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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
..... they didn’t do anything to the designs (except Mewtwo) to make them look more realistic. For most pokémon all they did was give them an HD texture pack. They all still look like anime cartoon characters and it looks weird.

If you really can’t tell the difference then I dunno what else to tell ya.

You’re honestly a trip sometimes bro, lmao
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
I still think it looks weird. Why would a world exist where every creature looks like it was from an anime except humans. Like, how does that work?
Again, it’s a fictional world, it doesn’t have to completely obey our own laws and physics, I think it works at long as the characters look physically present enough within the world.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
..... they didn’t do anything to the designs (except Mewtwo) to make them look more realistic. For most pokémon all they did was give them an HD texture pack. They all still look like anime cartoon characters and it looks weird.
For all we know, if Pokémon were real, they’d look just like that. If they tried to go full-on 100% “realism” based on real-world stuffs, they’d likely end up looking even weirder or just be generic-looking animals and stuff but with powers.

Deleted member

Again, it’s a fictional world, it doesn’t have to completely obey our own laws and physics, I think it works at long as the characters look physically present enough within the world.
*Card game anime plot armor abilities intensifies*


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
So, how's everyone doing?
I exist.

In other words I've been kinda up and down lately.

Some days I've been very productive and proactive in my life while still getting some free time to relax, play some video games and read a few chapters of a good book.

Other days? I'm barely getting anything done and am bored as crap.

But I carry on either way. I've felt worse in the past anyway, and I can't let myself mope over every little problem. Life isn't easy every day.

Deleted member

So, how's everyone doing?
Really hyped for this week for many reasons:

>Tomorrow I wake up early to take up my grandfather to his doctor (don't worry, he is fine. Just a revision), which means tomorrow I eat out of my home which is what I like.
>After that, I will ask my crush a bit before our English class starts about meeting up at a popular shopping center near the beach on Friday to meet each other better and take a good walk on the evening
>We may get a Direct on Wednesday or Thursday if my suspicions are right
>On Thursday the first figure of the Fantastic Four Marvel Legends wave finally releases on my favourite comic store (Doctor Doom) and of course I'll buy It that day. My mother also has to go to the opera with my uncle so I'll be likely home alone without my parents annoying me.
>And finally, the big day: Friday. The day I may meet Up with my crush as I said earlier.

Overall: this week may be what makes February of 2020 the best month of this year as of now if all goes right. And I feel really positive.

Deleted member

I exist.

In other words I've been kinda up and down lately.

Some days I've been very productive and proactive in my life while still getting some free time to relax, play some video games and read a few chapters of a good book.

Other days? I'm barely getting anything done and am bored as crap.

But I carry on either way. I've felt worse in the past anyway, and I can't let myself mope over every little problem. Life isn't easy every day.
This is exactly how I feel as well.

Some days I'm on top of the world, everything's going swell, and then the next day i'm too tired to even stand half the day.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Can we at least all agree that Detective Pikachu did a much better job of putting cartooney characters in a realistic setting than say, The Smurfs did?


Dimensional Dile-Up
Feb 26, 2019
I exist.

In other words I've been kinda up and down lately.

Some days I've been very productive and proactive in my life while still getting some free time to relax, play some video games and read a few chapters of a good book.

Other days? I'm barely getting anything done and am bored as crap.

But I carry on either way. I've felt worse in the past anyway, and I can't let myself mope over every little problem. Life isn't easy every day.
Yeah, I feel ya.

Really hyped for this week for many reasons:

>Tomorrow I wake up early to take up my grandfather to his doctor (don't worry, he is fine. Just a revision), which means tomorrow I eat out of my home which is what I like.
>After that, I will ask my crush a bit before our English class starts about meeting up at a popular shopping center near the beach on Friday to meet each other better and take a good walk on the evening
>We may get a Direct on Wednesday or Thursday if my suspicions are right
>On Thursday the first figure of the Fantastic Four Marvel Legends wave finally releases on my favourite comic store (Doctor Doom) and of course I'll buy It that day. My mother also has to go to the opera with my uncle so I'll be likely home alone without my parents annoying me.
>And finally, the big day: Friday. The day I may meet Up with my crush as I said earlier.

Overall: this week may be what makes February of 2020 the best month of this year as of now if all goes right. And I feel really positive.
That sounds good, JD.


Dimensional Dile-Up
Feb 26, 2019
Can we at least all agree that Detective Pikachu did a much better job of putting cartooney characters in a realistic setting than say, The Smurfs did?
Or better yet, Alvin and the Chipmunks and the numerous "squeakquels"?

