Day 2:
Chronodragon is cooking up a genius idea.
Bobby Lashley's lifeless body decomposes peacefully.
Shy Guy is glad they can rely on Goku.
Bandana Dee fails to grasp the gravity of the situation.
Sweet Potato gets caught in one of Mach Rider's traps!
All they can do now is hope to be freed...
Steve won't give up so easily.
Fluttershy loves the way his rocket launcher feels on his shoulder.
Red the Unicycle feels sorry for Sweet Potato and frees them from the trap.
Pauline practices pulling her bow's string back.
Mach Rider fires his gun at ShotoStar, but misses...
Golden Frying Pan spots something shiny in the distance.
Flo and Mach Rider duel it out, guns drawn.
Two shots are fired. Mach Rider falls over, dead.
Goku's bad brain saps his will to live...
Penny-Farthing ambushes Rillaboom and kills them!
Reimu gestures angrily towards Goku with her magic wand.
Goku only has time to feel his blood turn to jelly before he topples over, dead.
Ruler of Havoc murders Red the Unicycle before Shiny Gardevoir can react!
Shiny Gardevoir rushes to help, but it's already too late...
Shiny Gardevoir is on the verge of a nervous breakdown...
Isaac hums a song to himself.
ShotoStar plays fetch with his pet tiger.
Died this round:
Mach Rider, killed by Flo (gun duel)
Rillaboom, killed by Penny-Farthing (ambush)
Goku, killed by Reimu (magic wand)
Red the Unicycle, killed by Ruler of Havoc (ambush)