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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
This video will never get old.

Deleted member

I pre-ordered Shield a few months ago. Chose it on a whim with limited info at the time lol.
Do we know which are exclusive? All I know about is
Appletun being the exclusive evo to Applin. Oh, and G-Ponyta line being exlcusive too. I don't know about any of the other new pokemon that are exclusive


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
For anyone who wants to have a complete roundup of all of the new Pokemon in SwSh, here you are.
Zacian being Fairy while Zamazenta is Fighter will never make sense to me.

Not complaining since Fairy/Steel is a great combo, but still. Guess Zacian stole the Fairy typing away from Galarian Ponyta.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
About that...

It's actually a Split Evo based on version. Sword exclusive is Flapple while the Shield exclusive evo is Appletun, so if you've got Sword, you don't need to worry about losing your Flapple at all.
If that's the case, I would be so happy.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
1 to 3 grookey line
4 to 6 scorbunny line
7 to 9 sobble line
10 to 12 blipbug line
13 to 15 caterpie line
16 to 18 grubbin line
19 to 20 hoothoot line
21 to 23 rookidee line
24 to 25 skwovet line
26 to 28 pidove line
29 to 30 nickit line
31 to 33 (galar) zigzagoon line
34 to 35 wooloo line
36 to 38 lotad line
39 to 41 seedot line
42 to 43 chewtle line
44 to 45 purrloin line
46 to 47 yamper line
48 to 49 bunnelby line
50 to 51 minccino line
52 to 54 bounsweet line
55 to 58 oddish line
59 to 61 budew line
62 to 63 wingull line
64 to 65 joltik line
66 to 67 electrike line
68 to 69 vulpix line
70 to 71 arcanine line
72 to 74 vanilluxe line
75 to 77 swinub line
78 delibird
79 to 81 snorunt line
82 to 83 baltoy line
84 to 85 mudbray line
86 to 87 dwebble line
88 to 89 golett line
90 to 91 munna line
92 to 93 natu line
94 to 95 stufful line
96 to 97 snover line
98 to 99 krabby line
100 to 101 wooper line
102 to 103 corphish line
104 to 106 nincada line
107 to 110 tyrogue line
111 to 112 pancham line
113 to 115 klink line
116 to 117 combee line
118 to 119 bronzor line
120 to 123 ralts line
124 to 125 drifloon line
126 to 127 gossifleur line
128 to 129 cherubi line
130 to 131 stunky line
132 to 134 tympole line
135 to 137 duskull line
138 to 140 machop line
141 to 143 gastly line
144 to 145 magikarp line
146 to 147 seaking line
148 to 149 octillery line
150 to 151 shellder line
152 to 153 feebas line
154 basculin
155 wishiwashi
156 pyukumuku
157 to 158 trubbish line
159 to 160 sizzlipede line
161 to 163 rolycoly line
164 to 165 diglett line
166 to 167 drilbur line
168 to 170 roggenrola line
171 to 173 timburr line
174 to 175 woobat line
176 to 177 noibat line
178 to 179 onix line
180 to 181 arrokuda line
182 to 183 (galar) meowth line
184 persian
185 to 186 milcery line
187 to 188 cutiefly line
189 to 190 ferroseed line
191 to 192 pumpkaboo line
193 to 195 pikachu line
196 to 204 eevee line (no new)
205 applin
206 ? (flapple? not seen)
207 appletun
208 to 209 espurr line
210 to 211 swirlix line
212 to 213 spritzee line
214 to 215 dewpider line
216 to 217 wynaut line
218 to 219 (galar) farfetch'd line
220 to 221 chinchou line
222 to 223 croagunk line
224 to 225 scraggy line
226 (galar) stunfisk
227 shuckle
228 to 229 barboach line
230 to 231 shellos line
232 to 233 wimpod line
234 to 235 binacle line
236 to 237 (galar) corsola line
238 to 240 impidimp line
241 to 243 hattena line
244 to 245 salazzle line
246 to 247 pawniard line
248 throh
249 sawk
250 koffing (not galar)
251 (galar) weezing
252 to 253 bonsly line
254 to 256 cleffa line
257 to 259 togepi line
260 to 261 snorlax line
262 to 263 cottonee line
264 to 266 rhyhorn line
267 to 269 ? (probably gothorita line but not seen)
270 to 272 solosis line
273 to 276 karrablast and shelmet lines
277 to 278 elgyem line
269 to 280 cubchoo line
281 to 282 rufflet line
283 to 284 vullaby line
285 to 286 skorupi line
287 to 289 litwick line
290 to 291 inkay line
292 to 293 sneasel line
294 sableye
295 mawile
296 maractus
297 sigilyph
298 to 299 riolu line
300 torkoal
301 mimikyu
302 to 303 cufant line
304 qwilfish
305 to 306 frillish line
307 to 308 mareanie line
309 cramorant
310 to 311 toxel line
312 to 313 silicobra line
314 to 315 hippopotas line
316 durant
317 heatmor
318 to 319 helioptile line
320 ?
321 trapinch line
324 to 326 axew line
327 (galar) yamask
328 ? (not evolved my yamask)
329 cofagrigus
330 to 332 honedge line
333 to 334 (galar) ponyta line
335 to 336 sinistea line
337 indeedee
338 to 339 phantump line
340 to 341 morelull line
342 organguru
343 ? (probably passimian)
344 morpeko
345 falinks
346 drampa
347 turtonator
348 togedamaru
349 to 350 snom line
351 to 352 clobbopus line
353 pinchurchin
354 to 355 mantyke line
356 to 347 wailmer line
358 to 359 bergmite line
360 ?
361 lapras
362 lunatone
363 ? (probably solrock)
364 mime jr
365 to 366 (galar) mr mine line
367 to 368 ? (probably galar darumaka line)
369 stonjourner
370 eiscue
371 duraludon
372 rotom
373 ditto
374 to 377 fossils
378 to 380 charmander line
381 to 382 type null line
383 to 385 larvitar line
386 to 388 ?
389 to 391 goomy line
392 to 394 jangmo-o line
395 to 397 dreepy line
398 zacian
399 zamazenta
400 eternatus
While I'm disappointed by the lower number of returnees, I'm legitimately surprised the Silvally line came back. It was a legendary and heavily tied to the lore of Alola so it seemed like an easy cut.
So now that we know the full Dex...yeah, I'm waiting for an updated version before even considering buying the game.