Ha-ha! Get it? Because y'know... chipmunks squeak?
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Deleted member

I may have said this once already, but the shock of this still moves all around my mind:

The fact that this month last year basically became the worst month of my life between the death of my great aunt, the family wars started from It, the tough luck I had to literally watch anything at the cinema during the whole month, the conflicts I had with too many people online which at times ended in awful moments such as getting banned from a server just for linking a Wikipedia article about a train, the huge problem a teacher of my high school got that almost gave her a heart attack and more horrors I don't dare to mention... Just to now be in the same exact month but instead with my life going so great and maybe even getting better than one would expect...

... It honestly feels like a weird ride. An enjoyable one, but still something that makes you say "Holy ****, things did seriously take a 360° turn"

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
On the topic of Sonic.

Here's to see how some of cinema's villains of this year will be so far! Spoiled just in case.

Already there was Cthulhu in Underwater but alongside with him.

Dr. "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Dr. Emil Harting (Bloodshot)
Wendigo (Antlers)
**** Dastardly (Scoob!)
Cipher (Fast & Furious 9)
Mechagodzilla (Godzilla vs. Kong)

See which of these cinematic villains will prove themselves the best at the end of this year!
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Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
I may have said this once already, but the shock of this still moves all around my mind:

The fact that this month last year basically became the worst month of my life between the death of my great aunt, the family wars started from It, the tough luck I had to literally watch anything at the cinema during the whole month, the conflicts I had with too many people online which at times ended in awful moments such as getting banned from a server just for linking a Wikipedia article about a train, the huge problem a teacher of my high school got that almost gave her a heart attack and more horrors I don't dare to mention... Just to now be in the same exact month but instead with my life going so great and maybe even getting better than one would expect...

... It honestly feels like a weird ride. An enjoyable one, but still something that makes you say "Holy ****, things did seriously take a 360° turn"
Yeah, you get out there and kick life's ass god dammit.

Deleted member

Nothing really, I just stayed up way too late on discord with my Alaska friend and i've been really tired all day :U
What I tend to do when I am bored at home and every Discord server or forum I'm in is too quiet to start conversations is watch videos on YouTube

Music from games, shows, movies or animes; intros of games such as Persona 5, Vinesauce archived streams, fan videos or songs, animations, action figure reviews.

Time flies faster watching those. More so the Vinesauce streams since you are having a fun time seeing his reactions that the next time you check an hour or so has passed.

Deleted member

Now that I mentioned the Persona 5 intro, let's talk about It and why I love It so much:

Ok, so taking out the obvious from the start: the animation is goddam beautiful. It is alive, shows all the feelings It wants to transmit in a perfect way, has outstanding transitions alongside well timed character movement and the colour pallette is just... Sublime.

But even with that apart, what I admire the most out of this intro are the moments where we see the characters kind of skating on the roads of the street as ice skaters. It isn't just beautiful, but It gives the sentiment of these characters knowing that life may not be pretty at an overall basis... But that if you seriously try to look hard for the beautiful sides of It you may find wonders that amaze each one of us.

I personally interpret these street skating parts as the characters trying to say "yes, Life may be tough. But working our way through we can manage to give focus to the good side of It and enjoy those good moments we can have as much as possible".

It does make me wish I could do such beautiful movements whenever I am on the street too. Because dancing does give one a lot of positive energy.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
I flat-out loved the Detective Pikachu film. It wasn't perfect but it's a vidya gaem movie done right.

Speaking of which, I demand information on the Detective Pikachu Switch game. I wasn't satisfied with the 3DS game's ending.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Now that I mentioned the Persona 5 intro, let's talk about It and why I love It so much:

Ok, so taking out the obvious from the start: the animation is goddam beautiful. It is alive, shows all the feelings It wants to transmit in a perfect way, has outstanding transitions alongside well timed character movement and the colour pallette is just... Sublime.

But even with that apart, what I admire the most out of this intro are the moments where we see the characters kind of skating on the roads of the street as ice skaters. It isn't just beautiful, but It gives the sentiment of these characters knowing that life may not be pretty at an overall basis... But that if you seriously try to look hard for the beautiful sides of It you may find wonders that amaze each one of us.

I personally interpret these street skating parts as the characters trying to say "yes, Life may be tough. But working our way through we can manage to give focus to the good side of It and enjoy those good moments we can have as much as possible".

