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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
That's not a primary source, nor does it cite any reliable primary sources. The one fact-checkable source is the credits thing, but here's the thing...I looked up the credits and Konami and Capcom aren't even credited. As a result, I don't think the Captain N credits are reliable. They say "Utilizes characters owned by Nintendo," but obviously that doesn't mean all of them are, considering Mega Man and Simon.

At best, I can see it being similar to Vaati, Lana, Rowan, and Lianna's rights, and Geno's at worst.
Wait. I know Vaati. What’s wrong with him. And who are the rest of those guys?

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Hello, everyone. If you aren't aware, I have been periodically ranking my top 100 favorite fictional characters of all time. I got through ranks 100-41 on the previous Nintenzone thread, but after it got shut down I haven't been posting any more updates... until now.

It is now time to rank the next 5 characters on my top 100 fictional character ranking of all time, with ranks 40-36 being revealed next:

40. Rick Sanchez
Rick & Morty


Oh Rick...where do I even begin with this crazy, sociopathic scientist? It's hard to boil down Rick's personality into just a few sentences because of how wonderfully thrilling he is to watch on screen. His best trait is probably his brutal one liners, especially since he's one of the few characters on R&M that's a straight shooter and brutally honest. In his total lack of social grace, he becomes the most interesting and fun character on the show because of how hilarious he is in his bluntness and fiery roasts of both his allies and enemies, especially his son-in-law Jerry...who is the largest idiot in the universe, to be the foil to Rick's brilliance and genius intellect.

Even with his one-liners and how much of a jerk he can be...he shows occasional grace, which proves to be some of my favorite scenes in the show. One of my favorite episodes is S1E5, when Rick keeps roasting Morty for dragging him on a "stupid, boring adventure" but Rick grows to like it and he ends up apologizing for being a jerk about it. Not only that, but this is followed by how Rick promises to finish the adventure with Morty (and they do) while ALSO protecting Morty from the infamous Mr. Jellybean. As big of a jerk as Rick can be, he's got some humanity and grace shown in him...they're buried under a ton of cynicism (and alcohol) but Rick is certainly not a monster. He also proved to be very protective of his family in the finale of season 2/early in season 3, which makes him even more interesting.

Finally, his voice...it perfectly fits his character. Full of brilliance and honesty, but blunt and lacks any kind of social grace to speak of. It fits his personality PERFECTLY and it's infectious as well. Overall, he definitely shouldn't be a straight-up hero...but he's far from being a villain. He's complicated, and fun, and interesting, and crazy...and it's an excellent blend. He's got to be the best character on R&M; he makes this show what it is.

39. Yuki Nagato
Haruhi Suzumiya franchise


I've got to be honest...while I did warm up to season 1 of Haruhi, and I LOVE the Disappearance of Haruhi movie...I can't bring myself to watch the second season. The endless eight arc is pitifully lazy and it's boring because of how repetitive it is. The concept should've either been tweaked heavily or never been put into practice. And, it takes up the vast majority of season 2. So, the entirety of the show is a mixed bag for me.

But despite the ups and downs the anime went through, one constant stood supreme throughout my experience of watching the franchise...Yuki Nagato is an amazing character. Kyon and Haruhi are key characters in their own right, and Asahina and Koizumi are alright for me (although I'm neutral toward them overall), but I adored Yuki from the beginning. She was quite different from the rest of the cast. We had the dominant and fiery Haruhi, straight man Kyon, the laidback Koizumi, and the sweet-hearted Asahina. Leaving Yuki as the intelligent yet aloof one. When it's revealed that she comes off the way she does because she's an alien sent to make sure that Haruhi doesn't throw the universe out of balance, she instantly became awesome...especially when defending her classmates from outside evil forces. She's awesome by definition, and her character had so much intrigue from the beginning because of her mysterious background.

Although, what clinched her as a favorite for me was when she was in the Disappearance movie. With flip-flopping back and forth between her original universe self and her human version (and more emotional version) in the alternate world, it does a great job at comparing and contrasting both her versions and how they connect. In the movie, Kyon is also able to help her understand (slightly) better about how feelings work, and while she is an alien and doesn't feel emotions like humans do, she's still gained a better understanding of how they work...and while it isn't readily apparent, she's willing to listen to Kyon and see how what she's learning can be used. It's a good growth moment for her to understand her friends and peers better, and it gives her the humanization that I wanted to see. She was humanized to a certain degree by gaining a better understanding of her friend Kyon (and human emotions), while also staying true to her character of being a calm, monotone alien and protector of the world. She's intriguing and wonderful.

