I wake up and read that Crunchyroll is removing anime.
Time for a pudding run!
I've noticed recently that the overseas anime community(especially companies like Crunchyroll which have shown a bunch of red flags) are literally just self-exploding on themselves as people start noticing that companies like Funimation are doing some shady stuff. (like buying the rights to what is essentially a porn anime and when they realize what it is they cut all production and refuse to sell the rights; effectively banning the anime overseas)
And I'm just over here with my precious card game anime; occasionally I'll watch stuff that catches my eye(Brand New Animal was bad but I enjoyed the first half) but it's mostly just me digging through the archives to find old card game anime. Maybe I shouldn't get on my high horse though....
That's not to say I don't care about what Funimation and various other companies are doing(such as changing subs to politicize it) but I usually don't watch anime outside of the sub genre of card games so it's very very difficult to actually think of any examples, and by extension I don't a clear view of the issue, save for a couple videos, which means I can't exactly go out here and say in good conscious that I actually know what the problem is and how to fix it. I really need to learn how to translate JP.... I already know some of it from watching anime, but I should really take that little knowledge and expand on it.
Brb gonna grab a piece of paper and write my Need to Knows and Next Steps.
JDCabrera's AMA is now up
Reminder that if you want participate in a future AMA and not currently on
the list of future AMA subjects, please let me know
anyways, next week's subject will be...
if they're available, their AMA will go up sometime next Thursday
LMAO I literally logged on and didn't even notice until now
Might be a bit difficult to get on at that time but I'll try(I have my ways to avoid my sister lol)