Good grief the negativity in this chat ;-;
There was a direct what? Last month? And a smash presentation the month before that. The virus hasn’t delayed anything.
Hard disagree tbh.
Animal crossing and Smash are literally the only games we know about this year, one of which is already out.
Smash came out before the virus got big and had a deadline plus was completed work.
Animal crossing is done and the only thing they can feasibly show. The fact we had no general direct very likely means these games we don’t know about are not finished yet or close to it so they can’t be shown off. Because the virus making working a lot more difficult.
Game specific directs are shot months in advance. Look at Smash for example. They didn’t shoot it in the month it aired. It was filmed in November.
When we haven’t gone 3 months without a general direct for the most part since the switch has been out. This lack of one is very telling.
Nintendo wasn’t letting up with swift chi market and they were making bank because of it. They aren’t going to go this long without dumping games they know they need to push unless a good reason existed. We know nothing of the lineup this year and when there’s at least 300 games released a year that come to the system, there is absolutely no way a direct wouldn’t have happened. Currently we are at 2,170 games 3 years in.
With loads coming out that we don’t know about. Since September around 20 or more games have been listed on switch with no official announcement, Zippo a actually reliable leaker perfectly predicted the date and animal crossing direct said one was meant for last month that was a general. I really doubt he was wrong giving his history and nailing the other presentation last month to a tee.
If Nintendo is having people work from home, the entire work load is affected and realistically it’s going to be harder for them to work on things, as well as get stuff ready and edited for a direct. I’m 95 percent positive if the virus is making them relocate workers, it’s affected the direct given all the evidence that was piling up for a general one.
Could be wrong, but I honestly don’t think I am currently with the knowledge I have of the industry from schooling and by just seeing all these things pop up for Nintendo without a direct. We could get it this month, but I’m positive at this point it was meant to come out last month.