38. Walter White
Breaking Bad


As I make this post, the Breaking Bad theme is playing in my head. :p

Like Michael Corleone and Light Yagami before him, Walter White shows an excellent showing of the human condition, and how absolute power corrupts absolutely. His transformation is thrilling and astounding; it's the basis of his character. Walt begins as a mild-mannered chemistry teacher who learns that he's struggling and dying from stage 4 lung cancer. When he learns that it's unlikely he recovers and survives, he devises a plan to get rich quick and make a ton of money quickly so that there can be money in the bank for his family when he dies and succumbs to his cancer. Partnering with a former student of his, Jesse: they begin to make crystal meth together and make huge profits on it...and boy, do they ever get rich off making the stuff.

But while Walt's goal of providing for his family is very noble, he goes about it wrong. Couple that with his ego, and his downfall is glorious. Not only is he on the run from the police constantly, but his greed and pride begins to get the better of him. He continues to try to make more and more money, and his arrogance causes him to underestimate his opponents while also forgetting about his family, due to his product being known as legendary and "pure" within the state of New Mexico. While trying to take care of his family, he begins to take them for granted and the meth business becomes about him. As his wife Skyler says to him later in the show: "someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family." From there, the family falls apart and his ego and greed win out. He does have a *little* redemption in the finale by protecting Skyler and saving Jesse's life, but the downfall is still the major theme of his character.

Walt has some of the greatest character development I've ever seen. While he can be pompous and is easy to root against at points, he's still a very incredible character and influential in the media of television. Walter White will go down as a legend, and rightfully so.

37. Thanos
Marvel Cinematic Universe


The greatest villain in the MCU lands at #37.

However, before I continue...while he is the biggest villain in the Infinity Saga in the MCU, I love how he was also the main character of the story in IW. It's not often we get to see the villain perspective, but they showed Thanos' perspective in IW. He was the main character despite being the villain, he was the protagonist villain...while the heroes were antagonists. And to clarify, the antagonist is NOT necessarily the villain...it's the force that tries to stop the MAIN character. The MAIN character is the protagonist, and Thanos is the main protagonist of IW...despite being the villain. 99% of the time, the main protagonist is the hero, or at the very least an anti-hero...but nope, Thanos is the villain. And, we get to see how he sees himself as the hero of his own story despite how ruthless and evil he is. The dude sacrificed his OWN DAUGHTER "for the good of the universe." It's absolutely despicable...and it makes his character all the more fun to watch.

We get to see throughout the MCU how he is bent on finding all the infinity stones to make the ideal universe, as he sees it. We have this slow buildup in extra scenes, and then all comes to a head in IW. Thanos is brilliantly written, being fun to root against but also fun to watch and learn about. And, how he's defeated in Endgame by the Avengers (with Tony Stark being the MVP) is perfect karma for him: turning half the universe to dust, only to go out by disintegration himself.

While there are many good MCU characters, Thanos was the glue that held together the third phase of the MCU, for sure. He's such an integral character to this wonderful movie series, and he's fun to watch along the way.

As an added bonus, the Thanos memes are hilarious.

36. Alec Hardy


If David Tennat is in a role, his character has a good shot of making my favorites list from the start. :p

But in all seriousness, I'm glad I watched Broadchurch. It's a small and not that well known British crime drama/mystery show, and all three seasons are a fun ride...but especially seasons 1 and 3. It's in these seasons where we get to see DI Hardy at his greatest. When Ellie Miller (the other main character) learns that she's working with Hardy, she's originally not enthused. She'd rather work alone, and Ellie Miller is the classic good cop to Hardy's bad cop. While Miller is always straightforward yet friendly and kind-hearted no matter what, Hardy is very intelligent but cold, aloof, and can come off as arrogant and insensitive. While his coldness isn't an excuse, he isn't really aware of his social ineptitude at the start. Through working with Miller, they come to respect each other and make a great team when trying to solve the murder of Danny Latimer.

