I mean, tbf, in Super Metroid, I did kinda abuse the Rewind gimmick, but that's mostly because I didn't want to have to take a minute or two to get back to where I was from the checkpoint when I can just basically reset myself exactly where I wanted to be. It's the same experience of learning through your mistakes, but less time-consuming.
I understand it seems less authentic than playing by the game's own rules, but also, those rules kind of have always sucked and been a drag in every other game like them. Besides, it makes those games more accessible as a whole to people this way. The game doesn't get any easier, but the timespan of dying and coming back to a point of death to hopefully learn from your past is now practically null so that way any impatient people may not drop those games with those abilities now given to them.
And even despite using this "cheese" I was still able to experience the game and enjoy it as my first ever Metroid title. So the core gaming experience of actually having fun isn't lost, so don't demean people for using such features simply because they're there and accessible--it's their right to play the game however they want. And ultimately, you don't have to make the choice of using them if you don't want to, and that's the beauty of game design (or in this case, the quality of life features they added to the emulators).