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Sep 26, 2013
Calling it now. Terry’s trailer is JUST gonna be that spinning envelope thing and we’re gonna see no gameplay until much much later.
We'll see gameplay.

He'll be out by November/December, meaning that work's been put into him.

Considering they seem to work on 3~ characters at a time if the base game datamine is anything to go off of, assuming absolute worst case scenario, Terry's been worked on ever since Joker was released.

Deleted member

My perfect idea for Zoe's trailer is another continuation of the :ultkrool:/:ultbanjokazooie: saga
:ultisabelle: would disguise herself as Zoe, of course


Dimensional Dile-Up
Feb 26, 2019
Verg's saying it's Terry and after Sabi's THIRTY-SIX HOUR LONG GAME OF CAT AND MOUSE JESUS CHRIST.......pardon me........

She backs up Verg's statement saying "Yup, all this time it was just Terry!"
Thirty-Six hours....I don't feel like she's that credible after what you mentioned.

Deleted member

I think two trailers with that format was fine honestly. I’d rather have something more original than reusing a formula.
Well, I mean
Zoe's never gonna happen anyway so the formula probably won't be reused again :p


Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
You know. A friend of mine said a funny way to do a Dark Souls trailer would be to follow up with what happens to Luigi’s ghost after Simon. Like, he spawns in the asylum and runs around the map for a while freaking out before running into the fighter.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
Imma take your sugar away cause it's the same "This is how Terry and Ryu's trailers will play out, they're reusing assets from previous trailers like Banjo did"

Though I really do hope that the trailers don't play out the exact same way like Banjo's did

Before that

At the same time, Grinch did the oldest trick in the book of fake leaks, add stuff hardcore Smash fans go ape**** about. This... Has a character only 5 people considered before the leak and no major hardcore Smash pick
Sure - barely anyone was considering Terry prior to this which makes his apparent inclusion in an earlier (maybe) leak more interesting

I was going more along the lines of how the Grinch seemed deliberately calculated ("Sakurai's been adding fan favourites, so he's sure to add the rest, Shadow and Ken are gonna be the echos and Mach Rider's our obligatory retro rep") like it seems like this Terry trailer scenario is, when all the Banjo one seemed to be doing by reusing the concept was specifically playing on Rare's history

Anyways, I am fully prepared to be BTFO in a day or two

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Sure - barely anyone was considering Terry prior to this which makes his apparent inclusion in an earlier (maybe) leak more interesting

I was going more along the lines of how the Grinch seemed deliberately calculated ("Sakurai's been adding fan favourites, so he's sure to add the rest, Shadow and Ken are gonna be the echos and Mach Rider's our obligatory retro rep") like it seems like this Terry trailer scenario is, when all the Banjo one seemed to be doing by reusing the concept was specifically playing on Rare's history

Anyways, I am fully prepared to be BTFO in a day or two
Thing is, Grinch isn't the first time this happened. Before Ultimate's announcement it happened for Ridley and K.Rool all the time too, it's why people believed that Tower of Smash thing, Ridley was on it, so it had to be true!

Remember the budget comment Sakurai made when talking about Hero? Thosw trailers are awfully pricey to make so reusing assets for them would reduce the cost quite a bit.
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I also remember back during the Brawl Days there was a rumor of:ultbowserjr::ultridley:and:ulttoonlink: with the latter being the only one confirmed. Ridley was a boss and Jr. didn't get in until Sm4sh although he was close to being cut.

And then there was this other rumor during Brawl's days where this whole roster was announced that had to my knowledge if I can remember King K. Rool and Black Shadow being in it. That wasn't the case.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
All Hayabusa has to do is take a fair amount of inspiration from NG Black onwards.
That's where all his good **** is. And y'know, the GOAT armour


Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
All Hayabusa has to do is take a fair amount of inspiration from NG Black onwards.
That's where all his good **** is. And y'know, the GOAT armour
Hayabusa is one of those weird characters where people don’t absolutely despise his modern redesign. Which I think is interesting since Sakurai tends towards a characters classic look. I imagine him getting both.

Deleted member

Does anyone have an unusual/unpopular most wanted?

Personally, mine is the Rabbids with the Cart from Go Home, Ayumi, Elise from FE Fates, and a few more.
At this point, Geno might as well be unusual to the community.

Though, I also want Hat Kid from A Hat in Time because I really fell in love with that game.

Deleted member

Does anyone have an unusual/unpopular most wanted?

Personally, mine is the Rabbids with the Cart from Go Home, Ayumi, Elise from FE Fates, and a few more.
Hello, sole member of Zoe Gang here
Also, I want Classic Robotnik in Smash

Deleted member

Sorry to interrupt all this leak talk but I have a quick question, I'm kind of a nut for Video Game history and I like hearing a lot about it so I decided to play through Nintendo's library of games but I don't think I could play all of them as that would be impossible so my question is this:

What do you think are the top 10 most important Video Games in terms of Nintendo's History?
With my limited gaming knowledge

Pong and Pacman - First games iirc
Super Mario Bros - Iconic foundation for video games
Legend of Zelda - Another iconic foundation
Sonic the Hedgehog - Iconic mascot rival that insidiously grows into the Sonic the Hedgehog movie
Mario 64 - First 3d Mario game and is fondly remembered
Cave Story - one of the strongest cases of an indie creator being a total maverick and success with enough time and effort.
Dragon Quest - granddaddy of JRPGs
Wii Sports - motion controls baybee
Doom - Sources say it's what revolutionized the FPS genre
Street Fighter - fighting games
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I do hope there is a second fighters Pass. Not just because of the fact that I still have a lot of characters I'd like to see in but also because Smash doesn't happen that often and I'd like to keep talking about a game I love with people I enjoy for a lot longer.