It does make me wish I could do such beautiful movements whenever I am on the street too. Because dancing does give one a lot of positive energy.
Adding to that, opening's director is Sayo Yamamoto and she's a huge figure skating nerd (who even made an anime about it).

Deleted member

I’m bored af right now.

I would be drawing, but I’m on the bus.
And all these bumps and stuff aren’t helping at all.
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Deleted member

Adding to that, opening's director is Sayo Yamamoto and she's a huge figure skating nerd (who even made an anime about it).
Woah! I didn't know the person behind the intro also made Yuri On Ice!

I've heard a lot of great things about that anime in the past, and I do seriously want to check It out whenever I have the chance.

And yeah, it's no wonder the road skating parts from the intro look as outstanding as they do seeing who directed them. I honestly have to say Atlus did a perfect choice by giving her the role to make the intro.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Before I go, I bring gifts

View attachment 261785

View attachment 261786
@JDCabrera i may not be here tomorrow, so tag me to let me know how it goes with her. That’s an order!
how dare this be funny? Laughter isn't meant to be allowed here
On the topic of Sonic.

Here's to see how some of cinema's villains of this year will be so far! Spoiled just in case.

Already there was Cthulhu in Underwater but alongside with him.

Dr. "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Dr. Emil Harting (Bloodshot)
Wendigo (Antlers)
**** Dastardly (Scoob!)
Cipher (Fast & Furious 9)
Mechagodzilla (Godzilla vs. Kong)

See which of these cinematic villains will prove themselves the best at the end of this year!
either the person who took Gary from Spongebob or a Marvel villian

Deleted member

This is such a banger Op, seriously wtf.

A shame the only video of it out there has terrible quality

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
*Card game anime plot armor abilities intensifies*
If Pokemon was a card game anime, then Thunder Armor is the most absurd of all plot armors(which to be fair, wasn't actually that common as is. Stupid moments, yes, but that one takes the cake). I think my favorite part is that it still at least fits Swellow's major resistance to Pikachu's Electric Attacks, made clear in Taillow's first battle where Ash had to catch it because it would never stop otherwise. Even then, it's an absurd use of Guts as an ability. Namely that it led to this.

Regardless, I wonder what other bull**** various anime will do. Yu-Gi-Oh is the king of it already. And I don't just mean pulling the right card out of your ass. It can legitimately happen(I've done it before! Multiple times!).


Sep 26, 2013
If Pokemon was a card game anime, then Thunder Armor is the most absurd of all plot armors(which to be fair, wasn't actually that common as is. Stupid moments, yes, but that one takes the cake). I think my favorite part is that it still at least fits Swellow's major resistance to Pikachu's Electric Attacks, made clear in Taillow's first battle where Ash had to catch it because it would never stop otherwise. Even then, it's an absurd use of Guts as an ability. Namely that it led to this.

Regardless, I wonder what other bull**** various anime will do. Yu-Gi-Oh is the king of it already. And I don't just mean pulling the right card out of your ass. It can legitimately happen(I've done it before! Multiple times!).
Ygo b like

You lost a children's card game?

Go directly to hell, do not pass go, do not collect 200$

Deleted member

If Pokemon was a card game anime, then Thunder Armor is the most absurd of all plot armors(which to be fair, wasn't actually that common as is. Stupid moments, yes, but that one takes the cake). I think my favorite part is that it still at least fits Swellow's major resistance to Pikachu's Electric Attacks, made clear in Taillow's first battle where Ash had to catch it because it would never stop otherwise. Even then, it's an absurd use of Guts as an ability. Namely that it led to this.

Regardless, I wonder what other bull**** various anime will do. Yu-Gi-Oh is the king of it already. And I don't just mean pulling the right card out of your ass. It can legitimately happen(I've done it before! Multiple times!).
Actually, Yugioh is pretty tame in terms of plot armor.

For example, Vanguard has this weird “only side character plot armor” where the MC can be beat to hell but almost all of the side characters do more and top deck asspull triggers.
Then you have the bull**** which is your standard protag plot armor.

At one point because MC has shiny glowey eyes, he’s able to halt being Reversed after being defeated by a Reversed fighter. Like, why?

Buddyfight doesn’t have a whole lot of plot armor, but jesus christ Gao is the spitting image of an MC that could be replaced by literally anyone else in the cast and it would be no different.

As for Battle Spirits.... I dunno, plot armor isn’t really a thing there, save for like 1 or 2 moments.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Ygo b like

You lost a children's card game?

