9's amazing, for as short as his run was.
And there's a reason why 10 is pretty much the most beloved and iconic Doctor next to 4.
Haven't seen 12 or 13 yet lol. And I really need to watch more of 11's episodes and serials. 10 and 9 are the modern Doctors I'm most familiar with right now.
12's problem is the stories are just DULL imo.
The first season forces a love plot between his two companions that overstays its welcome and really doesn't amount to much, while also basically being forced to be the main point of every episode instead of the adventures.
There are some good episodes, but there's soo many dull episodes that are just "We're in England and something weird is happening", or experimental stuff that was clearly trying to be hip with the kids during its time(An entire episode done in found footage, for example).
I heard his run gets better near the end but, I kinda just lost interest due to how dull it was, and that's a shame since the episode Heaven Sent is considered one of the best episodes the series has EVER had..... only to be followed up by Hell Bent, which is considered one of the WORST episodes ever.
....and then they try to copy a couple of 9's episodes like Dalek and... yeah, I lost interest hard.