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Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
Well gee, I wonder what uber-successful IP Capcom has that has the initials "RE." What a mystery :yoshi:
From what got leaked it's apparently a co-op game?
I'm interested in knowing if it's Resident Evil 8 or a spin-off title.


Sep 26, 2013
>Update on my long lost half-sister

>Went to Lunch and it was a-ok

"Hey we should get together with my sister sometime soon."

*Oh right I have two half sis---*

"She has three kids!"

*Jesus H. Christ*
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Question for those who have played black eagles:
Can I get a dark seal in the time skip? I just did the remire village chapter and the only one could live and beat death knight was my fortress knight edelgard at level 21.

However her accuracy was **** and she could kill him and it got to a point where jeralt was going to kill Solon so I couldn’t drag it out more.

No one I had despite being level 19 and with c-b rank battalions could damage or live a bit from Death Knight.

So is he fightable for one in the time skip? I know he’s allied with edelgard but I don’t think he actually will join me. I don’t want major spoilers just an answer.

I also have Caspar and Mercedes who have the DK paralouge. Do you actual get a dark seal for killing him on that though? I know if Caspar beats him, you get the scythe, but I don’t know about anything else.

I just want dark bishop Hubert.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Question for those who have played black eagles:
Can I get a dark seal in the time skip? I just did the remire village chapter and the only one could live and beat death knight was my fortress knight edelgard at level 21.

However her accuracy was **** and she could kill him and it got to a point where jeralt was going to kill Solon so I couldn’t drag it out more.

No one I had despite being level 19 and with c-b rank battalions could damage or live a bit from Death Knight.

So is he fightable for one in the time skip? I know he’s allied with edelgard but I don’t think he actually will join me. I don’t want major spoilers just an answer.

I also have Caspar and Mercedes who have the DK paralouge. Do you actual get a dark seal for killing him on that though? I know if Caspar beats him, you get the scythe, but I don’t know about anything else.

I just want dark bishop Hubert.
Don't think so but I'm not sure. Next time, maybe invest in a thief or Lysithea

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I pose the question again because I think it’s interesting. What kinds of tracks do you think would be in a “Super Smash Kart”
Phendrana Drifts for a Metroid Track, same with Norfair, especially if it has funky Ridley Statues and doorways from the Super Metroid Version. Regular ass Brinstar works well as a jungle track with some added rainy visuals to it.

If you want to go crazy, A Metroid Prime 2 stage that bounces back and forth between dark and light as you go through the track.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Question for those who have played black eagles:
Can I get a dark seal in the time skip? I just did the remire village chapter and the only one could live and beat death knight was my fortress knight edelgard at level 21.

However her accuracy was **** and she could kill him and it got to a point where jeralt was going to kill Solon so I couldn’t drag it out more.

No one I had despite being level 19 and with c-b rank battalions could damage or live a bit from Death Knight.

So is he fightable for one in the time skip? I know he’s allied with edelgard but I don’t think he actually will join me. I don’t want major spoilers just an answer.

I also have Caspar and Mercedes who have the DK paralouge. Do you actual get a dark seal for killing him on that though? I know if Caspar beats him, you get the scythe, but I don’t know about anything else.

I just want dark bishop Hubert.
Oh I hate to tell you this, but green units can't kill bosses, only you can, so short of letting Jeralt die without healing, you could take your time.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I have lysthea, did I miss something with here? I had thief byletth but couldn’t get in good range to risk it
Lysithea's skill means she gets extra skill experience on the battlefield. Lysithea is a glass cannon in magic. Lysithea gets Dark Spikes T at B rank of Reason. Dark Spikes T is an anti-cavalry spell. Death Knight is cavalry unit and has been oneshotted by most, if not all Lysitheas who have that spell. Death Knight is always stationary until he initiates combat so you could have waited until the past turn possible
EDIT: You didn't beat the map?
Solon has **** defence, let Byleth steal the seal while someone smacks Solon
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Oh I hate to tell you this, but green units can't kill bosses, only you can, so short of letting Jeralt die without healing, you could take your time.
I did beat it unfortunately. And Lythsia was on the other side of the map but I honestly didn’t think she would have one shot anyway even with the horse killer. I guess that will be good to know for my GD playthrough next.

Oh I hate to tell you this, but green units can't kill bosses, only you can, so short of letting Jeralt die without healing, you could take your time.
They cant? Why does it say they have the damage for a kill then?

Even so the death knight was in range of byletth ferdniand, hubert, dorothea and edelgard. I held off as much as I could but at that point he had to much range and would have killed someone making me waste the pulses on it.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I did beat it unfortunately. And Lythsia was on the other side of the map but I honestly didn’t think she would have one shot anyway even with the horse killer. I guess that will be good to know for my GD playthrough next.