We also see where he's most vulnerable: the guilt he feels over his divorce. The main reason why he's so gruff is because he gets caught up in his job as a detective inspector. With being away from home all the time, coupled with taking the fall for a mishap within the Sandybrook investigation, him and his wife end up divorcing. It's very tough on him, and he tries to sink himself into his work and just do what he does best while also keeping contact with his daughter. Alec has a very sad story, but Ellie Miller at least helps him warm up to others a little more, and he becomes softer and nicer as the three season show develops. It's natural growth and interesting growth, and he's easy to relate to and sympathetic as well.

Finally, Tennant's a fantastic actor and probably my favorite live-action actor of all time. He's got raw charisma that's seldom seen.

Overall, DI Hardy is one of the most realistic characters that I've ever seen on television, and he's likable and sympathetic the entire way through.

Here are hints for the next 5 rankings:

35. Is really into heavy metal and screamo
34. Loves blasters
33. Disney princess
32. A well-known MCU character
31. Underrated MCU character​

Deleted member

How to ruin a channel in less than 1 minute:

Won’t say more on the matter.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Wait. I know Vaati. What’s wrong with him. And who are the rest of those guys?
Lana is from Hyrule Warriors and Rowan and Lianna are from Fire Emblem Warriors.

Notably in Vaati's case, apparently the Warriors devs said getting Vaati into Warriors would be "complicated." This almost certainly has to do with him being made by Capcom.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Lana is from Hyrule Warriors and Rowan and Lianna are from Fire Emblem Warriors.

Notably in Vaati's case, apparently the Warriors devs said getting Vaati into Warriors would be "complicated." This almost certainly has to do with him being made by Capcom.
And yet he could be a spirit in Smash no problem.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
The popularity of echo dlc as a concept always confused me. Why pay for something you already have? It's basically just a skin. The only way I could get behind it if it was a free update.
Depends on how different they are. If they're like Ken, it could be worth a couple bucks at least.

Say we did do get a Season Pass 2 but its for Echo Fighters. Which characters would be the most likely to get said DLC Echo Fighters?

Said Echo Season Pass has 6 characters.
Metal Sonic
Glass Joe


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
And yet he could be a spirit in Smash no problem.
Capcom is involved with the game.

Conversely, Vaati didn't appear as a sticker in Brawl, a game without Capcom's involvement.


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
Lana is from Hyrule Warriors and Rowan and Lianna are from Fire Emblem Warriors.

Notably in Vaati's case, apparently the Warriors devs said getting Vaati into Warriors would be "complicated." This almost certainly has to do with him being made by Capcom.
Isn't Capcom one of the most loose when it comes to letting other companies use their IPs?

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Vaati's owned by Capcom or something? Weird. The Warriors characters don't surprise me, but I thought Vaati showed up in Non-Capcom Zelda games.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
And yet he could be a spirit in Smash no problem.
It might also be that Capcom previously sued Koei Tecmo (who were behind Hyrule Warriors), so the two companies aren't exactly buddy buddy - hence another possible reason why Vaati or other Capcom Zelda characters weren't in HW

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I never saw this before (credit to Johnknight1 Johnknight1 for pointing this out on Twitter) but if you’re unconvinced that Erdrick matters in the grand scheme of things, this manga cover was published 6 weeks ago:

Luffy is dressed as the guy.

He’s a big deal in Japan. However, some folks are saying, “He’s not in” because one dude said he doubts him despite several people saying he’s in.

The same people immediately jumped on the Banjo news immediately believing it.

Not this site, but other sites. There’s a huge bias because folks haven’t played Dragon Quest. Just be aware I’m case folks spread that around.


Sep 26, 2013
Seems like all the Gamexplain dudes are going all in on 2 reveals for E3, with one released soon and one released later.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
It might also be that Capcom previously sued Koei Tecmo (who were behind Hyrule Warriors), so the two companies aren't exactly buddy buddy - hence another possible reason why Vaati or other Capcom Zelda characters weren't in HW
I REALLY hope that somehow doesn’t prevent Nintendo from allowing Ryu Hayabusa into Smash.


Sep 26, 2013

None of the Gamexplain dudes would mention Banjo by name, they only mentioned him as "That one rumor".


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I never saw this before (credit to Johnknight1 Johnknight1 for pointing this out on Twitter) but if you’re unconvinced that Erdrick matters in the grand scheme of things, this manga cover was published 6 weeks ago:
View attachment 226535
Luffy is dressed as the guy.

He’s a big deal in Japan. However, some folks are saying, “He’s not in” because one dude said he doubts him despite several people saying he’s in.

The same people immediately jumped on the Banjo news immediately believing it.

