I got Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, so now I've got all of the numbered Star Wars movies on VHS or DVD. (I'm not going to get Solo, the Clone Wars movie, or any of the other spin-offs) I liked the movie, even if it was fairly divisive, though unfortunately, it's a barebones DVD release that (as far as I can tell) has no special features. (I'd be fine if they even just included a tribute to Carrie Fisher) A storyboard of the alternate ending would have been nice. From what I read, they filmed scenes involving the Force Ghosts of a bunch of older Jedi showing up, rather than having them only appear as voices, but it didn't make the cut for some reason. Still, I might rewatch the movies in chronological order at some point.
I also got Birds of Prey, and that definitely has more in the way of special features, so that's a plus.