@Michael the Spikester
What iconic kills do you think they’ll replicate for Terminator, Joker, and Spawn’s fatalities. Heck, throw in Ash while your at it.
And DoomSlayer. And Micheal Myers.
And Guts.
What iconic kills will become the fatalities for all these guys?
I can't comment on all of them, but for the characters that I know about, some options come to mind:
The Joker: the uncensored version of
his finishing move from Mortal Kombat vs. DC, only gorier (and on-screen), or a reference to the death of Jason Todd (beating someone viciously with a crowbar before blowing them up)
The Terminator: crushing his opponent's skull with his foot, like in
the opening scene of Terminator 2 (in the video, it's just a skull, not a human head, so there's no blood)
EDIT: Just thought of another one - he freezes the opponent with liquid nitrogen, says "Hasta la vista, baby", and shoots them, shattering them into hundreds of pieces.
Doom Slayer: they could probably use any of the Glory Kills from Doom (2016), particularly the Berserk kills, the chainsaw, or the finishing move against the Spider Mastermind (point-blank BFG shot)
Michael Myers: I've only seen Halloween 1, 2, and the 2018 one, so I'm sure the other movies have more elaborate kills. However, one that comes to mind is a death near the end of Halloween (2018), where he stomps on someone's head and it basically explodes. There's also the death of Bob from the original (lifts someone up, stabs them, pins them to a wall, and tilts his head), which is iconic but seems better-suited for a throw. From what little I've seen, Michael's kills tend to be quick - there's no literal fountains of blood like with Freddy, or anything like Jason's sleeping bag kill.