Even if I didn't get a single character I wanted in a second one. At least I'd get to talk about Smash more.
id rather there not be a 2nd pass and give Sakurai a break. You can still talk about the game with making Sakurais hand hurt even more then it is now
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Deleted member

With my limited gaming knowledge

Pong and Pacman - First games iirc
Super Mario Bros - Iconic foundation for video games
Legend of Zelda - Another iconic foundation
Sonic the Hedgehog - Iconic mascot ria that insidiously grows into the Sonic the Hedgehog movie
Mario 64 - First 3d Mario game and is fondly remembered
Cave Story - one of the strongest cases of an indie creator being a total maverick and success with enough time and effort.
Dragon Quest - granddaddy of JRPGs
Wii Sports - motion controls baybee
Doom - Sources say it's what revolutionized the FPS genre
Street Fighter - fighting games
I can't believe you forgot Pokemon
I think that being the most iconic media franchise ever should land it a spot on this list

Deleted member

I can't believe you forgot Pokemon
I think that being the most iconic media franchise ever should land it a spot on this list
Oh ****. Shoto said in "nintendo history." Not in general. Pokemon would be on that list yeah

But in my general gaming list, DQ revolutionized JRPGs, which Pokemon is. Without the Chadrick, Pokemon wouldn't even be what it is, which is why I thought it took priority.
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
At this point these are the characters I feel will be the last one given the picks so far having gaming history and impact as well as solid ties to Nintendo.

Capcom pick - Phoenix Wright or Resident Evil rep
Doom Slayer
Ryu Hayabusa

What do you guys think? Then again Sakurai may surprise us yet again with an character we don't expect.


Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
id rather there not be a 2nd pass and give Sakurai a break. You can still talk about the game with making Sakurais hand hurt even more then it is now
Honestly, do you really think Nintendo will LET him take a break? No. As soon as he’s done with Smash he’ll be off to Kid Icarus Uprising 2 or whatever. So I think the best option is to keep the dlc going as long as possible. Making single characters is undoubtedly much less work than making whole games in the same span of time. I imagine this is the closest to a break he can actually get.

At this point these are the characters I feel will be the last one given the picks so far having gaming history and impact as well as solid ties to Nintendo.

Capcom pick - Phoenix Wright or Resident Evil rep
Doom Slayer
Ryu Hayabusa

What do you guys think? Then again Sakurai may surprise us yet again with an character we don't expect.
I still think we’re getting a second Namco character. I’d love for it to be from Tekken, but it really could be anyone.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Honestly, do you really think Nintendo will LET him take a break? No. As soon as he’s done with Smash he’ll be off to Kid Icarus Uprising 2 or whatever. So I think the best option is to keep the dlc going as long as possible. Making single characters is undoubtedly much less work than making whole games in the same span of time. I imagine this is the closest to a break he can actually get.
I mean, Sakurai is a freelancer, not a Nintendo employee


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
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Deleted member

So why do people think that Vergeben saying that Terry is in means it's 100% confirmed?
He said that the Square Enix character was going to be at the Game Awards, but it was Joker.
He also said that Steve was going to be the Microsoft rep until like a week before E3.
Don't take his word as fact just because he's gotten some things right before.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
So why do people think that Vergeben saying that Terry is in means it's 100% confirmed?
He said that the Square Enix character was going to be at the Game Awards, but it was Joker.
He also said that Steve was going to be the Microsoft rep until like a week before E3.
Don't take his word as fact just because he's gotten some things right before.
He literally never said Steve was a character and reveal order has never mattered with legitimate leaks.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Honestly, do you really think Nintendo will LET him take a break? No. As soon as he’s done with Smash he’ll be off to Kid Icarus Uprising 2 or whatever. So I think the best option is to keep the dlc going as long as possible. Making single characters is undoubtedly much less work than making whole games in the same span of time. I imagine this is the closest to a break he can actually get.
I think he wont let himself take a break, to be honest and I think he said he didnt wanna make a sequal to uprising
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Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
So why do people think that Vergeben saying that Terry is in means it's 100% confirmed?
He said that the Square Enix character was going to be at the Game Awards, but it was Joker.
He also said that Steve was going to be the Microsoft rep until like a week before E3.
Don't take his word as fact just because he's gotten some things right before.
He's gotten things wrong but he's usually right

I am a little sceptical though since all this only came out after the copyright error


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2018
Directs aren't usually announced for another hour
Nah it's usually 9 AM Eastern time, so the Direct is probably not tomorrow.
Guess we're waiting on Thursday

Edit: Forgot daylight savings, you're right. One more hour for a potential announcement
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