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Wait, how so? I wanna hear more about this haha
Here in Spain we have two christmas days.

First we have the one everyone knows (December 24th), which is the one with the less gifts and also the one which actually came here later, themed about Santa.

Then, we have the second day on January 6th, the one who has been celebrated here the longest time and has the most gifts of both days. This one is themed about the three kings who offered valuable minerals to Jesus back when he was born.

So because of that, we have longer holidays.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Here in Spain we have two christmas days.

First we have the one everyone knows (December 24th), which is the one with the less gifts and also the one which actually came here later, themed about Santa.

Then, we have the second day on January 6th, the one who has been celebrated here the longest time and has the most gifts of both days. This one is themed about the three kings who offered valuable minerals to Jesus back when he was born.

So because of that, we have longer holidays.
That's pretty neat.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
for real though, are
and dreepy a pain to get? the latter I'm kinda expecting so as it's a pseudo, but those are the only two I know I definitely want on the team
Dreepy's very hard to get. As mentioned before it's in the grass and only pops up in certain weather conditions and at a very low rate, so you have to deliberately hunt for it to get one and it can easily take a long time if you're unlucky. It's evolution is ironically easier to get since while it has a similar encounter rate, it lurks in the Overworld when it's a Thunderstorm so you can just play around with the Pokemon popping up until one shows up.

Another option is if you have enough Pokémon to spare you can try your luck at Wonder Surprise Trading. It's one of the most common Pokémon on there since it's popular, competitively viable, and has a decent shiny so a lot of people have been breeding them and then sending off the extras.


Dimensional Dile-Up
Feb 26, 2019
Right now, I'm making a new music playlist centered around Pokemon and I started out with Let's Go P/E's soundtrack. Gotta say, I think I absolutely love the orchestral arrangements much more now than I did before. Seriously, it's amazing.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Btw, if you wodner what I got for christmas, welp, to put it short, I got something that will really help me as a artist, and that is:

A Tablet Graphic.

And the thing is....I got it a bit earlier than intented, buuuut I'm still really happy about it, and I feel like I will go much further now as a artist (no rush tho, let's keep it fun)

If you're curious, I did test it quit a bit and this is what I got:

First of all:

ABS & Aurane Aurane

Second of all:

Yes, her right arm angle look weird, but I'm already working on a way to make it look more natural, as seen here:

In all regards too, I'm really happy with this first try, and while I still have lots of do and mistakes to fix, I hope I continue to improve and be able to show you some really cool drawing made by me. :)

Now that's said, let's tag:
AndreaAC AndreaAC ,@JDCabrera , Noipoi Noipoi , Wademan94 Wademan94 ,@Tako Tuesday ,@Dyllybirdy ,@KarneraMythos ,@Taylor F ,@Guh-Huzzah! &@SomebodyOnceToldMeTheWoooooorldIsGonnaRollMe

Hope you like it!^^
:D OH MY GOSH, congrats for getting a Graphic Tablet! :3 And great drawing for being the first time! Keep it up, my friend!


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I got a new tablet with a different layout from my old one. I gotta learn everything again, it’s like I’m a beginner again lol
xD I need a new one myself, but I will have to get a different brand because Wacom is stupidly expensive. And from what I am seeing, I am going to go through the same thing! Start all over.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
That's okay.
Everything alright though?
I'm gonna copy/paste a rant. Was playing with some top players from my current Smash scene, and everything fell apart.

"Deku", a Snake main: [impressed by improvements I made with Ness; made it a close match] dude is this the same ness?

*Then I get zero-deathed painfully by a Peach/Bayo dual main.*

Me: yes, it is [same ness, different day]

because right when i was improving, i crashed back to earth like the idiot i am. embarassing. absolutely garbage. and JUST like how i let down my doubles partner in doubles last saturday i'm sucking all over again today(edited)

it's a never ending frikin cycle

all i want to feel is consistent improvement i haven't felt consistent improvement in forever. idk how long and i'm sick of feeling like an idiot that's spinning my wheels and im sick of letting my teammates down and being dead weight in doubles why would anyone in their right mind want to team with me? i suck


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Well, I hope it has been a fun Christmas for all of you, though @JDCabrera is going to have another Christmas day in January, but either way, today was a good day, and I hope it has been that way for the rest of you.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2018
Switch FC
I'm gonna copy/paste a rant. Was playing with some top players from my current Smash scene, and everything fell apart.

"Deku", a Snake main: [impressed by improvements I made with Ness; made it a close match] dude is this the same ness?

*Then I get zero-deathed painfully by a Peach/Bayo dual main.*

Me: yes, it is [same ness, different day]

because right when i was improving, i crashed back to earth like the idiot i am. embarassing. absolutely garbage. and JUST like how i let down my doubles partner in doubles last saturday i'm sucking all over again today(edited)

it's a never ending frikin cycle

all i want to feel is consistent improvement i haven't felt consistent improvement in forever. idk how long and i'm sick of feeling like an idiot that's spinning my wheels and im sick of letting my teammates down and being dead weight in doubles why would anyone in their right mind want to team with me? i suck
Aw, i'm sorry :(
If it makes you feel any better, I guarantee i'm way worse than you. If my internet doesn't crash I usually die in like 2 minutes online lol. Just keep practicing, you'll get better.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
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