Not this site, but other sites. There’s a huge bias because folks haven’t played Dragon Quest. Just be aware I’m case folks spread that around.

Huh, wait I was supposed to pay attention to Luffy? Sorry, I couldn't help but stare at ****ing Magician Senku with goggles back there :yoshi:

Deleted member

It might also be that Capcom previously sued Koei Tecmo (who were behind Hyrule Warriors), so the two companies aren't exactly buddy buddy - hence another possible reason why Vaati or other Capcom Zelda characters weren't in HW
Yeah, I heard a while ago that Capcom and Koei Tecmo weren't on good terms which is why Vaati was missing. I'd imagine it's a case where Capcom owns some rights to the character, and Koei Tecmo just wasn't willing to negotiate with Capcom for this one character when there's plenty of others they could use more easily.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Is it bad that Erdrick is the one who excites me the most?

Like, the fighter pass so far doesn't really appeal to me, but Erdrick seems like a neat idea if his moveset potential is as good as people say it could be.


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019

None of the Gamexplain dudes would mention Banjo by name, they only mentioned him as "That one rumor".
They refuse to speak Banjo's name out of respect for his victims. It's like Voldemort.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
I never saw this before (credit to Johnknight1 Johnknight1 for pointing this out on Twitter) but if you’re unconvinced that Erdrick matters in the grand scheme of things, this manga cover was published 6 weeks ago:
View attachment 226535
Luffy is dressed as the guy.

He’s a big deal in Japan. However, some folks are saying, “He’s not in” because one dude said he doubts him despite several people saying he’s in.

The same people immediately jumped on the Banjo news immediately believing it.

Not this site, but other sites. There’s a huge bias because folks haven’t played Dragon Quest. Just be aware I’m case folks spread that around.
I’ve always thought Erdrick was likely. I’m just aware that he’s not really that big outside of Japan.


Sep 26, 2013
They refuse to speak Banjo's name out of respect for his victims. It's like Voldemort.
I mean, I get the joke, but it's weird.

They were very open about saying "I think Erdrick/Dragon Quest 11 protagonist" will be shown off, and they even talked about potentially porting Banjo Kazooie+Tooie to the Switch.

But as soon as they start discussing Smash, they only mention him as "That one rumor", to which they bring up that "Microsoft and Nintendo will do something big" together.


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
I mean, I get the joke, but it's weird.

They were very open about saying "I think Erdrick/Dragon Quest 11 protagonist" will be shown off, and they even talked about potentially porting Banjo Kazooie+Tooie to the Switch.

But as soon as they start discussing Smash, they only mention him as "That one rumor", to which they bring up that "Microsoft and Nintendo will do something big" together.
My guess is that Banjo seems a lot less solid than Erdrick and they don't want to hype up their audience too much for something that might not happen.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
I mean, I get the joke, but it's weird.

They were very open about saying "I think Erdrick/Dragon Quest 11 protagonist" will be shown off, and they even talked about potentially porting Banjo Kazooie+Tooie to the Switch.

But as soon as they start discussing Smash, they only mention him as "That one rumor", to which they bring up that "Microsoft and Nintendo will do something big" together.
Either they want to keep the surprise for the viewers who might not be as "in the know", or they don't want people to come back and say "You said Banjo!" if it doesn't happen, despite the fact that it's a prediction video.
Last edited:


Sep 26, 2013
Either they want to keep the surprise for the viewers who might not be as "in the know", or they don't want people to come back and say "You said Banjo!" if it doesn't happen, despite the fact that it's a prediction video.
If it were the latter then why would they take such a "Erdrick is in" stance?


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2014
So idk if anyone has noticed but leaks are everywhere right now


There was a problem fetching the tweet

Last edited:


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
also heard that namco's internal leaks may include smash

so, er, if you wanna dodge DLC leaks

now's the time to bolt

Deleted member

So idk if anyone has noticed but leaks are everywhere right now

There was a problem fetching the tweet

There was a problem fetching the tweet

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Huh, this was inaccurate then
There was a problem fetching the tweet

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
So idk if anyone has noticed but leaks are everywhere right now

There was a problem fetching the tweet

There was a problem fetching the tweet

There was a problem fetching the tweet

God, is the most white bread guy possible with a gun with a piss yellow background the best they could do for the Cyberpunk boxart? Come on give me some more "Punk" style in Cyberpunk.
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