemon is a mass marketing machine.
My only question is how TPC/Game Freak will handle the crunch/negative press and how will sales be effected? How many Pokemon are actually being left out vs. how many are we gaining? Will there be patches or will they cut their loses and focus on a Director's Cut/DP Remake? What gameplay mechanics are we gaining/losing/can Megas or Z-Moves return? How long is single player/how big is the world? etc.
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