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Sep 26, 2013
Toxicity has been there, no matter what. Most of the fans who echo the toxic parts are those who are pretty much never going to be satisfied, which unfortunately, seems to stem mostly from those who are part of the Nintendo fanbase side of things.

Obviously most of the vocal Smash fans are Nintendo fans. There’s a reason, though, for the sentiment around this speculation cycle that “Smash fans don’t play other games”. It’s almost like Smash fans are only pro-Nintendo. It was like pulling teeth for 3rd party picks during Wii U/3DS talk, mainly with folks saying “relationship to Nintendo” and “seems like they fit in with Nintendo characters” or “Snake got cut because he didn’t fit”. We then got Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta, 3 characters on pretty much no ones minds around these parts(even though they probably should have been). Meanwhile, fans entertained ideas like Frogger to “complete the rainbow”.

If you ask me, even when I remove the fact that most of my wants are 3rd parties, it becomes clear that the vision for the game has changed. Fans of only-Nintendo characters, or the same old characters that have been echoed for the last 5-6 years are going to be raving for Sakurais head, mainly because their vision is clearly different than his is. While the “Nintendo-purist” attitude isn’t exclusively toxic, it’s been almost as if people view characters or series that aren’t related to Nintendo in any way as “bad” when in reality they’re monumental to the gaming industry, while Nintendo picks are scraping the barrel and don’t make the game any bigger.

Do I blame Nintendo fans for wanting the characters they want? No, I do not. Nintendo is my favorite gaming company, has brought me exceptional memories, and clearly have for many, many people. It is easy for me to sit here and say, “Get used to 3rd parties”, when I have basically gotten every character I wanted this far.

What I do hold against fans is that their attitude is extremely limiting, and it’s because of their own experience with games that they’re close-minded when it comes to Smash. It’s much harder to be open-minded when one doesn’t check out non-Nintendo games, and therefore view them as unappealing for Smash. It’s why series like Layton and Ace Attorney used to be the #1 pick (not that they don’t have qualities on their own), and why characters that wouldn’t make any actual splash (Cooking Mama) we’re favorable for a time over big name picks like Dante, Leon/Jill, Heihachi, etc..

For Smash fans, I think it’s time, but quite late to realize the world outside of Nintendo games. Sakurai has been pointed out as a “student of gaming” not just Nintendo, and this is said as a reference to the DLC. If the DLC continues to be 3rd party and with a potential shill pick or two (Edelgard and/or Astral Chain protags), fans are going to get PISSED. This game will go down as the greatest crossover in potentially all media, yet there are fans out there, within our community (and it’s really not just one or two) who will say it’s a disappointment.

This isn’t going to convince anyone, I am aware. But the Smash fanbase needs to check itself, for real.
Thank you for coming to his TED talk.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Honestly the best moment for me was this one guy I debated Erdrick with nonstop in the Geno thread came into the Erdrick support thread after Hero's reveal and actually gave praise to Dragon Quest being in Smash. That was so wholesome.

What? Not everything steak needs salt on it.
to bad that didnt last long with everyone jerkring off to "Hero is OP"


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
One thing I enjoyed was going into the Steve thread after Banjo got announced and I told them to keep their heads up, and quite a bit of Banjo fans came over and told us that we still got this, and how we should never give up and wished us luck.

I liked it. There was like no heckling in that thread at all, just peace and understanding.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Just imagine... we know Sakurai plays through the games that get in Smash. Combs them top to bottom to find things to reference. So just imagine how the assigning day went.

YOU! Play through every Mario game with a Piranha Plant in it!

YOU! Play every SNK Fighter with Terry in it!

YOU! Play through ALL of Persona 5! 100%!

YOU! 100% EVERY Dragon Quest game!

And YOU! get to play Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie.


Deleted member

Honestly the downvote system is trash.

It was implemented to get rid of off topic comments and spam and stuff, but nowadays it’s used to silence opinions that don’t fit the circlejerk.
Does Reddit not have a report button?


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I don't give people who are blatantly toxic the time of day.

If they're really that nasty, egotistical and stubborn, then I probably won't think that talking to them is worth it.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
There are some legit okay reddits depending on the subject. It's like the YouTube comment section. Generally, a lot of comments are positive or neutral so long as its not a divisive topic like politics or Egoraptor's OoT video.
Yeah, I remember some comments that generalize groups of people (That are serious), and they actually get hundreds of likes.

YouTube comments really are bad at times.

Deleted member

Yeah, I remember some comments that generalize groups of people (That are serious), and they actually get hundreds of likes.

YouTube comments really are bad at times.
Yeah but then you get stuff like somecallmejohnny videos, which have generally tame and lighthearted comments at the top like "OH MY GOD GILLYTHEKID IS ****ING DEAD"
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
he isn't OP per say, he's just the WORST DESIGNED character in all of ultimate. not the worst balenced
You say that as if Mac isn't the worst designed character fron every perspecitve. He's mean to be a noob killer, which makes starting players to pick him which would give them bad fundamentals because Mac's design revolves around him staying alive by spamming Smashes and never going off stage because you're worthless in the air, and for competitive, he sucks so bad in the air that he just isn't worth it, with his limited ground game being easily shut down by clever thinking.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Toxicity has been there, no matter what. Most of the fans who echo the toxic parts are those who are pretty much never going to be satisfied, which unfortunately, seems to stem mostly from those who are part of the Nintendo fanbase side of things.

