I'm gonna be real with ya.I guess some people do tend to act too defensive about things sometimes. I have seen this myself tbh, it usually being a few or so people, or less depending on the exact situation.
Admittedly I’ve had trouble ignoring trolls as well though sometimes I manage to, however tbh this time I did reply to a dude targeting Fatman and acting like we were all blindly following him (which we don’t, we just trust him but don’t believe everything he says to necessarily end up true, but that he and maybe his contacts are being genuine; most of the evidence gathered for Geno isn’t even from him). Tbh I didn’t even think of the dude as a troll. I just wanted people to stop thinking Fatman was a sociopath they need to save us from, and I guess I was a bit on edge when I could’ve been calmer tbh.
I’m just tired of it, man. Yes some users can get too riled up but it feels like a minority, albeit I guess it was more in the past; we’ve gotten better at that it feels like. It’s just tiring to see people bash us and generalize us, including those who do so over dumb stuff, though I guess no one in here does.
And I’m also tired of people accusing Fatman of being a fraud, like I basically said already and talked about in the Geno thread. Y’all don’t have to trust his info or think his speculation makes any sense or like him, but goodness all the evidence points to him not being the serial liar people think he is, and one of the main contributors to that mindset against Fatman (Sabi) has even been outed as the true serial liar, and was by Fatman himself months before the recent document. This hostile stuff people have against him has been going on for over a year, even with trusted people backing him up and other stuff that goes against what they say (like Burb, whom some people expected to take down Fatman, coming to an understanding with him instead).
But I guess I should just stop trying. I never did any good about that in the Newcomer Speculation thread, and was called delusional just for wanting people to be kinder and thinking Cacomallow had even the slightest plausibility left...surprised I wasn’t called delusional earlier than that when I stuck up for Fatman and the rest of the Geno thread. Yes it has issues with trolls and stuff, but still, people don’t deserve what it gets. I guess I should just ignore it though...
Why do you all defend him so much? Ignoring my own thoughts and feelings about him for a second... He's a grown-ass man, and if people are attacking him, he has the ability to report them just as much as you guys do. You all don't need to flock to his defense like an ant colony protecting their Queen, report, and move on. You are not Fatman's personal defense force, you are his equals, all members of the Geno thread, and while it's commendable to look out for one another, constantly posting about how he's such a good guy and to not be mean to him when someone comes in to start trouble isn't the proper way to handle that situation.
I understand you all may like him, but instead of DOG-PILING to defend him... report and move on. I counted no less than like, 10 posts all sticking up for him, and while it's cute, sweet even, all it does is pile on more work for the site's staff because you're just feeding into a supposed troll. This doesn't help the situation, and in the supposed troll's case, you were simply playing right into their hand, making things even worse for yourselves without even realizing it.
And then a certain user popped off WAY hard and started saying super offensive **** to defend him and... whew lawdy. That was a super, mucho grande spicy meatball right there. Stuff like THAT is why the community unfairly judges the thread tbh. The apparent lack of maturity and flinging out edgy insults faster than a 4channer, yeah, not a good look. Yes, it was only one person, but it's always the loudest person that stands out among the crowd. If someone goes in and sees 99 nice people, but 1 abhorrent person, that 1 bad guy is going to stick into their mind more than the 99 nice people. It's the old adage of "One bad egg spoils the dozen". Even if it doesn't actually and it's silly to toss out 11 good eggs when only 1 is bad, people are going to do so anyway.
The Geno thread is the community's whipping boy, no one can deny that, but if you want to improve your image, you have to actually want to improve. Report trolls when they emerge instead of going on the offensive, simply report posts attacking users instead of becoming their personal vanguard, and hype responsibly. I understand that, as a close-knit community, when you see one of your own being attacked, your first instinct is to attack back, but that doesn't do ANY good.
A little maturity and tact in situations like this would go such a long way in helping build that thread's image up. Conversely, if people in that thread continue doing things like what happened tonight, attacking trolls instead of ignoring them and reporting them, and getting REALLY ANGRY and saying really bad, dumb ****, it's only normal people are going to look at it in disdain, it's not fair, but it's just human nature.
Act the way you want others to act around you.
I 100% agree with the staff member that handled the situation. The Geno fan-base is, a lot of the time, unfairly biased against in the community, but sometimes, like the aforementioned incident, y'all ain't innocent either, and if you want to start changing that stereotype the community at large has put you under, you need to take incidents like this to heart and try to make sure they stop happening in the future, because heaven knows, this isn't the first, nor is it the last time this'll happen with the thread currently as it is.
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