They cant? Why does it say they have the damage for a kill then?

Even so the death knight was in range of byletth ferdniand, hubert, dorothea and edelgard. I held off as much as I could but at that point he had to much range and would have killed someone making me waste the pulses on it.
Stealing doesn't initiate combat

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
I pose the question again because I think it’s interesting. What kinds of tracks do you think would be in a “Super Smash Kart”
I'll come up with one per series. Except Mario related ones because... uh, obvious reasons.

Zelda - Death Mountain
Metroid - Brinstar Depths
Kirby - Gourmet Race
Star Fox - Corneria City
Pokemon - Lumiose City
F-Zero - Sand Ocean
EarthBound - Onett Circuit
Ice Climber - Icicle Mountain
Fire Emblem - Ylisstol Streets
Game & Watch - ...okay, this one wouldn't work if we're operating under Smash rules that Game & Watch's world is flat.
Kid Icarus - Skyworld
Pikmin - Awakening Wood
R.O.B. - He doesn't get a stage, he was already in Mario Kart before, so he doesn't get one just like in Smash.
Animal Crossing - ...Animal Crossing.
Wii Fit - I'm gonna cheat a bit and count "WiiWare" all as one, so Wuhu Island.
Punch-Out!! - City Training Streets
Xenoblade Chronicles - Sword Valley
Duck Hunt - Hunting Fields
Splatoon - Humpback Pump Track
Metal Gear - Groznyj Grad
Sonic - Seaside Hill
Mega Man - Central Highway
Pac-Man - Haunted Boardwalk
Street Fighter - Suzaku Castle Circuit
Final Fantasy VII - Midgar Streets
Bayonetta - Vigrid
Castlevania - Dracula's Castle
Persona 5 - Mementos
Dragon Quest - Alefgard
Banjo-Kazooie - Gruntilda's Lair


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Honest question since this topic seems to happen with some frequency. Why does the order a character "gets in" matters? I mean, if we are being honest after a few of the reveals I would argue that the order a character appears in the game seems inconsequential.
It really shouldn't matter in the long run, but I guess I can somehow relate to the people who say stuff like this.

It'll always feel weird to me that Bayonetta somehow got in Smash before Ridley, and even more weird that Snake got in before Sonic, Mega Man, and every other third-party.


Sep 26, 2013
It really shouldn't matter in the long run, but I guess I can somehow relate to the people who say stuff like this.

It'll always feel weird to me that Bayonetta somehow got in Smash before Ridley, and even more weird that Snake got in before Sonic, Mega Man, and every other third-party.
I mean, Snake's not that odd.

It was both:

A: A personal request by Kojima and

B: That was still around the time where Sega was kinda iffy with Nintendo(See, the fact Brawl was delayed because of Sonic)

In a perfect world, Sonic would have gotten in first because, ****ing Mario vs Sonic, but things played out weirdly.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I pose the question again because I think it’s interesting. What kinds of tracks do you think would be in a “Super Smash Kart”
While I play a lot of Deluxe, I'm less familiar with how most Mario Kart tracks are established (played mainly Wii and Deluxe), and even less familiar with the games of the vast majority of characters on the roster. That being said, I'll try my best.

Mushroom Cup
1. Mario Circuit
2. Bowser's Castle
3. Yoshi Circuit
4. Mount Wario

Triforce Cup
5. Hyrule Circuit
6. Gerudo Valley
7. Termina Circuit
8. Outset Island

Banana Cup
9. DK Jungle
10. Fossil Canyon
11. DK Island
12. Treasure Trove Cove

Star Cup
13. Planet Popstar
14. Lylat Cruise
15. Planet Zebes
16. Rainbow Road

Pokeball Cup
17. Viridian City
18. Spear Pillar
19. Prism Tower
20. Ultra Space

Leaf Cup
21. Onett
22. Distant Planet
23. Animal Crossing
24. Wily's Castle

Speed Cup
25. Mute City
26. Big Blue
27. Green Hill
28. Radical Highway

Sword Cup
29. Castle Siege
30. Coliseum Circuit
31. Midgar Arena
32. Yggdrasil's Altar

Cloud Cup
33. Cloudtop Cruise
34. Corneria Circuit
35. Halberd
36. Sky World

Ghost Cup
37. Twisted Mansion
38. Last Resort Circuit
39. Pac-Maze
40. Dracula's Castle

Still not a fan of this, because it was difficult to get every series how I wanted it within the limitations I set, and there's certainly less variety here than I would expect from a Mario Kart game, which is perhaps a result of my categorization. There were also some series associated with non-playable characters in Smash (e.g., Excitebike) that I wanted to include. I'll think it over and see if I can do better, but this suffices for now.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
She was released from the hospital earlier today (well, technically yesterday since it's after midnight).