Obviously most of the vocal Smash fans are Nintendo fans. There’s a reason, though, for the sentiment around this speculation cycle that “Smash fans don’t play other games”. It’s almost like Smash fans are only pro-Nintendo. It was like pulling teeth for 3rd party picks during Wii U/3DS talk, mainly with folks saying “relationship to Nintendo” and “seems like they fit in with Nintendo characters” or “Snake got cut because he didn’t fit”. We then got Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta, 3 characters on pretty much no ones minds around these parts(even though they probably should have been). Meanwhile, fans entertained ideas like Frogger to “complete the rainbow”.

If you ask me, even when I remove the fact that most of my wants are 3rd parties, it becomes clear that the vision for the game has changed. Fans of only-Nintendo characters, or the same old characters that have been echoed for the last 5-6 years are going to be raving for Sakurais head, mainly because their vision is clearly different than his is. While the “Nintendo-purist” attitude isn’t exclusively toxic, it’s been almost as if people view characters or series that aren’t related to Nintendo in any way as “bad” when in reality they’re monumental to the gaming industry, while Nintendo picks are scraping the barrel and don’t make the game any bigger.

Do I blame Nintendo fans for wanting the characters they want? No, I do not. Nintendo is my favorite gaming company, has brought me exceptional memories, and clearly have for many, many people. It is easy for me to sit here and say, “Get used to 3rd parties”, when I have basically gotten every character I wanted this far.

What I do hold against fans is that their attitude is extremely limiting, and it’s because of their own experience with games that they’re close-minded when it comes to Smash. It’s much harder to be open-minded when one doesn’t check out non-Nintendo games, and therefore view them as unappealing for Smash. It’s why series like Layton and Ace Attorney used to be the #1 pick (not that they don’t have qualities on their own), and why characters that wouldn’t make any actual splash (Cooking Mama) were favorable for a time over big name picks like Dante, Leon/Jill, Heihachi, etc..

For Smash fans, I think it’s time, but quite late to realize the world outside of Nintendo games. Sakurai has been pointed out as a “student of gaming” not just Nintendo, and this is said as a reference to the DLC. If the DLC continues to be 3rd party and with a potential shill pick or two (Edelgard and/or Astral Chain protags), fans are going to get PISSED. This game will go down as the greatest crossover in potentially all media, yet there are fans out there, within our community (and it’s really not just one or two) who will say it’s a disappointment.

This isn’t going to convince anyone, I am aware. But the Smash fanbase needs to check itself, for real. This isn’t pointing out really anyone here...you dudes are pretty cool compared to the community at large. My issue is the image the speculation community has for itself, showing it really has no idea what it’s talking about most of the time.
I agree with this, and can relate to it with my personal experience.

During the Smash 4 speculation period, I was 13-14, 15 during DLC, and really only played Nintendo games or games on Nintendo systems. I liked Mega Man and PAC-Man, but couldn’t care less about Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta.

Throughout the next few years, I expanded my horizons more in terms of the games I played, getting a PS4, and a Switch which had better third party support. After I got Ridley and K. Rool, easily the two biggest Nintendo newcomers I wanted, saw this game being pushed not as a huge Nintendo crossover, but a legendary GAMING crossover, and now with a whole year of DLC being third party, I can really appreciate it. I’d still love some of my niche first party wants like Porky or Skull Kid, but now with all these new third party picks flooding in, bringing in entirely new, beloved series, I kinda want my less niche third party picks a bit more.

I’d lose it if Skull Kid or Porky got in. Those are great characters I’d love to be added.
But I feel like Dante or Phoenix Wright would be sweeter, not because I would necessarily enjoy playing as those characters more, but because they bring whole new series to Smash, and with that, whole pieces of gaming history.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2018
training stage leaning combos with Ken til I drop
Double Post
Wait who's saying Little Mac is OP?
im talking about hero. all his random stuff is just poor design, and his up,side,and neutral specials are way too good, but there are more poorly balenced characters, like mac for example

You say that as if Mac isn't the worst designed character fron every perspecitve. He's mean to be a noob killer, which makes starting players to pick him which would give them bad fundamentals because Mac's design revolves around him staying alive by spamming Smashes and never going off stage because you're worthless in the air, and for competitive, he sucks so bad in the air that he just isn't worth it, with his limited ground game being easily shut down by clever thinking.
i though were walking about hero


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Oh we're specifially talking about reddit? Cause my examples are from this site
Someone brought up /r/smashbros, but I'm just using that as an example. People have said similar things about threads on this site or this site as a whole that I'd look at and then find little evidence of. Not that I'm doubting people's experiences, I just think generalization is a problem in all places and contexts.

E.g., sometime this week or last week I saw some screenshots of Fire Emblem fans being indignant over Terry's reveal, thinking that Edelgard should've been picked instead, with some of them urging everyone to dislike all the videos on SNK's YouTube and review bomb their games, saying "Don't let them get away with this."

