Despite FE being the only VG series I have a CIB collection of, I still have yet to play or try out Heroes. Ialsohaveyettoplaymylaunchcopyofthreehouses
I did try out Pokemon Masters, but so far the gacha element has turned me off a fair amount. The presentation and fanservice is great, but the rewards to keep playing are bare. I don't know how they, or the other Nintendo gacha games, would compare?
I haven’t played draglia most, but out of the other gacha.
Heroes hands down is done the best but that’s because they have had time to improve. Even at the start though, they were pretty generous, the rate of orbs we get and how much the cost of a pull are is pretty good.
For example heroes has one free summon on a banner, and occasionally( like the new harvest festival banner coming) they hand out five tickets for free. With each ticket equaling a free pull.
There’s five units you canter per season and each pull cost less the last one, so it takes 20 orbs to get five characters with a much higher chance at a five star then the other gacha.
Meanwhile masters has a super low five star rate, a much higher chance for you to not get what you want, and it cost 300 jewels to do one summon. Meanwhile you get 30 per stage, and 10 for story parts. With the occasional quest to earn 300 jewels for an event.
There was no celebration for the game reaching so many downloads either. Not to mention if you want a guaranteed five star you have to pay for gems which are counted separately from what you earn. Basically you get a lot less for what you pay, then say heroes would.
Also unlike masters, the f2p units in heroes can clear pretty much any challenge in the game and we always get more free units.
World tour suffers pretty much the same issues as masters, and animal crossing you really don’t have to pay and they don’t push you to pay as much as the former.
Out of the four I’ve played, heroes and pocket camp are great ways to do gacha.
I’d highly recommend trying heroes if your a fan, it’s easy to avoid paying, and there’s always plenty going on in it.