Long story short, she did have an infection that could have gotten nasty as well as some serious dehydration (since she kept vomiting whenever she drank any water), but they pumped her up with antibiotics and water and she's mostly recovered already. All's well that ends well.

Anyway, her birthday is coming up this next week so I'm really glad she's recovering so quickly.

There's this small convention we've been going to for the past couple years as a little Birthday tradition for her and I've already bought the tickets. They like to hold small informal Smash tournaments there and I've gotten a little bit of a reputation as "the Charizard guy" with a couple other folks there - this year I plan to return as "the Pokemon Trainer guy". I won't be a low tier champ this year but maybe with the power of a top tier at my side I might place higher then second or third this time. I've been grinding my RaR Bairs a bunch in preparation. And hey, maybe if I feel really confident I'll pull out my pocket Zelda.

I'm probably not going to wear a cosplay. Last year my sister talked me into doing a Dipper half-cosplay while she went with Mable, but this year one of her friends wants to do that with her instead. I don't really have any costumes so *shrug*. Maybe I'll get Red's hat or something to wear. I'm sure I'll find an overpriced one at one of the booths there if I look around enough.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Honest question since this topic seems to happen with some frequency. Why does the order a character "gets in" matters? I mean, if we are being honest after a few of the reveals I would argue that the order a character appears in the game seems inconsequential.
It doesn't really matter that much. At most it's weird when certain characters get priority within a series - Zero Suit Samus getting in two games before Ridley - but overall it's not a big deal.

While I feel like K. Rool and Ridley were by far the biggest missing characters in the roster for Smash 4, it's not like I'm looking at Shulk and saying "you should be a big evil reptile!" It just didn't work out. Sakurai had to be convinced to add them, and he honored that in the next game.

I don't think we're really at the point in the roster where X character getting in before Y is a dealbreaker.
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Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
What if the Submerged Castle and Dream Den from Pikmin were Mario Kart tracks?

The whole race isn't you vs the other racers: it's everyone trying to escape the Waterwraith

And regarding tracks for a Super Smash Kart (sticking to series I'm more aware of ):

Wario - Diamond City (think the arcade Mario Kart had a Diamond City track, but it was in name only and had little to do with Wario)
Donkey Kong - Frozen DK Island
Pikmin - Awakening Wood
Splatoon - A track based on Salmon Run
Pokemon - PokeFloats (if it can't make it into Smash, it can make it into Mario Kart dammnit)

Animal Crossing and Zelda already have tracks, though I'd kind of like it if Zelda got one a little less generic

Have also got some ideas for potential DLC for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (in line with the stuff it got on the Wii U), but maybe I'll wait until later to post it


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Funimation is wild. What in the hell am I reading?

That audio. What. The. **** am I hearing. LOOOL!

There's no way I can watch the English Dub of Dragon Ball with a straight face anymore after those leaks.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Funimation is wild. What in the hell am I reading?

That audio. What. The. **** am I hearing. LOOOL!

There's no way I can watch the English Dub of Dragon Ball with a straight face anymore after those leaks.
Oh damn what happened
*reads context* That's pretty common for animation studios since the 30's but that's pretty ba-wait it was 20 years ago? Still bad but why the outra-*the leaker is mignogna's lawyer who does the same **** alongside making fun of school shootings to this day* Ohhhh THAT'S why people are mad about this


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
>Update on my long lost half-sister

>Went to Lunch and it was a-ok

"Hey we should get together with my sister sometime soon."

*Oh right I have two half sis---*

"She has three kids!"

*Jesus H. Christ*
Yikes, that's a big expansion pack.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'm working my way through my backlog - should I focus on Super Mario World next, or Super Mario 64?

For Mario World, I've owned it for years, but I've never sat down and played through the whole game (it was a hand-me-down from my cousins, and they already had a 100% complete save file). I last left off on Roy's castle, which is further than I've ever gotten previously.

Meanwhile, I've never owned Mario 64 (my Nintendo 64 came with Banjo-Kazooie and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, so I never bought Mario 64 for whatever reason), so this will be my first time playing it. (through the Wii U's Virtual Console)

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Morning peeps. Whats up
A good morning.

Got up, fed the dogs, then took them outside to play for an hour before taking each for an half hour walk. I think doing one-on-ones with Sophie will make it easier for her to learn and get better control of since when on leash she'll try to run at other dogs that way then I can start taking them both at once.

Later my brother and sister-in-law are coming to pick me up so we can go to our grandma's before they drop me off at work.

So pretty good so far.
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