Now, one could easily use that to generalize all Fire Emblem fans as being incredibly toxic and selfish because they didn't get a character, despite having the thirdmost representation already. Or, you could understand that this is just a small, extreme minority of that demographic that doesn't accurately represent the majority of Fire Emblem fans.

Fairly certain none of you Fire Emblem fans here were organizing dislike and review bombs on SNK's content because a Fire Emblem character didn't get announced, so to group you with those lunatics would be unfair.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
Personally, I think designed, and intended are two different things.

Designed is like how a move/character is overall, and how it’s used because of what it does.

While intended is something that was made with the intention of the people who made the character in mind.

I’m saying this because I think a move/character designed doesn’t always equal towards what the developers want they’re character to be.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
You say that as if Mac isn't the worst designed character fron every perspecitve. He's mean to be a noob killer, which makes starting players to pick him which would give them bad fundamentals because Mac's design revolves around him staying alive by spamming Smashes and never going off stage because you're worthless in the air, and for competitive, he sucks so bad in the air that he just isn't worth it, with his limited ground game being easily shut down by clever thinking.
I wish Mac had a bit more strategy to his moveset instead of relying on tanking and super-armor. It doesn’t even represent his gameplay from his home series.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Out of every character in Smash, I have no reason to complain honestly. They are all fun to play as, fun to play against, and an overall joy.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
Remember when the Smash fans claimed that Sakurai was negatively biased simply because Kid Icarus had a lot of its enemies in Smash run, as well as a good amount of trophies in the 3ds version, and has two newcomers in the same installment?

Even though one of them is a clone?

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I sure do like waiting for things to update.

New Yorker Janemba.jpg

Here's a dumb picture to pass the waiting time.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
im talking about hero. all his random stuff is just poor design, and his up,side,and neutral specials are way too good, but there are more poorly balenced characters, like mac for example
Hero's pretty well-designed considering how the RNG requires the player to learn what tools they have and when to use them, not to mention their specials SHOULD be stupid good if they have limited MP, that's basic resource management like so many other fighting games have, Hero was just the first to get it right in Smash. Saying Hero is awfully designed implies you can mash buttons or just spam down B and win, which is only the case if Hero's opponent is a moron

Deleted member

Hero's pretty well-designed considering how the RNG requires the player to learn what tools they have and when to use them, not to mention their specials SHOULD be stupid good if they have limited MP, that's basic resource management like so many other fighting games have, Hero was just the first to get it right in Smash. Saying Hero is awfully designed implies you can mash buttons or just spam down B and win, which is only the case if Hero's opponent is a moron
I'll have you know real Hero mains top deck kamikazee and like it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2018
training stage leaning combos with Ken til I drop
Out of every character in Smash, I have no reason to complain honestly. They are all fun to play as, fun to play against, and an overall joy.
just because a character poorly designed does not mean they are un fun to play, for example, while hero is poorly designed for a competitive game, he is still a blast to play in ffa. i think he is a perfect fit because of that.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
i though were walking about hero
From a design standpount, Hero's probably one of the most well design characters. His RPG mechanics translate very well in to Smash; MP, Crit Hits, and Spells are all very common tropes that RPGs have, and all of that is represented well with Hero. He's not optimal for competitive, sure, but that's not what Sakurai and his team were going for.

Mac is terribly designed because his gimmick doesn't work well at all in Smash, which prioritizes air time a lot. The game encourages you to edgeguard, keep opponents up in the air, defend yourself when returning to the ground, recover, all of which Mac can't do.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2018
training stage leaning combos with Ken til I drop
I'll have you know real Hero mains top deck kamikazee and like it.
ah yes, kamikaze, the suicide move that makes me want to die! how FITTING

From a design standpount, Hero's probably one of the most well design characters. His RPG mechanics translate very well in to Smash; MP, Crit Hits, and Spells are all very common tropes that RPGs have, and all of that is represented well with Hero. He's not optimal for competitive, sure, but that's not what Sakurai and his team were going for.

Mac is terribly designed because his gimmick doesn't work well at all in Smash, which prioritizes air time a lot. The game encourages you to edgeguard, keep opponents up in the air, defend yourself when returning to the ground, recover, all of which Mac can't do.
i will agree to disagree with that. the soul fact that he has RNG in his kit and relies on it half the time is the reason why he is unfit for a competitive environment.

Deleted member

Can you even call yourself a Hero player if you never got Kamikazee from Hocus Pocus? Had that happen to me last week
I've never gotten kamikazee hocus pocus'd. My skill was just too good every time I picked hocus pocus.

ah yes, kamikaze, the suicide move that makes me want to die! how FITTING
Real life suicide bombers train everyday by playing Hero 1-stock.

Deleted member

Mac's problem is that regardless of your skill level it's basically impossible to challenge him on the ground or up-close because he's incredibly volatile and is going to beat out almost everything you try. You have to lame him out in order to win, something that ends up being fun for neither the Mac player or the person playing against them. It's a shame how he turned out because he was the Smash 4 newcomer I was most excited for.
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