I love pretty much all the new Pokémon, but not a single one makes up for the lack of Sawsbuck and Klefki. They cut roughly 500 Pokémon.

And the kicker? The regional Dex is smaller than the Kalos regional Dex. X and Y required them to move from sprites to 3D models so developer difficulty literally isn't an excuse.

Oh, and unlike literally any of the 3DS games, there's apparently no post game story like the Looker Bureau, Delta Episode, UB Missions, or Rainbow Rocket. Just the token Battle Tower and some rematches, apparently.

The game literally has less content than X and Y, the game that is infamous for its lack of content.
The no postgame story thing may be wrong, as someone said there may be something involving Looker. Regardless, they're still combing the game right now, so we'll see how the post game holds soon.
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Deleted member

Pokémon announces paid DLC for SwSh which includes a sizeable chunk of the cut Pokémon as well as new “post game content”.

Your reaction?
While that would be cool, OMFG NO

Sets a really dangerous precedent for GF(not that it already hasn't with Dexit) and pretty much makes you pay extra just for a finished game.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
There's Elma from Xenoblade Chronicles X, who seems to be the face of that game if Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is any indication. (I haven't gotten far into Xenoblade Chronicles X, but I assume she remains important to the story throughout the game)
About Elma......
It's hard to consider whether she ultimately counts or not. Cause the look everybody knows her by isn't her true form and her true form......is very white. Literally.
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Deleted member

Pokémon announces paid DLC for SwSh which includes a sizeable chunk of the cut Pokémon as well as new “post game content”.

Your reaction?
*Shrugs* I'm fine with that. Nobody ever posts a 'your reaction' question without already assuming a negative response, so I can guess at your stance on it, but I'd be perfectly fine since
is more than enough for a casual play through the main game. Extra would be for those looking to go competitive.
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Dimensional Dile-Up
Feb 26, 2019
Okay, so apparently this footage has not been recorded with a newer balance patch.

Thoughts on this?

(Click on the reply to see Pushdustin's Youtube comment on the Geno Thread.)
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Deleted member

Thoughts on this?

(Click on the reply to see Pushdustin's Youtube comment on the Geno Thread.)
It's a blow to it but I'm still leaning towards real. The only thing I'm hung up on is how apparently hard it is to mod Mii costumes without some serious elbow grease, if it were easier I wouldn't give this a second thought.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2011
It's easy to say gender and race don't matter when you already see yourself well-represented.
Smash's female fighters are a fraction of its total roster so you can't blame people for wanting to see more, especially when there are plenty of options to choose from that are just as interesting, if not more, than male characters.
And then we have a total of... 1 PoC character and it's... Ganondorf... which is uhm, yeah
Im not white and i dont give a **** about race representation. Its easily the silliest quality for wanting a character alongside gender or something equally irrelevant.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Anyway, Geno and Doomguy. Sounds cool, but for all we know, it could also be for costumes too, especially in the case of Geno. And they have done popular requests as Mii Costumes. Regardless, this is going to be a long wait to find out.
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Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I just realized that Arctozolt is a Ice/Electric type. That means that we may have our BeamBolt STABmon. That's huge, actually.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2018
Switch FC
Sooo, if this ends up being real and doom guy and geno are our next fighters, how hyped are you guys?


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Zacian being Fairy while Zamazenta is Fighter will never make sense to me.

Not complaining since Fairy/Steel is a great combo, but still. Guess Zacian stole the Fairy typing away from Galarian Ponyta.
According to the image above, Galarian Rapidash is a Psychic/Fairy type. So that was in fact intentional, thank god.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
I'm hearing conflicting thoughts/posts about the Pokemon Dex. Some are saying that there will be no post game dex. Some are saying there will be, just in a reduced format like 632 and not the whole Nat Dex.

I'll still be buying the game soon, but if the annoying thing about just 400 pokemon (403 technically if there's Mew, Melmetal and Meltaan) present is true, the damn it. I really hope that's not the case... I'm still not buying it at all. About 50 or 100 could be enough but for some reason, I feel like I don't want to believe it at all despite possible proof shown to me.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
The cacademon costume is alrigt, but the mallow really sells me. It has a more cute and puffy vibe to it that fits mallow being a cloud so well. That feels like something only the smash team would come up with as a design.

leaning towards real myself.

Plus if it is real it’s kinda of cleaner. Nintendo isn’t going to come after them for mii costume footage because it’s not actual new character footag. So it’s a smart way to leak two new characters but without fully showing them.

Plus this isn’t the first ultimate video leak if real. Several people had actual footage of pirhana plant sent to them a little bit before the direct.

It’s possible a direct is soon and this person had access to contents from it or maybe some type of test build


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
Sooo, if this ends up being real and doom guy and geno are our next fighters, how hyped are you guys?
One has the history for sure, but he has nothing about him that I really find appealing.
The other is obscure as all hell, but seems like he'd come with some neat moves/music/stage.
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