Go directly to hell, do not pass go, do not collect 200$
Nah, I meant strange anime effects, not the Shadow Realm/Death. That's just more due to its origins as a shadow power user who punished evil people by playing games. It eventually led into card game shenanigans, but with no established rules. Duelist Kingdom is an example of what I mean. What's that, field spells are 30%, but only if you're in that specific part of the fighting zone? Wind monsters auto-kill Earth monsters or get an attack boost just because?

The games based around that did a good job establishing an actual ruleset(as dumb as the rules were). Even Speed Duels, which made some Skills based upon the anime, didn't make them beyond unreasonable.

Actually, Yugioh is pretty tame in terms of plot armor.

For example, Vanguard has this weird “only side character plot armor” where the MC can be beat to hell but almost all of the side characters do more and top deck asspull triggers.
Then you have the bull**** which is your standard protag plot armor.

At one point because MC has shiny glowey eyes, he’s able to halt being Reversed after being defeated by a Reversed fighter. Like, why?

Buddyfight doesn’t have a whole lot of plot armor, but jesus christ Gao is the spitting image of an MC that could be replaced by literally anyone else in the cast and it would be no different.

As for Battle Spirits.... I dunno, plot armor isn’t really a thing there, save for like 1 or 2 moments.
I don't entirely mean plot armor. I'm talking about completely absurd moments/effects that make no damn sense. There's some plot armor(like Marik defeating both Mai and Joey just because only Yugi can seal the Shadow part away), but I agree it's not that often. Lucksack draws are actually common instead.

The "special draw" is an ability by actual characters later on. Yuma has Shining Draw, for instance.


Sep 26, 2013
Nah, I meant strange anime effects, not the Shadow Realm/Death. That's just more due to its origins as a shadow power user who punished evil people by playing games. It eventually led into card game shenanigans, but with no established rules. Duelist Kingdom is an example of what I mean. What's that, field spells are 30%, but only if you're in that specific part of the fighting zone? Wind monsters auto-kill Earth monsters or get an attack boost just because?

The games based around that did a good job establishing an actual ruleset(as dumb as the rules were). Even Speed Duels, which made some Skills based upon the anime, didn't make them beyond unreasonable.

I don't entirely mean plot armor. I'm talking about completely absurd moments/effects that make no damn sense. There's some plot armor(like Marik defeating both Mai and Joey just because only Yugi can seal the Shadow part away), but I agree it's not that often. Lucksack draws are actually common instead.

The "special draw" is an ability by actual characters later on. Yuma has Shining Draw, for instance.

Didnt pendulum boy literally make up pendulum summoning just out of thin air in a regular duel

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC

Didnt pendulum boy literally make up pendulum summoning just out of thin air in a regular duel
Oddly enough, yes. But more oddly, he didn't create Pendulum Summoning as it already existed. He just introduced it to the world in question. The plot is convoluted as hell after a while.

Let's just say that Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon always existed before Yuma summoned it. I can say more, if you want, but I'll spoiler it.

Deleted member

Ygo b like

You lost a children's card game?

Go directly to hell, do not pass go, do not collect 200$
Nah, Vanguard be like


Nah, I meant strange anime effects, not the Shadow Realm/Death. That's just more due to its origins as a shadow power user who punished evil people by playing games. It eventually led into card game shenanigans, but with no established rules. Duelist Kingdom is an example of what I mean. What's that, field spells are 30%, but only if you're in that specific part of the fighting zone? Wind monsters auto-kill Earth monsters or get an attack boost just because?

The games based around that did a good job establishing an actual ruleset(as dumb as the rules were). Even Speed Duels, which made some Skills based upon the anime, didn't make them beyond unreasonable.

I don't entirely mean plot armor. I'm talking about completely absurd moments/effects that make no damn sense. There's some plot armor(like Marik defeating both Mai and Joey just because only Yugi can seal the Shadow part away), but I agree it's not that often. Lucksack draws are actually common instead.

The "special draw" is an ability by actual characters later on. Yuma has Shining Draw, for instance.
Oh yeah, still my point stands.

Vanguard has this thing where every 2 seconds when you think you’ll win, your opponent checks a heal for no godamn reason, and then said opponents shoot you in the face.
Also nearly every damn Twin Drive or higher has at least one trigger, something which is obvious asspulls(you can only run 16 Triggers out of a 50 card deck, making the likelyhood you check a trigger with 2 checks or higher around 40-50)

Buddyfight has some weird shenanigans as well, stuff like CHANGING CARDS IN YOUR ****ING HAND INTO NEW ONES(granted half of the tome there’s a valid reason, but almost always this happens BEFORE a game)
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